Bodhi Plant Guide

hi Emr. were your Grandmas hashplants very og dominant? it was not restocked on the last drop. at least i did not see it.


Hi Freddie, my first keeper from a half pack had a sturdy hash plant frame dense with tight resin packed golf balls stinking like cheesy puppy paws, purple stemmed vigorous and easy going loved to be topped, not a ton of stretch. After I lost her I ran the rest and kept a lanky stretchy sour kushy tasting girl that forced me to get the bamboo, but she was worth the effort, exceptionally potent.


thanks for the thoughtful reply Emr. this is my first time with them. tynehead tom aka shsc-1 spoke so highly of them i had to take a look. some say the Irene may be a cross of bubba-og. did you see that Emr?


Boy that’s the million dollar question eh haha. Certainly beyond me, but I’d love to look thru some S1s (supposedly really hard to reverse according to nspecta). I’d be curious to know what he thinks of her origins.


divine intervention update:

stacking early!!


Thank you for the update. I have a pack myself. Are you getting any smells yet?


Hollyweed at 39 days


Nice plant is that v2?


Yup… at the moment smells of lemon peel


Looking killer for 39 days, let us know how it smoke :muscle:


Thats great to hear, I picked up an imperial majesty, secret chief and time bandit. Hopefully I get some OG leaners.


Phone home might have been a great one too


Thats next on my list if they are still available in a few weeks.


Here’s the grow log of that Imperial Majesty, if you’re interested: Bodhi Dread Bread and Imperial Majesty; Lucky Dog Diesel Therapy; Doc D Purple Corinto Budder x A5Thai, Outer Limits and Sour Diesel x DE

And here’s the grow log of the Time Bandits I grew (first log ever on OG! haha): Bodhi Time Bandit and Goji, if you wanna check that out. Just scroll through them until you start seeing pictures; my grow logs tend to get extremely chatty haha.

I liked the Imperial smoke more than the Time Bandits, but a couple of friends of mine who are self-proclaimed “Indica fans” reeeallllyyyy liked the Time Bandit. I’ve never actually smoked that specific White Fire #43 that Bodhi used, but I have smoked a lot of the “regular” White Fire from Raskal. That was great, great weed, but from everything I’ve read about the #43, it sounds like those TLC guys picked the wrong plant when they supposedly planted 500 seeds or whatever haha. Doesn’t sound anything at all like how the White Fire I used to get smoked.

Also, just as an aside, I googled “White Fire OG” when I was writing this because I couldn’t remember Raskal’s name for a second and the very first thing that came up, the very first sentence, was a leafly thing that said,”Bred by unknown breeders…” haha. Everybody knows that Raskal did, there’s no mystery there.

Gawd, those sites are sooooooo fucking useless… haha. Leafly… Gimmes a break…


I hate to be controversial yet brave, but I dont think any of those big Jungle Boys hunts yielded anything good. They are notorious for terrible selections. But Ive also smoked their stuff more than a few times, and it always looked good, with no terps. And when smoked tasted like day old campfire, no matter the strain.

But I agree fully, there was a White Fire that was popular, and the Jungle Boys “version” is just super watered down. I assume Bodhi just breeds with it for the same reason he breeds stuff like Oreoz or whatever the flavor of the week is. Gotta have crosses that appeal to the newer and more hype-driven growers. Ive had more than a few people tell me “his strains dont sound very good” because its not all cookies x cookies “exotics” lol. Oh well, more Bodhi packs for me!

Here’s a Neroli91 F2 testers with 17 day veg from seed to keep it on topic. If anyone finds this pheno in the F2s, please for the love of all that is good, make seeds with it😂


Thank you. read through it, I have grown wifi43 x Irene just one seed and I didn’t enjoy that one. Going to be honest I don’t love too much Pine. hopefully I get more lemon with some of these.

edit, I have smoke wifi and loved that. I was expecting something that leans towards that. All I read is wifi 43 is suppose to be superior. WTF do I know anyway…lol I’ll hopefully find something I like.

currently running, GP BX, Dracarys, JOSH G, Josh D s1’s, El Puré, GSC 2.0., Dracarys, courtside kush , blue nips,OG Mango x pre98.

The Bodhi wont be grown till next year probably. I have some Black Triangle x strawberry Milk I want to run first and a full back log. Might run some fire alien kush first. I do feel like I should have snagged the wifi x snow lotus instead. see that grow and the buds seemed to lean towards wifi.


I don’t think you’re being controversial (or brave haha) by saying that those Jungle Boys guys are not good “selectors” haha. Everything I’ve read about that #43 (and I’m talking about actual grow logs from actual growers and the ensuing smoke reports, not the garbage written on fucking leafly or allbud or whatever) hasn’t sounded anything at all like the White Fire I’ve smoked. There was nothing at all “heavy” or “Indica-ish” about that.

I did like the Time Bandits, though, didn’t feel like it was a waste of time to grow them or anything. All four of the plants smoked great; great enough that I bought another pack a while after I grew them to supplement the remaining seeds I still had. That, plus I was like,”Alright, I’ll do my Indica Friends who loved it a favor and maybe grow some more of those in the future. Just for them…” haha.

Yeah, for sure. No doubt. He’s gotta make a living, right? Haha.

“Probably”? “Next year”? Then why are you even asking now??? Haha.

SFV’s the only OG I’ve ever smoked that I thought was super-lemony-tasting, so maybe you wanna try that Secret Chief first (next year haha). Maybe ask on that “Bodhi Seed and Strain Discussion” thread instead of this one. There’ll probably be more people there who can help you out.


I’ve grown a good amount of cuts, and Oreoz is one I held for a little while. Bodhi used Oreoz because it’s one hell of a plant with a nice high. Pretty basic chocolatey kush terps, but everything about growing that plant is pretty impressive. An idiot could grow beautiful frosty buds.

In looking at what Bodhi breeds with as far as cookies cuts, he selects well for the most part IMO. Forum, Oreoz, Gelato 41, they’re legitimately good, not just hype. In fact I think is safe to say that they’re reliable breeding tools at this point. Overplayed, but yeah, it’s frost on easy mode. It’s almost comical how many solid clone only cuts have made it into the market that have Oreoz as a parent. I’d actually love to grow all the cookies stuff from Bodhi, because he generally selects nice males. Ghash and SSDD x forum/gelato 41/Oreoz would be truly fun hunts imo.

Well, more cowbell was, but damn they’ve been nice. I’ve used them in my work, begrudgingly. I don’t feel the world needs me breeding more cookies related strains, but sometimes the plants decide and you just need to make Blueberry Cowbells and “I’ve got a fevah!/Igaf” aka Ghost OG x MCB :nerd_face:

Also, Oreoz is over a decade old, I think? I don’t think we can keep calling something “hype” when it’s stood the test of time so well.

The best part about Oreoz, it churns out winners for progeny and they often end up smelling like the other parent. Pure Michigan is a good example, some phenos are heavy chem, burnt rubber and hit really hard, some with phenomenal highs.

Anyway, I’m ranting because I’d like to hear and see what these are like more often, but I don’t think those beans are moving /rant off :green_heart::v:




Ironically I ran the 41 and forum(as well as gelato 7, 33, and a handful of other cookies/ogs) and I personally was never into them. I totally agree the gelatos were a breeze to grow. I was running deps half a mile off the coast, and foot tall gelato clones would yield me 2.5-3 oz a little plant, and sold to the east coast brokers for SHAMEFUL amounts lol. But us as the growers were never smoking on it. Even back then, we were all about the chems family stuff. I ended up scrapping all the cookies stuff for that old Berry White cut.

Honestly the best one i hunted for a cookies deal was a Field Trip from B. My buddy tested a batch he grew from some cuts I gave him, and it was over 30% cannabinoids back in 2018 when that was pretty damn rare. But even then, the high was so lackluster compared to other stuff. Bag appeal was 10/10. But Ive got a nasty ass spinal cord injury/severed nerves/rare neuro disease and Ive always found cookies anything to be the least medicinal bud for me. And doing a ton of those weed cups, most of the patients that needed strong meds were in the same boat. No hate on those who love it though. All weed is good, just about preference to me.

Hype is such a strange thing. Having (shamefully) grown so many hype cuts over the years, I really found only a small handful had real substance. Usually it seemed hype stuff was more about super easy to grow well like you mentioned. Then the rappers would go out and hype it(much appreciated lol), and all the young folks wanted to smoke it. Thats what I noticed at least. The old heads wanted their kushes and gas. The youths were the ones obsessing over certain names that were popular in that moment. But we always called it girl weed at the time. Sweet, pretty colors, and very mild highs. Which seems like 80%+ of the weed market wants that to be totally fair. I guess not everyone wants to get stoned to the bone like we did :rofl: