Bodhi Sun Ra F2 Tester Thread

I’m curious if you found anything good @minitiger . Yeah man, sadly we were cleaning out her place because she has passed on. She had tons of collections. Like 60+ glass hens on nests.

This is a tiny one we use for salt. Now we have about 20 more and they’re large.

But did you find any cool jars?

Also, I’ll snag a pic for you later @Greasy , but I lost one of the 5 that made it, while I was out of town.

Also they all are growing at different rates. Ones still so tiny.

Pics will be added here later.

Well the other pics are too large and I don’t want to edit them on my phone right now. There will be more.

These are over 3 weeks old. Granted they have been neglected due to lots of impromptu trips to MILs place. That tiny one :rofl:. Maybe she’ll catch up.

Also, it looks like I may have some thrip damage. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


Aw, man, sorry to hear that.

Nahhhhh… I didn’t even go looking. I’m way too poor right now to be spending money on extravagant things like thrift store jars haha. Even if I had any money at all, I probably wouldn’t have gone. I always wake up in the morning and tell my girl, like,”Yeah, man, we should do (insert activity here) today…” and then twenty minutes later I’m like,”Fuck it, let’s just stay home and go swimming,” haha.

What a wacky lady! Haha. She sounds like she was fun, sorry again about losing her.


I hear that man! Everything is so much more costly these days too. I gotta say, the first step to doing something is stepping out the door. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Thanks for the condolences, also. She was an interesting bird. First house I met her in was in a town with 6 other houses, and hers was actually 2 houses with an addition built between the two. It had 2 of everything. Kitchen, stairways, basements. It was awesome!


@Greasy week update

So far so good seem like they aren’t big feeders in veg. But I started with new ff ocean forest and might have something to do with it. Think I’ll flip next week or they will outgrow my tent lol hope everything is good your way :v:


The two outside are males I plan on keeping for potential breeding materials, and the small one in my tent is a female. I’ll most likely re pot it today.


Looking great! Thanks for the update!

Great work! Thank you for your update as well! I’m glad I shared these seeds with you! Did you get them sex tested or did the males show sex in those small pots? Just curious!


When you get a chance @Rhino_buddy can you drop a couple pics of the Sun Ra’s you’ve got going! Sounds like there are some runt genes in these f2’s, as it looks 2/3 growers now have some plants lagging behind.


Here’s what I have right now @Greasy . Sorry I did edit it into an earlier post. I’ll add the “too large” images when I turn my computer on.

Gonna up pot them soon too. They need it. May e that small one can wait since I don’t see any roots lower.


Stressing ain’t easy. Hahah, J/K. It’s second nature for me. Anyway, here’s what the remaining 4 look like. Just up potted them finally except the tiny one. I’ll get to it. :seedling::green_heart:


Thanks for sharing! Hope you get a female!


Hey bud I did some cleaning up and I think have 3 males 3females but I’ve been wrong before kinda hard to tell still. A couple updated pics I’m flipping this weekend


FWIW I found a few for sale online… most without the original lid.

Also there’s this lady sharing memories of her father, with a snippet about Sun-Ra:


Plants are looking great @Blueridge! Fingers crossed on a couple females!

That’s awesome you dug this up. All kinds of interesting Sun Ra references out there!


That’s awesome @yardgrazer !

That’s a great snippet about sun-ra in that article. I wonder what the other jars looked like? I can only find the hot dog sauce jars really. Probably all the same with different lids. 🤷 I can’t seem to find other lids with sun ra on them either. Seems they are mostly just other lids that “fit”. Thanks for looking into this further. I’ve been meaning to. Wonder if there’s anything in st Joseph I can find. I’m not too far from there.

Also, your plants look killer @Blueridge ! :heart_eyes:


They really do! Did you pop those around July 1?


Thanks I appreciate the kind words and it was around the first if I remember correctly. They are easy to grow so far I used new ff ocean forest and haven’t fed them anything. Really surprised me it’s been almost 2 months no nutrients yet.


@Greasy just flipped into flower about 4 days ago I believe I have 2 males and 4 females but I could be wrong. Other than that everything is going good.

Imo they have been the easiest plants to grow. And hopefully next few days will tell their sex. Thanks again for letting me have a shot at them. Much appreciated :facepunch::facepunch::facepunch:


Looking great man! Plants are really lush and green! Sounds like you got a great ratio too! I’ve also found all the f1s I’ve grown to be incredibly easy growing. Glad you are finding the same!


Thanks bud yeah they are some nice plants and the one we thought might be a male front right I believe is a lady. This is my first run using migro array4 and I love it except for how it’s assembled. Right after I got it they changed everything up. Lol my luck. If anyone wants pollen I can collect it in my extra tent so just shout. Of course if it’s cool with you @Greasy


T-minus 7 days until the SunRa get wet here in Arizona!