Bodhi seed's Pura Vida Preservation Run (CLOSED)

Mines pretty good and I’ve broke her of most things. She loves to go everywhere walk, truck, boat, she doesn’t care. Don’t get so excited you take a dump in the back of my truck. That gets her ass grounded for a week. She’s grounded right now, bitch. :joy:


@nube I finally made it to member to be able to post in this thread. Man what an awesome grow journal. Your attention to detail and the amount of information you include is a real gift to the community. Thanks for ensuring that Pura Vida gets to live on and be spread out through f2. You are a quality soul.


Hey congrats on making it to Member status! I’m glad to finally welcome you to the thread @The_Lazy_Hippie . :fireworks:

All thanks to you and bodhi. None of it would have happened without bodhi’s creation of the strain, and your donation of these seeds to preserve. You’re both heroes in my book! :man_superhero:

I’m going to keep doing these preservation runs until I run out of things to preserve. I don’t need much smoke for myself, and I love being able to give back and encourage others to grow and share and spread the good vibes.




Hello Evry og member . :yellow_heart::green_heart::heart:
I looking for seeds , and looking for god yelder strain , if its possiboule , pupule/pink/deep red color is bonus .
IF someone trust me , pleas whrite to My inbox .
I can trade or pay or start a Long relationship , to help whit seeds . You now i can give like a donation to future growing projekt , for some god gens to grow on .
Pleas sorry if i put this here !!!
I think i handel to create some grow diarré .
Pleas talk to me here , and give me some opptions to start Up a new grow space (4×5 m and 2m haigh .
So i have to buy new lampa to , plasma or led and hps ?
Just finnisch and harvest from (NORDEN SEEDS Skywalker ) waoow she give havvy budds after i work whit here . Mabey i grow here again soon , but now , NEW STRAINS TO GROW IN 2 PLACES !!!
Wisch you all god grow energi and Love and respekt :yellow_heart::green_heart::heart:


That is so cool of you man. There are some us out here aspiring to do some of the same stuff. Thanks for a great example of a selfless attitude my friend.


Well said Badger!! There are many in this community that I want to be like when I get better and more knowledgeable!! I know how excited I was to receive seeds from OGers. I can’t wait to pay it forward!! Thanks for everything you do for the community @nube!!


I’m building the address list for recipients of Pure Vida seeds.
If you’re in this list then I don’t have your address in the OG Co-op file. Please Private Message your shipping address so we can get your seeds to you.

  • dank-d
  • GreenBhoy
  • Sincy
  • Guitarzan
  • Upstate
  • pawsfodocaws
  • WHF
  • Funciona1971
  • yobigdaddy
  • Morbidly_OG
  • katanaking00
  • lunash76
  • terpycollection
  • SaintAliasknife
  • Solowolf
  • Joboo
  • zavorotnuck
  • TheBubbleKing
  • PROfessor
  • TheHighCheef

Thank you,
:pray: :heart: :earth_asia:
Click on my name or avatar & then click -Message-


Thanks @Sebring - I sent you my address :monkey_face:


I can help you out with all the Canadians on that list Sebring. Pmed it to you.

I thought Cannasaurusrex is no longer a member, when I tried to PM him a month ago his name would not come up. I just tried it again and he has this time.

I will make them bold so they know you got their addresses.


Shouldn’t we tag the entire list? Might be easy to miss otherwise.

I’ll shoot you my address :slight_smile:

Oh, and are these going to be shipped out alone?


This list is so we can get seeds to distributors, which requires that I know who lives in which country. Hence, the call out for addresses!
They should be bulk shipments.
If you sent an address, I received it and logged it.
I’ll update my original post, later today, to remove names I now have addresses for.


Big kudos and a thank you to you and all the others who work to make this possible @Sebring


Thanks, Sebring! You stepped up in a big way. :slight_smile:

Let’s see this thru and then figure out where to go next.

@2K19Starter the site only allows a max of 10 tags per post, so let’s just hope people are paying attention.

That actually brings up a point about these coop runs I wanted to post and think about out loud. I got wind of some people asking for seeds separate from these coop lists, and that’s no problem. But the part that bothered me was at least one person was asking for seeds from a friend and also said they already got those seeds from one of the coops. They were like (paraphrased) “I got a pack from the coop, but a pack isn’t enough so if you could send me another one, gimme gimme.” Now I’m all for people doing whatever they want with their seeds, but this just seems greedy. Please don’t be that type.

And another thing about these coop seed runs. I see a ton of people signed up but they never 1) posted a single thing in the thread or 2) don’t have any grow pics on the site or 3) they never even gave a single :heart: to any post on the thread. I’m not begging for likes cuz I have all those notifications turned off, and I don’t care. I’m just saying, the point of the coop preservation runs is to build community, so do we really want people glomming onto a free seed giveaway but not participating in the thread or the community aspect of the sharing of free seeds? Doesn’t really seem to be the spirit of the community coops if you don’t cooperate and participate in the process with others.

It’s kinda off topic, but does anybody else feel one way or the other about this? I give seeds to anybody regardless of how I feel about them, yet it just seems like there’s about half of the list or more that haven’t been part of the coop even though they signed up for free seeds. I’ve been part of food coops most of my life but I’m not sure their rules would work here. Maybe there’s some other way to foster community involvement and encourage people to participate in building this community of sharing together? I don’t know, just seems like we don’t want drive bys. Maybe I’m way off base. :parachute:


Some good points but, you need to be TL3(Regular) or TL2(Member) usually to even get on the list.
You can’t get to TL2 without posting. This particular post should probably be in the coop logistics thread for a better response.

Edit: Guess you don’t NEED to post but you have to recieve at least one like so you’d have to have posted somewhere…

You can get to trust level 2 by…

  • visiting at least 15 days, not sequentially
  • casting at least 1 like
  • receiving at least 1 like
  • replying to at least 3 different topics
  • entering at least 20 topics
  • reading at least 100 posts
  • spend a total of 60 minutes reading posts

Great points. I haven’t signed up for any coop beans myself but it does seem like it can be exploited to be able and get more than one pack.
Really defeats the whole purpose of “Overgrowing”.
Get yourself 1 pack of F2 and preserve it, then hunt through those. There is plenty for everyone.


Maybe not the right place, like you said. Just thinking off the top of my head. :slight_smile:

Simply getting “member TL2” status is like 5 public posts and 10 likes or something. It really doesn’t prevent drive bys at all. But that’s not really my point. Regardless of TL level, shouldn’t the point of joining a cooperative be to, at least in part, cooperate in the effort?

I have no problem sending people beans regardless. I’m spitballing.


If someone signs up for a co-op seed run, extenuating circumstances not withstanding, there’s a small fee involved for shipping and some $$s go back to the site server fund. At the least, those who sign up are donating back to the site, even if they are silent in the thread.
I’m fairly quiet around here, but I read a fair number of posts and donate monthly, so I’d like to consider myself a part of the community. Not everyone feels comfortable posting about their grows, but some enjoy reading about other people’s gardens, learning, and trying to incorporate those ideas into their own.

edit: I guess I’m just against arbitrary rules and regulations for those who can and cannot participate in the seed runs. If a particular user is being a bad actor, attempting to get additional co-op packages for no other reason to just have more of them or reselling them, or just being greedy, then those users should be dealt with on an individual basis.


You’re absolutely right @khaoohs and thanks for pointing that out. It’s not just the posts but the other encouragement that help, such as support. I wonder how many people sign up to these coops but never send the postage/shipping funds? I don’t know the mechanics of how all that stuff is done in the background.


Unless it is something super special I will not be signing up for any coop seed runs. Until that time I will only be making seeds to give away in it. I feel I have far too many strains as it is so I plan on ending each indoor growing season with a preservation seed run just to give away to as many people as possible.
That is why I am grateful for you folks working out the logistics of it all.
Everything always comes out in the wash and we should just keep giving out great genetics for free. That seems to me to be the true OG way. Fuck those dollar hungry douchebags.


Ah you’re right! I totally forgot about the charges and I think that’s what offsets everything as I know this particular bit has come up before.

Basically they had to have contributed to the site in some way period in order to be TL2+ to even get in on the seedrun. So that, plus the $8+ to be part of the co-op, and $2 per strain on top, I believe were reasoned to balance out people that don’t actively contribute to the site through posting. They’re still contributing through payment.