Bodhi seed's Pura Vida Preservation Run (CLOSED)

Hey you’re in luck! While it’s long past signups,I just sent more to Sebring so I think there are extras available at Seed Run Shipping (MEMBERS ONLY) – DIY Green Life

I’ll edit the first post to address this. :slight_smile:


You know Im not Den/Boulder local, but still would be interested in checking out your work when I make it down that way !


I think I violated the rules by posting that. I didn’t realize it at the time, but I know there’s a recent post about it from @toastyjakes so I’ll edit the original and flag yours so there’s no offending indiscretions.

PM me if you’re planning on coming to Boulder and we’ll do a social-distanced meetup at a dog park or something.


Far as I saw, you’re fine. But is also didn’t see anything


That’s the spirit! :wink: Thanks.


I’ll be honoring any orders that mention wanting PV and I should have any extras listed this weekend (Sunday @ noon, like usual).


How does the external link to DIYgreenlife work? I followed the instructions, but I dunno if I did it correctly? Thanks for putting in the work on this one @nube!



Yes, that’s the link. If you click on the link at the top or the one that @nube just posted you’ll see it’s a different page.


Ah ok, so I think I did it correctly. Thank ya @Sebring for doin this!


Hi, am I supposed to send you as a PM my addy? Confused whether I should go ahead and do it or wait till contacted. Thanks!


I have everything ready, a little late, for releasing Pure Vida F2 and some Point Break CBD seeds tomorrow. Probably when I get up in the morning. 70 packs of each at


So when should I set my alarm :laughing:


Right? hahaha


Ready for this! Thanks @Sebring.


In case anyone missed the review in my growlog, I thought I’d throw it up here and some thoughts on the Pura Vida:

Pura Vida F2 #1

Bud Structure/Bag Appeal - 9.5/10
Dense, but not rock hard nugs, that are just coated in crystals. Breaks up easily into little chunks and grinds nicely. Low leaf to bract ratio and was an easy trim.

Smell/Taste - 8.5/10
When you crack the jar open, you’re assaulted with this pure “clean” smell. It almost reminds me of petrichor, or some other unique smell. Upon examining and breaking up the buds, a lemon/lime soda smell escapes, when you really grind them up the back end has some sweetness with hints of vanilla in there. Very feminine smells, nothing skunk-y or acrid or noxious, pleasant to the nose. The nose carries over nicely to the taste, with notes of citrus on the inhale and smooth sweetness on the exhale. Very pleasant to consume via smoking or vaping. Vaping seems to let more of the sweetness in.

Effects - 9/10
I find this one to be an almost perfectly balanced hybrid. Within about 30 seconds of consuming, a warm happiness filled my heart. Warm relaxation moves through my body to my spine and behind my eyes. I was listening to Snarky Puppy - Lingus (fucking awesome band, what a keyboard solo at the end!) and my ears started picking up things I’ve never heard before, my brain felt wired into the music and I could feel the vibrations move through me, so much energy! I felt goofy and I started playing with my dog in goofy ways, I’m sure he was pretty amused with me jumping around on the ground with him. @nube actually mentioned to me that he connected with his pup on another level when smoking one of his Pura Vida. Interesting that I shared the same experience and did so without evening thinking of what he had mentioned when he smoked it. Maybe it’s good for feeling connectedness to other beings? My girlfriend got home a little later, I was still in a good mood and acting goofy, she asked “Are you stoned?”, which she never asks, cause I pretty much always am, but there was something different about the PV that put me in a happy/lifted place. Effects tapered off after about 2 and half hours, leaving me relaxed and hungry. Pretty much what I look for in a hybrid, very nice mental expansion effects, with some body relaxation thrown in there too.

Pura Vida #2-4
Going to lump these phenos together, as the high is pretty similar on the remaining three. Number 1 and 4 have the most longevity, they all have a happy, peaceful, and clear headed high. Sometimes makes me want pick up the guitar and jam, so it definitely gets the creativity juices going.

During the cure the sweetness came out more on the top. When you break up the bud you get some nice sugar lime coconut smells with spicy pine on the back end, little funkiness (stinky feet) back there too. PV 2-4 smell the most feminine/sweet, pheno one was more cleaner/kushy. PV 1 and 4 had “open the jar up and smell it a few feet away” levels, 2 and 3 kinda lost that. PV1 was obviously the most dense.

PV2 - Fluffy, least dense, smoothest smoke. Took her took earlier than she wanted, and the high is shorter lived. Taste comes through nicely on smoke.

PV3 - less fluffy, but not really dense. Could have gone longer too, I feel like. High hits fast, but doesn’t have the legs of 1 and 4. More sweetness up front with a little bit of foot funk in the back.

PV4 - Nice density. This one is nice, it got nice and done, buds break up nicely and smoke really well. All of them smoke nice, no harshness or heavy thick smoke. Tasty… and most clear headed high out of the group. Gives me more focus than any other in the group.

There’s lots of fun to be had in popping these Pura Vida F2s, a wide range of phenos to explore, delicious flavors to experience, and nice smooth effects to enjoy. All you OGer’s get to popping them and let’s see what you find! :eyes: :heart_eyes:

Thanks @nube!


I am unsure whether this included myself, but I still haven’t received my Pura Vida F2 or Wolfpack F2. I do not mean to be a hassle at all. Positive vibes…



If you hurry there is still some Pura Vida left … :sunglasses:


Great report @iamyou_youareme. Glad you were able to find a good one out of such small sample size. And at least the other one’s weren’t a waste of space, right? :wink: Thank you for being the beta tester, and for being so thorough in following thru and following up on the grow. The Pura Vida is feel good weed. It’s not a smokeable opioid like some people are looking for, but it’s a delicious change of pace from all the normal chem/og/cookies stuff all over the market, yet still has the potency and flavor and yields to keep up with the best of the best.

@Sebring thanks for all you do, man. Very kind and generous with your time and resources in support of our little community here. A+++ :slight_smile:

For people asking how to order the OG Seed runs, it’s pretty much a straightforward website ordering system. There shouldn’t be any mystery. You goto the site listed and pick the OG Seed Run (or the Pura Vida F2 separate listing not in the OG Seed Run), then check out. In the checkout process you input your Overgrow username and leave a nice note about which seeds you were signed up for and thank Sebring for being such a kind soul. You input your safe ship-to address and pay for shipping and (optionally) leave a donation amount that goes 100% to Overgrow. Sebring verifies your username and level and signup and then sends you your seeds.

@stanknugzz77 I suggest PM’ing Sebring directly. I have no way to help, but I did want to reiterate what’s been said in the past - The PV F2 and WP F2 were packaged together in sealed mylar bags. I sent 110 of those dual packs to Sebring and 50 to

Keep in mind there was no signup for the Wolfpack F2, so it was just a bonus that GHL and I decided to throw together. Plenty of PV F2 left, so you’ll for sure at least get a pack of those from Sebring. But, like I said, I think PM is the appropriate lane for squaring that away. If you have your heart dead set on the Wolfpack F2, ask in the seed trading or pay it forward threads if anybody has some they’d be willing to send your way. There were 20+ seeds on each pack, so people are bound to have spares or maybe didn’t even want them in the first place.

You could also contact Headiegardens who may have a few left being used as fundraiser freebies for Strayfox and Bodhi purchases to raise funds for Stray’s daughter who has serious health issues. Sorry, but that’s the best I can say for now. I hope it works out. :slight_smile:


Mine are safe in the seed library, thanks again @nube.

Would I be correct in assuming that bodhi used the same the LA Pure Kush mother in Solo’s Stash (la pure kush x snow lotus)?

I have 8 seeds left in my pack of solo’s stash f1, might be fun to grow a few Pura Vida females when I open pollinate the solos stash. That would result in strain containing 1/2 la pure kush, 1/4 snow lotus, 1/4 appalachia.

And thanks to @anon60559124, I didn’t realize the wolfpack was bundled together with the pura vida. I have a pack of the f1, so at some point in the future I will use these to diversify the line.