Bodhi seed's Pura Vida Preservation Run (CLOSED)

That plant looks pretty amazing. Is it rude of me to say that I actually prefer the looks of that one to any of the PV’s? Is everybody okay with that? Haha. Yeah, man, that plant looks REALLY fucking good. I dunno what my deal is, but I’ve really been craving some of that old Triangle/“Kush”-type weed for the past year or so, that TKI looks like it’d hit the spot. I actually started four Triangle/Stardawg seeds last grow, but all four turned out male. Bummer.

Anyway, good-looking plant for sure. Let’s see the other one.


TK x Iraqi #7: She’s the 2nd smallest of the pack from the five F1 females I found, medium height, medium vigor, medium/low yields (none are big in the F1), but she’s super unique. In the original tester round, she looked the most like Stray and bodhi’s pics of the Iraqi males, but in this clone round she looks a bit different, possibly due to a different batch of soil or maybe different environmental conditions.

She clones well and was 100% stable both runs, revealing slightly higher yields this time around, but still pretty low. I’d rate it just slightly above cookies yields. The smell is the crazy thing. First round she was IPA and baked goods, but then smokes like bitter dryer sheets, acidic coffee, dill pickles and mint. This round she expressed the dill pickles and mint smells from the get go in flower. I don’t know if that means she was more stressed or less stressed. She probably could have been taken at day 56, and started a little foxtail in the final week. I really appreciate her solid, knobby nugs and good fade.


Well it’s a good thing since you’re getting some of these TKI F2 in the mail soon. :wink: The huge ones are crazy stretchers and yielded well for @Torontoke , but the small ones are where the mind fire is found. Maybe you’ll get a knockout combo that’s the best of both worlds. Just inspect for nanners and pick them off, they shouldn’t return in that run or subsequent runs from clone.


Well, just judging upon looks, I like the TKI #1 best. And judging from the smell description, I also like TKI #1 best haha. You made f2’s of this one, right (winkwink nudgenudge)?

Yeah, I know you weren’t. Like I said, not worried about it at all…


Boom! There it is! You have captured the spirit of the OG we know and love. Let it be.




This thread is bittersweet; I am still waiting for my Pura Vida F2 and Wolfpack F2 from the fall boxes from @Sebring. Still trying my best to hold out hope, but feeling more foolish as more time goes by.

@nube I saw you mentioned @Doniawon. I feel like I recognize the handle from RIU, but I don’t know the guy. I am running some Sweet Tartz (Sueno x Runtz) from a friend that I believe Doniawon made. They are in veg and I have taken cuttings of them all. They smell pretty fucking unique. I am stoked to flower them out sooner than later. Oh and watch out for that @minitiger cat; I hear he is a troublemaker haha. Positive vibes…



Hey hope everyone’s doing well in 2021! I think it’s gonna be a good year if we can just get over the hump.

Pup’s doing great these days!

Her coat’s getting fluffy!

I’m sorry you didn’t get your seeds yet - we’ll make sure you get taken care of - but why do you feel foolish? That part I don’t understand. Mail’s taking a very very long time since the beginning of November. I sent Sebring more PV F2 a couple weeks ago via 2 day priority mail and it’s still not there, but is en route. So, there’s more on the way.

Doni’s a good guy, yep same one from RIU. I just talked to him a couple weeks ago, glad to hear he’s doing well managing a dispo grow these days. He’s got a good eye when crossing things.

Speaking of PV, all phenos from this latest harvest were dried for 12-14 days, given a rough trim last week, and are now in jars. Here are the harvest weights after trimming, not including the larf weights in parentheses:

PV1: 121g (15g larf)
PV2: 182g (29g larf)
PV4: 153g (32g larf)
PV7: 109g (30g larf)
TKI1: 168g (21g larf)
TKI7: 127g (11g larf)

I didn’t take a lot of pics during trim, but here’s a few. PV2 Before trim:

And after:

And one of the TKI7 before trim:

And during:

A couple days ago, after jarring up everything, I gave a bunch to a buddy I hadn’t seen in a year because he had to shut down his grow and was at the end of his stash, so hopefully he’ll give me a smoke report at some point.

I’ll write something simple up about each pheno in the coming weeks.



Greetings Nube! I hope all is well. I always enjoy your input around the community. You definitely are a forward thinker. Anywho, I would like a chance to grow some of your tki. I have been grabbing a few of strayfox packs as of late and the iraq is supposed to be good meds. So if at all possible I would love a chance to grow a few. Thanks. And thank you for all that you give. That light information you shared was too notch!! Blessings


Buds look beautiful my friend. Those spring loaded trimmers always cramp my hands after a long trim session. I switched to these and the difference is night and day.


I am the opposite. I find the non spring loaded ones cramp my hands up . Especially my thumb . I prefer these fiskers over the grey ones. They are slightly smaller with a longer skinnier tip that helps get right in .


Thanks man :slight_smile: I tried those on a couple pounds at the dispo grow, but I gotta agree with GHL on this one. I don’t trim with a snip snip snip. I do the flick flick flick. I could trim with a toothpick most of the time if the bud’s dried right.

I have another pair that’s skinnier and longer that I trade off with the Fiskars @anon60559124 but they’re just cheap knockoffs I got a few years back.

Nice to have two so I can keep a spare in the alcohol at all time. This came in handy for the PV. It’s a pain to trim not cuz of leaves but because the resin is extra sticky no matter how dry the buds get.


A few growers I follow on IG were saying good things about those cannabrush things. I haven’t ordered one myself yet but was thinking about giving it a try sometime. Seems like it would work well if the bud is dry.


For those “just waiting on PV to arrive,” I have great news as your package is already packed and on it’s way to you!!!
Thank you @nube for being a rockstar :sunglasses: :star2:


By any chance is the original 3840 x 2450 and 672k?

That’s the size of the picture I downloaded from your post. :slight_smile:


I got one of these and it works like they say, but the herb has to be pretty dry or it won’t work at all.
So it was super useful for seed shucking, but I’d rather use my fiskars the majority of the time on bud runs.


@Sebring Right back atcha. Glad they finally showed up! :slight_smile:

Nope, but close. The original is 3840 x 2560 and 694KB:


It didn’t resize this one, though, because it’s not over 1000k. Just compressed it to 673K server-side.

@neogitus @HolyAngel don’t those brushes also rub off the trichs if the plants are that dry?


Eh, kinda, more smashing them into the bud if anything :rofl: For the most part I didn’t notice a difference.
It would knock seeds out of the bud tho.


I find the leaves get crispy dry long before the entire bud does. I doubt it would knock off any more trichs than someone using scissors aggressively on dry bud or handling too much while still wet. When I first saw the thing I tested with a silicone baking brush from my kitchen and it seemed to work pretty decent. I think it’s only meant to be used in a downward motion to “break” off dry leaf material and leaving the more moist bud behind. Then manicure what’s left with the scissors. I plan on getting one to try out. I’ll let you know how it does. I think a lot of people have different variations on how they dry and trim so I can see it not working for everyone, but for full plant hanging I’ve heard it saving hours from trim jail.

Edit: the bud in that video they provide on their site looks drier than dirt lmao I wouldn’t quite wait that long


Thanks for describing how it works. It sounds good, and I’m all for people trying new things and figuring out what works for them. :slight_smile:


Awesome pictures and thread/project! I signed myself up if I’m not too late :slight_smile: