Bog Seeds Availability Info

Hmmm…I can’t seem to find your sign up thread. I’m definitely interested - can you link it?

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I don’t have a signup yet. Won’t make Wiki untill I know I’ve got the seeds finished in hand. Alot safer that way lol


Im feeling the same til I see the SBT seed yield.


Hey all. So I did a trade with someone and am just curious. Got a 7 pack of Sour Lifesaver and was told they came from the Hugh Glass group buy. The packaging is odd to me as it doesn’t have any real info on it. Is this how all that stuff came?



That looks exactly like the ones I got.

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… they would be suspect.


Thanks for the info everyone. I will keep them in the suspect pile. LOL, well it’s a pile of 1 but still. The person who traded was totally up front, showed the packaging before hand and told me where they came from so I am happy with the trade. I wonder how many have grown out the seeds from that group buy to see what they got?


I think folks concerns are not about the packaging but rather than hands they passed through.


Oh, right hah
I just did 1+1. That name did ring a bell


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My packaging from BOG the man himself was always very minimalist. Sometimes just a baggie with hand written strain name in sharpie. But having come through that mess of a group buy I’d definitely be suspect.


Well, I’ve got Sour Bluetooth and Sour Strawberry from that buy in quarantine as well :slightly_frowning_face:



Well today is a good day. Just finished an auction and darned if I didn’t find a half a pack of Sweet and Sour Cindy in my mail from @OGSince03 . There is another half pack coming from @CornbreadJunior which will give me a full pack of these babies. Will be running them after the BOG Lifestar and BOG Blue Kush is run. Many thanks bud.


You may be lined up till the end of next year bud!!


You got the BOG going on.

:green_heart: :seedling:


This whole SHN situation is fucking gross, and probably has Jim rolling in his grave. BOG was always about getting affordable seeds into people’s hands, and now $60 packs are marked up to over $200 strictly because Mrs BOG’s health has declined as well, Jr. doesn’t want anything to do with the internet, and James locked down exclusivity as a result.

Maybe that extra $140+ really is all going to help Mrs (and great if that’s the case, I’d love to support), but I don’t believe for second that’s the case. I’d eat a 20 gal airport filled with hydroton if I found out James isn’t using BOG’s corpse to make more now off of him than he ever did while he was alive. I would LOVE to have info on what the wholesale deal with Jim looked like compared to how it looks with Jr, and just how that reflects with the prices we see.

I genuinely hope I’m wrong, but there isn’t a single cell in me that believes James isn’t outright using Jim’s death to make himself a larger profit, and I’ll never spend a dime with SHN as a result.


im torn. James has always seemed to be a standup guy and so many well respected breeders vouch for him and vend with him, so i’d like to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he could definitely be more transparent about where the $$$ is going if it is intended to go to the family, even a quick writeup on the product pages explaining the reasoning for the price increase would be helpful IMO. but ultimately i’d like to choose to believe the best in the situation until im faced with concrete evidence to the contrary.

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If it’s any consolation at all, I once invited Jim to a vacay in Florida and go to Daytona 500.
He wrote back …" It would make me dizzy watching them go round and round and at that time of year I’m on break from being BOG, just jim."
So there Karma is to have Jim’s Wholesale Stock, NOT “BOG’s BEST”
Preserved exclusively at Overgrow, if possible.
So fuck em all with there high priced bullshit prices. Let’s grow out all BOG strains, flood markets world wide with BOG seeds and raise the bar on quality.


We got that well under way. BOG seeds will be plentiful very soon.


Hoo Ray, I got mailing supplies for 1000 covered.


I’ll start mailings to you Doug.