Bodhi Plant Guide

Jesus Christ… Steep Hill misspelled the word “Field” on that analysis haha… How can you trust anything they’ve ever had to say about anything if they didn’t even notice that?

I agree with the rest of your post, though haha!


Shoulda clarified! It was our real good buddy of ours that ran the test at one of the biggest dispos in SJ(dont wanna say the name) but he was a head manager down there while they rented the machine for a month. So it was just a free hookup test that he did real quick off the clock for my other buddy. Which at the time was a huge hookup, those tests were 150 bucks at the time.

For the record, he did retest it 3 times to verify. But of course the calibration coulda been wayy outta whack, so that may not mean much haha. My old company had an assload of SC Labs tests(since they were just a couple miles from our hq, and the owner was our attorneys son, small world haha) but they deleted all those backlogs of years and years of tests in like 2021 or 22. Im not mad about it at all haha. We dropped at least 10k with them, just for them to delete all of it. Very not cool. I really wish I still had access to those old tests, becuase there were a ton of Bodhi stuff in there, as bud and concentrate that I think people would have been very interested in. Its a shame.

Not so say Steep Hill is some great company lol. At a HT cup one time, they were trying to get us to test with them, and promised “higher tests” then SC, but at the time, we always wanted the lowest testing lab, since we figured it was more honest. But who knows lol. Lotta people really loved that Field Trip, but Id be the first to admit I wouldnt be suprised if those numbers are from an out of calibration machine. Figured its an interesting data point if nothing else!


Hollyweed moving along


2 Space Monkeys(red arrows) and 3 Wookie BX


Dream Beavers alive and well:


This for me is the strain that got away…. I ran a full pack from a random person and they weren’t stored well. I got 2 to germ, and I got 2 fems, then the fems died on me when I went away for a few days on an unexpected work trip.


Nice. Do you live in the southern hemisphere or are you just doing a “late season”-type of thing? Either way, this’ll be fun to watch.

I had the same issue with my Dream Beavers years ago. Or I dunno what the issue was haha, but I planted six seeds and not a single one sprouted, so I planted the rest and none of them sprouted, either. I’ve very rarely had an issue with Bodhi’s gear and definitely not 0-fer. I always assumed it was the seedbank that I ordered them from, just because I store my seeds very well haha.


Honestly, that’s really assuring that it wasn’t just me this happened to lol. I was so mad at the time at myself.


Yeah it’s an unfortunate reality for these old seed packs. Unless stored really well they can be really challenging to germinate and can lack vigor as seedlings. I got 11/11 on a goji og germination, and they were very well stored, blue tara was 5/11 (7/11 but 2 stalled out). I’m hoping my pack of dream beaver germinates, but am prepared for the possibility that it might not.


Yeah, for sure, but this was seven years ago (possibly to the day? It was definitely my “Fall grow,” first one I started after we moved into the new house). I think I’d ordered those Dream Beaver seeds maybe just a year or two before I planted them. I don’t think they were that old, but maybe they were.

I emailed Bodhi about it (back when that was a thing you could do haha), not to complain or anything, but just to give him a head’s-up about,”It’s possible that this particular seedbank isn’t storing things properly.” He sent me a pack of Silver Mountain, Cherry Trance and Pinball Wizard in return, which was extremely nice of him, but not necessary at all. I appreciated the gesture, though haha.


@IgrowBodhiandCSI Bummer to hear yours didn’t make it. I was 3 for 11 on germination so that seems about average haha. One seedling died right away though… Most of the seeds cracked but weren’t viable. I was 2 for 2 on Dream Axis seeds I bought from the same guy, so I trust they were stored properly, this line just had bad germination rates for whatever reason.

I’m north of California… Short story is this all started on a magical whim and I’m flying by the seat of my pants haha.

Here’s the longer version if anyone cares:

I bought the pack from someone online last winter. For whatever reason Dream Beaver was the one older Bodhi pack I wanted to grow. I don’t know, the description that Bodhi wrote is long and weird and esoteric and they intrigued me. I read that they had low germ rates (I think I even read about your experience minitiger in one of the older Bodhi threads or something). Someone was clearing out their stash and when I saw these I took the chance.

I was planning to keep them all until tissue culturing seeds was easier for home growers, but I was too excited and decided to try growing a few, so I popped 4 of them in April. A couple days later I was high and thinking about the impermanence of life and got this strong feeling to plant the rest of the pack. “Plant more seeds”, Bodhi said. So I did. I have so many other packs to grow, why save these in the hope that someday some technique might guarantee that they’ll grow? What if I die before then? Pretty deep stuff for just planting some seeds… But what is gardening besides the cycle of life and death and impermanence? Anyway…

3 out of the 11 germinated, one of the seedlings died a couple days after it sprouted. Going in I said I’d be happy if I got 1 plant, and I had 2! Was hoping for a male & female to keep the line going.

I was living with family at the time while our house was getting a bunch of work done, planning to be back in May. They’re open minded but not super weed-friendly so I kept everything in those round tree nursery pots, they’re like 2" wide x 8" deep.

Many months later… I didn’t move home until the end of July. Everything was small and stunted and root bound. I transferred them to 1-gal pots end of July. I cleared the jungle of brush in my garden and got them in the ground first week of August.

The pics above were from yesterday. I took cuttings of both a couple days ago, planning to do everything I can to keep these alive (male or female). One has tiny pre-flowers that are looking male-ish to me. The other hasn’t shown sex yet(!). It is now late August haha.

So the plan now is, there isn’t really a plan haha. Other than trying to keep them alive. If/when the clones root, I might just leave the plants in the ground be and see what happens. If the clones don’t make it, I’ll probably dig them up and move to the greenhouse, maybe try and reveg later. If they’re both males, I might just try to save the pollen. Or just let them go and pollinate everything else in my garden. Probably not, but I’m just going on feel.

I’ll be updating my grow log ~weekly, but I’ll post in here if/when anything noteworthy happens…

As the Beaver says: Believe in our dreams as if they were real. Build on them as if the dream is your reality…


And because this is the plant thread, here’s the two Dream Axis. Axis’s? Axii? Axes?


Its Aixses, i think for the plural :slight_smile:

Does anyone have any info on the d9 thai that bodhi has used in a few crosses? I mostly see it referenced but thats about it.

Ive grown out some of the d9thai x dla5 f2s kindly given to me by @Klyphman. They are pretty heavy on the thai influence which made me curious.


Bodhi said it was a commercial plantation thai plant.


Thank you!


More details about the D9 Thai. @Vagabond_Windy posted this when these were first released.

Glad you grew out some of the f2 @Kyumonryu. The Thai seems strong in that cross, I agree.


Nice. I’m growing some of my F2’s outside. The Thai is representing strong. The males were very thin leaves. Three girls. One is looking week 2-3 flower, one just threw hairs, and the last hasn’t budged. This is AUGUST… I didn’t plant until after the solstice, and they are all 6 foot tall.
I’m wondering how the scents were on that. My pack was crazy with smells that were all over the map. These are more subdued. Just weed so far.
Pretty cool plants, but mine didn’t have the high I wanted. I still grew these F2’s and pollinated them. Next year, the F3. I like to see what falls out.


Hollyweed at 60 days


Come onnn finish already :heart_eyes:

1 Like

Thank you for sharing ! I have a pack of these. Was always curious