Bodhi Plant Guide

Hmm I’m wondering if this s1 project so I don’t have to run clones will be worth it now. Thanks sir.


Could be worth it if you cross the stable s1s to make further generations to reduce the tendency to herm.

That’s true. Idk l’ll feminize it if anything for practice regardless.

Grab these two to make STS. It’s a lot cheaper than buying pre made and it should also be more effective since it’d be a fresh mix.


Thanks. I don’t want to stray too far off the bodhi plant discussion but I appreciate that.

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That “blood trait” is supposed to be an indicator of “high brix,” as I’m sure you already know. I have no idea what that means as far as the smoke is concerned, though. I honestly don’t know (or care?) what “high brix” means at all haha.

I do know that one of the C. Gold x Dragon Energy plants (not Bodhi! Sorry to mention it!) I grew had that going on, bled all over the place when I topped her (posted a few shitty pics of it in that log), but the smoke from that plant wasn’t nearly as enjoyable to me as the one that didn’t “bleed.”


Well, all 20 of the dragonsblood hashplant are still surviving through stress testing (lower left) I’d say they finally got pissed with the overwatering and heat, but it seems like most will make it through.

Also, I’ve eliminated 1 of the 12 plants from the SSDD F1 gene pool. All 12 plants have shown me something and I’m truly impressed with this pack, but this one was a boy that clearly packed the vigor of the others. I’ve started documenting them individually, but it’s probably way more than you guys want to see or know. So here’s a little snippet… These are from last week and some are twice the size


A little update as promised. Master of Muppets in the front row, Midnight Cowboys in the back, day 46 of 12/12.

Master of Muppets - 2 phenos:

Midnight Cowboys:


Generally high brix plants are agreed to be healthier than their lower brix counter parts, also the fruits usually taste better because brix is the level of dissolved sugars within the plant. Some researchers point out plants with high brix could potentially ward off pest and disease as well. I shoot for the highest brix for any plants I grow including herbs. I want to note that during nearly every harvest I observe guttation and this seems to be a direct correlation of having high brix. To review the levels of brix you would need to make a leaf sap solution and place it onto a refractometer. Absolutely not a tool that is needed for cannabis growing but it is cool to see where youre at percentage wise. I can say after focusing on getting my brix levels higher the end product is much nicer in comparison.


What kind of brix level u usually enconter wirh cannabis… ??

I do not base any “keepers” on brix. Also don’t know anyone that works in local grows for dispensaries or private that do this either. Can copy and paste all you want…

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Moms lemon cream pie @ 9 weeks…
If i had cut any side branches this would be an 18" donkey dick…lets see how the next couple of weeks go…


Brix levels are used in a bit of ag areas, it’s a metric to help monitor plant health. It can protect against pest having a high brix level because it makes the plant kinda “poisonous” to them at certain levels. But just because you haven’t seen it used doesn’t mean it isn’t. I’m in the Midwest and it’s widely used through agricultural.


They use brix to know when to harvest oranges for juicing. I’d have to leave the Tropicana guy a little mesh bag of oranges every week near harvest time for him to check brix and say when they wanted them harvested.


the real question is how does that relate to the smoke tho?

is brix level monitored in tobacco?

In corn you want high brix for sure, and when you chop the cob off the stalk the sugar converts to starch. Somes line quicker than other’s. Like Silver Queen corn is supposed to be one of the best sweet corns for the last 50+ years, but it’s only the best if you can eat it the same day it was picked as it’s one of the quickest to convert the sugar to starch. So not eaten the same day, within hours of being picked, and its worse than modern yellow or yellow/white sweet corn varieties that can hold their sugar content for days longer.


It’s not just about sugar content it’s a measure of overall plant healthy, a plants brix level will drop and raise. There’s some forest I can’t remember which one that has a naturally high brix level but the trees are free of pest and pathogens naturally. I want to say a brix above 12 makes is essentially highly pest resistant as the pest can’t eat the sap with being poisonous to them. It’s a tool to help monitor overall status. Not just sugar content.


Is this the bodhi plant guide or a big brix contest?


It just seems like, from the small bit of research I’ve done, that certain plants used for certain things(eating vs smoking vs whatever) seem to want the brix level to be in a certain range when picked and not necessarily as high or as low as it could go… :thinking:

edit: sorry for the offtopic, i get distrated easily :sweat_smile:


I used to run dep greenies, and a lot of it was sold at dispos around cali. All we cared about was brix content lol. Dispensary growers now are growing what we called boof. Low brix, and high carbon content. I can promise you, high carbon doesnt make great smoke. Old campfire terps lol

Heres a Sky Lotus mom before a haircut to keep it on topic


12 is a high brix, a sweet ripe Fuji apple is 10-14.