Bow4Buck and The Learning Curve

Yeah. I’m kinda leaning that way too. Just weird, after flip, they bulked up, had to thin them, stretched right on Q, just no buds yet. I’m no expert by any stretch of the imagination but, these ladies also look like they lean sativa to me, some of those can take while im told. Especially the good ones…:grin:


They absolutely can. I’m no expert either. Always learning . Or trying lol


Thought I’d trow this one up just for @V4vendetta
Was a busy weekend here, didn’t get in there much. A lil peek this morning, they are starting to take off. I see buds beginning to form.
Brother, I wouldn’t be afraid to have people growing these genetics. Think I simply got some sativa leaning girls and I slowed them down with the reveg. They are going to be fabulous…!


Wasn’t sure if I was going to do an outdoor grow this year, sent out a pack today and was looking through the list.
Have a couple old school strains been sitting around, decided to go with a few of those, each x2
Pure Power Plant
Big Bud
Also going to add in there zkittlez. Grown these twice indoors, really nice smoke and a big yeilder, curious to see what they will do outside :grinning:


Glad to see things are happening. I think you are right about the revegg. It basicly looked like it wasnt responding to the light change. So that’s a pretty strong revegg trait from the many that ive done. Most can easily be flowered again when ever one wishes providing theres at least 5 to 6 inches of new growth. Regulating sex properly with no intersex?


What a difference a week makes my friends. But, we will save the best for last :grin:

These testers im running, started stretching. Guess they put on 12+ inches this week. Pretty much growing these natural so the breeder can see what they do.

Need the weather to break, so I can get tomatoes out of my tent. These autos are losing the battle for light.

The first of the GDP X PPP showed sex and got thrown into flower room last night.

The others still in the tent waiting on the gender reveal.

Then we got the hydro. Started showing slight deficiency out of no where…well, it just appears I think, keep better eye on water level. They are using it up pretty fast.
Air gap got pretty big for a couple days.

And then there are the V-1 crosses. :grin: stretch seems to have stopped or at least slowed a bit. Drum roll please…these ladies are flowering!!!..,and they are f’ing beautiful in my eyes.
This weekend 2 of them will get a defol. The 3rd one is looking really good at the moment. I’ll just be removing some lower limbs that ain’t going to do what I thought they would, might as well direct that energy to where it can be used better.
they are off and running, now the excitement begins. :grin::v::call_me_hand:


Looking Marvelous! I like daily photos but I Love the drama of weekly photos!


Weekly is about all I got time for at the moment. Farm starting to take off. :grin: ill see what I can do for your future viewing pleasure. :grin: I know you’re watching a few select plants in there.


Lol, don’t worry about me… I know how it is. I can only get to my girls about every 3 days! Its alway a surprise to see them! Best when a happy surprise!


Anyone here tried lemon juice for ph down? I know for a fact it works at reducing ph, just curious if it holds well over time???


I havent but some here have. If you search you might find some. @ReikoX probably knows about it


I use lime juice it’s lower in PH. Looking very nice my friend!


Lemon juice (citric acid) works well to lower pH, but is a poor buffer, it tends to drift rather quickly.


Exactly what I was looking for brother :+1:


Thanks alot for the info, what would you recommend we use instead; that is similar in some way?


Here’s a good article on the subject Acid Choices for Reducing Water Alkalinity | PT Growers and Consumers


Nice little read, much appreciated.


Though I haven’t used it myself, I hear brown rice vinegar us good for pH down, buffers, and contains amino acids. I usually don’t bother with pH in my beds.


Lol, yeah I can see why you wouldn’t mess with it. Appreciate the info.

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Apple cider vinegar does the same thing .