Bodhi Sun Ra F2 Tester Thread

Yeah I’m thinking I have more females than males but that’s a total guess. I was thinking the bottom right is a male myself but they are smelling great a lot of funkiness


@Greasy the very generous pile of tester beans have arrived!


Okay, now that they’re here I have some questions, if you’d be so kind:
I’ve seen the flowering pics, but I can’t really judge the size, so how tall do they get on average, and how long did you veg them?
Did you top/train?
Does she have any special needs, or quirks that you noticed (watering, light intensity, sensitivities, etc)? And last, how hungry was she?
I want to take care of as many variables as I can to take myself out of the herm equation as much as possible.


throw me in for a tester spot, ahve room to start them mid august, maybe 3rd week, my logs, and journals are posted here…and man, i am always happy to be the test dummy for new beans and strains…one of these days i will meet up with @HeadyBearAdventures when he has some time…but yea OG , glad to be a tester.


carbon filter.


Haha well played. Got that covered at least.


I think you should grow them however you normally grow your plants! I didn’t find the females to be particularly sensitive, finicky, or herm prone for that matter, so I think however you are comfortable growing them should work out. The Sun Ra f1s grown here by many members on Overgrow seem to have a wide array of phenotypes. I would say that females I’ve grown generally were a little stretchy, so don’t expect classic indica plants or anything, but I never had any phenos where the stretch was concerning. Out of 8 female f1s I’ve grown, they were all pretty darn easy growing plants. I’m sure you’ll do great!

@syzygy is spot on though, these plants tend to stink! That’s probably the most common thing I’ve seen across all of them. Even in veg I’ve had some real stinkers.


Glad to hear you are interested in growing these! Since you are fairly new to the site, I’ll just do the same as I did for beepboop and send you seeds when you are ready to germinate them on receipt. Just let me know when you can start them and can document doing so on arrival and I’ll get them in the mail!


Sounds like a dream. Thanks for the reply, and I will update when they go in the dirt!


i can literally start germinating the friday we call august 18TH


So hit me up on August 14th and I’ll get them in the mail. In general I’m not very confident in sharing anything with new users here as the percentage of seed vultures (people that sign up, grab free stuff, and are never heard from again) is high. Below is my original set of requirements to be involved in this testing:

That being said, I made an exception earlier here in this thread and want anyone that will grow these seeds to get them. All of us that have stuck around were new users once and people offered us all kinds of awesome genetics.


lol, agreed, i am here to stay for a long while, i have many grow logs started, and don’t plan on disappearing…and for sure will shoot you a message on the 14th…


I’m not doing anything to them I want to see what they are all about before I top or anything except I’ll strip the main fan leaves on day 21 of flower. Then if I find a keeper I’ll play with it then otherwise you could be doing extra work for no reason. I almost ran them all in 2 gallon pots and kinda do a sog but they definitely want bigger pots I’ve noticed they are very vigorous. Hope that makes sense :joy: and get a fresh carbon filter or when lights go out the neighbors may smell. @Greasy they are getting more of a ether smells like cocaine has any had terps similar?


I dunno how old this jar is but, I’ve never heard of sun-ra hot dog sauce. Found this cleaning out the mother in laws place. Can’t wait to get home and see how the sun ra plants are doing. :green_heart::seedling:


Surely you’re going to cure some of that sun ra in the sun ra jar?


Lol. Maybe like one small nug. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Very small jar.

So neat though.


That jar is fucking awesome. Even without the Sun-Ra lid, it’s awesome.

I want it… haha!

Did you ask your mother-in-law, like,”What’s the deal with this jar?” I only ask because I use those sorta “vintage” jars for my daily driver weed; obviously I’ve also got a ton of standard mason jars for curing, but one of my friends knows I like jars and she used to always grab interesting-looking ones for me whenever she’d be out shopping or whatever. Those are my favorite.

Anyway, yeah, that jar kicks ass, makes me wanna go out today and try to find something as good as that one. I need more “person-shaped jars” in my life haha.


I don’t know if I’ve noticed those smells. The most common for me have been grapefruit/citrus, fuel, and fresh cut grass. The fresh cut grass being my least favorite.

Too funny! Gotta keep that around for a cured bud jar!

Don’t we all! I need to step up my unique weed jar game. When I was younger I always liked those silly glass jars blown with bong style glass and stopped by a cork, but they never kept my weed fresh!


I still have a couple from long ago. They definitely need a better seal. I loved the big lens in the bottom of mine that magnified the buds. Great product, but bad for long term storage.

Now the sun ra jar seems perfect. This jar sets at 2 different angles.


Yeah I’m definitely curious if it keeps the smell myself. Probably going to flip them in about 2 weeks I’d say. I do remember those jars my gmaw had a bunch definitely cool glass.