
Careful, whatever you do. I’ve cut branches only to see a cloud of mold spores drifting to the next plant.
You wouldnt care for my remedy for rot. Best smelling yard waste bin in town.


Had but rot a few times it’s devastating when you have to cut a baseball size bud and trash it

And I ran a mold Resistant strain that was the only plant in the tent to get it lost every bit of her except for 1 bud I most certainly should have trashed

It’s unfortunate but as @Foreigner said it’s an acceptable loss


Nice save! Make sure you do a solid bud washing when you crop it just to be over sure :+1:


I ll let this girl run for One week more and cut It to get some QWet extract,I feel Better by not keeping her for too long in my room
@Papalag @Pigeonman @Habitt


After contending with it for 10 months the only advice I can add is don’t be afraid to pry open buds & inspect— much better to catch them early.




The main stalk was afflitted,the others are Just second choice airy buds.Cut the main stalk and salvaged what was not visually contaminated to use in an QWET

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I Just Hope the other girls do not develop mold now
Second time I got mold

Amen to that I do the same
You get bud rot once your on the look out

Just one thing if you find if on a bud deal with that one bud then clean you hand and scissors :scissors: before you move on


I did clean my hands and scissors and phone with rubbing alchool
This shit got me paranoic


Better change clothes while you’re at it. Stuff loves to travel…



Cut out the mold you see liberally, then hit it with GFF. Hit the other girls too. I never had rot/mold inside but outside is another matter. This stuff works to mitigate the mold damage. It’s organic, cheap and a small bottle lasts a while. I won’t do outside without it.

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You have sprayed plants in flower with this product?Or used as a drench?

I spray the plants in flower. Never done a drench with it.

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This is almost like another product i use that can be sprayed on flowering buds called Cease that works for botrytis and pm.Im going to try yours out at 14 bucks a bottle compared to 100$ a gallon its worth a shot.This stuff i used doesnt kill it all the way it just stunts the growth and prevents any new spread keeps it off the buds it turns the PM into a white smear that looks like water scale.When the temps drop here the pm pretty much stops its getting to there through all the rain season and Humidity thats the real caveat.Living next to a lake has its pains.

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You can’t stop it once it starts. I’d chop. You’ll cause more harm to your buds spraying stuff on them. If anything remove the contaminated buds and keep them humidity from fluctuating.

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Cease didnt do anything to the buds you have to watch and not cause over watering and watch it i had a giant harvest last year and buds were unharmed.Kind of hard to control humidity near a body of water.Bud rot can definitely be stopped amputate the limb and watch the rest if it keeps popping back chop whole plant.Had one bud go to rot last year the rest was fine inside and out no jar mold either.

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Some plants are just prone to mold. I just chop those and toss them. Up where I’m at we get caterpillars. That’s where the mold starts usually even on the most resistant strains. Then I have to cover them from the rain. Once the rain starts if there’s caterpillars in the buds it’s only a matter of time before it’s all ruined. Now that I started covering them I’m able to let them go to full maturity and have minimal bud rot.


The catapiller fucked me this year little green shit.I did a cross section of that bud and there was a hole at the very bottom and the rot was from within with what looked like bug shit and i found the little shit and squashed him.They go inside those buds and eat and shit everywhere someone on here said thier shit causes mold so it makes sense


Yep you have to spray BT twice per week at the minimum to keep the little bastards at bay. I deal with them every year up here in Oregon.

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