BOG jr. Seeds Sour Grape: A new Beginning

Following along. More Bog = more good.
OverGrow the World with Love, BOG

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OverGrow the World with Love, BOG. @Heliosphear Way to go bro! Just found this and like everybody else, find myself ‘giddy’ at the whole story you’ve put together and the responses from throughout the community! OverGrow the World with Love, BOG…TRULY! Hangin’ a hammock over here in the corner (under the bush!), playin’ some reggae in the background and ready to lend whatever hand I can! :pray: :thailand: :pray:



Music to my ears…

I appreciate you droppin’ some of the BamBam F2s! Honored to be in your garden my friend :wink:


Sounds amazing!! I’ll be watching.

OverGrow the World with Love, BOG

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Looking forward to seeing these sour grapes! Awesome art work :beers:

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Checked on the 2 BOG jr. Sour Grape, one has cracked. No tap root yet, here hopin to see some more action tomorrow. (2 seeds on right in picture) Dropping the last 4 BOG jr. Sour Grape tomorrow

My LSD f2’s all cracked in 24 hours and 2 have taps (3 seeds on left in picture)
LSD mother:

Pollenated by BOG seeds Sour Grape:

Have a Great Friday! :sunglasses: I’m on stay at home vacation the for next 15 days. I’ll be doing responses tomorrow and giving away 5 of these stickers: artwork by @Rhai88


Life will find a way.

Aww man those are bad ass! I need to rock one of those in my grow room!

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I just looked at the clock… It’s Friday!
@HumblePie420 I would like to see a sticker in your grow room too.

Sticker chain giveaway:

  1. @HumblePie420 Congratulations you have won the first sticker in the five sticker chain. Please select the next person to win the second sticker. To the OG that wins the second sticker please select the third sticker winner. Third winner picks the fourth and fourth sticker winner picks the fifth sticker winner.

Seeyah in 12 hours. What? I gotta sleep. :sleeping:


WHAT?!!! Dude, thanks so much! I select @Upstate for the second one. Thanks so much @Heliosphear


:sunglasses: Have a great day @HumblePie420


Well that’s a sweet deal!

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So what’s the new seed company going to be called when Bog jr starts releasing or has he already started?

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:joy: :joy: :joy: :grin: Nice work @HumblePie420!

Hey Helio, in that first bog saucer pic, what are the things on top and on both sides??? Hood ornaments, lol…


Sticker Chain giveaway

  1. @HumblePie420
  2. @Upstate please select a OG to win the 3rd sticker. 24 hours to respond, after that I pick the third sticker winner, that winner picks the 4th winner. 4th winner picks the 5th.

You can also find stickers and seeds here:

@Hotrods_and_hounds heres the thing for me, BOG jr says in the interview that the mother plants were long gone, it took two years for Mr. And Mrs. BOG to sell their home and was living with BOG jr. At the time of his fathers passing. The seeds that have and are being made will take several grows to find the best of each strain and more grows to stabilize the strain for results that will make it possible to sell BOG seeds quality that we all had access to in the past. My deal is I wanna assist in the process and support BOG Jr. As I did for his father. What is the future of BOG strains? Destination unknown.

@GMan it’s a beer can holder double super sipper. :crazy_face:

@DougDawson Thank you for the offer. @buckaroobonsai has offered to support me should I fail in the task at hand thru no fault of my own. Shout out to all my friends in the SBCS, Over Grow the World with Love.

My LSD seeds went to soil 51 hours after drop.

BOG Jr. Seeds no go, dumping in soil with the other dead’s for good measure.

At 4:20 today I will be posting part two of Frankensteins adventures and the premier of the main character moving forward… Frankensteins Daughter!

Seeyah there, have a great Friday. :sunglasses:


SBCS! Thanks for the shout Helio, let’s do this!


That Michael Franti video is awesome and accurate! Today is a good day for a good day, and not only that, I’m having one. Thank you so much, @Heliosphear!


Ooh sweet! Did I win an OG sticker? @deeez99 has been a great support for the Peshawar seedrun. He needs an OG sticker for sure.


Nobody selected me for a sticker? Whhhaatt!?!
Rofl :rofl:

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Sticker Chain Giveaway

  1. @HumblePie420
  2. @Upstate
  3. @deeez99 Please select the 4 sticker winner, 24 hours to respond, once expired I’ll select @blowdout2269 as fourth and request 5th and last sticker winner.

Dropped the last 4 BOG jr seeds in water.

1000 pollinator wild and sunflower seeds.


That’s awfully kind of you! :smiley: