Bodhi Plant Guide

Obviously its an agriculture mainstay. Nobody here in MA growing for dispensaries or for local gives a fuck about it. CA is already a broken system as well. Better off working for the USPS in that state…


I was gonnna switch over to growing wasabi lol. Youll make a ton more money doing that in central cali nowadays. Out here most of the big ops are using green card labor, literally below minumum wage to work on a legal weed farm. Even the “managers” make 45-60k a year. Be better off working at a bar or restaurant these days. Which kills me seeing those shady “canna cribs” videos. Trying to hype an industry that’s screwing people over in every direction is shameful. Power to the home growers!


I’ve thought about ginseng root.

Sounds super close to the cardboard terps that seem to be everyone’s favorite. :persevere:


Wasabi roots take forever to grow in my experience. Working at a nice restaurant is the move though easily 400-500 in tips every night.


Right. I was just kinda kidding about not knowing what it means haha, definitely read plenty about it, although I don’t really “shoot” for high brix levels by doing whatever it is people do to increase them.

Also, very nice job getting people all agitated about something that really didn’t necessitate so many, uh, “passionate” responses. When a bunch of random people get mad at you for a totally innocuous post, you know you’re on the right track haha.

Anywayyyy… Bodhi.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Who have I pissed off?

Happy Butthurt Sunday!
Hope everyone is having a great day!



Gelato 41 x ‘88g13 Hp up top

f2 triple sunshine on the bottom

Kali mist x Garlic Pickle x Purple Lemon Thai in the middle. The middle plant has some vigor.


Unicorn Milk day 85 of 12/12.


Such a long flowering time - were you expecting it and do you see the light at the end of the tunnel? I’m considering running these, thanks!


I think this is one of those plants that will just keep throwing new white pistils daily. Its hard to tell from the pics but the buds are covered in orange/brown pistils and milky and amber trichomes all over. I probably could have pulled it a week ago by the look of the trichomes. Gots to be the least smelly plant i have ever grown from bodhi.


I will say that I have both a mother’s HP and a couple of Mother’s Milk F2 with virtually no scent.

Thanks much, @BuckBreeder - it wasn’t on the top of my list and probably won’t get there too soon. I appreciate you sharing your experience.


As someone who tested this strain and has kept it around . You want to get it out of direct intense light , for it to finish.
Until you do , those white pistals will not stop. They will slow down just a bit. But won’t stop.

Enjoy the smoke. I sure did and still am.


How long does your keeper flower for? I pulled mine yesterday at 85 days. I did have my light turned down to half power for the last couple of weeks. So about 365 watts of led.


That’s 365w in a 4x4?


Yes. Its an ac infinity ion frame evo 8.


No longer then 70-75 days FF max. The high gets pretty bland after that. Not weak , just bland. Plus the terps also seem to drop way off.
It is really annoying, pretty much impossible, trying to scope this cross given the purple trichs. That is why I did so much experimenting with harvest times.
I can’t comment on the LED , I run 1k hps for flowering. With my lighting , unless they were shoved into the corner , they never looked even slightly finished.
The only reason I realized this was noticing the pistils finishing on the sides of the buds , not getting direct light , the first few runs.

PU F3 crosses are still my favorite purple weed ever.
Hope my rambling is helpful


grandmas hp. very recognizable leaves on all the ogs crossed to 88 g13/hp/nl1. i have black triangle and 6 gmas hp. similar leaf patterns.


The Grandma’s, in my experience and opinion of course, is the best HP cross from B. And half a dozen to select from, lucky you!! Prolly all winners. Crushing it OD too way to go that’s gonna taste so good. Thanks for sharing.