Bow4Buck and The Learning Curve

What?? No head room. the only thing that I know to do, is to start snapping branches. You know how I roll brother. Those plants are looking awesome though @V4vendetta .
Brother, I just decided, my next run will be another feminized auto run. I love the Rainbow Zkittelz and just realized, that I only have 1 more seed. Gonna order 5 more. Reverse 1 of 2 next grow and use it as my pollinator, for the entire run. I reckon, I will have to pack the tent 1 more time :wink: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :grinning: :smiley: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:
I wonder how many strains I can fit? This will be the Rainbow Zkittlez, feminized auto run. Just ordered the extra seeds this evening, to ensure that they will be here on time. After that, I swear, I gotta take a fuggin break. That should up me to over 60 auto crosses of my own. I can’t wait to retire, I know that 50+ crosses a year are possible. Even if I make it another 4-5 years, that’s a helluva lot of options, for everyone.
I hope that you and yours, have a great Easter, tomorrow. I gotta go to Maryland, to see the remainder of the kids, that did not come down last weekend. Probably gonna cut out around 9am.
I’m still working on defoliating, maybe I’ll finish next weekend.
Fixing to place another seed order for this next run :wink: :smiley: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl:
Be Safe, my friend :v:t4:


Not out of ceiling yet, but they stretched real nice!


Punch a hole in it. Happy 420


Super crop works fine
Happy 420 friend


More pics coming but already been in the hydro this morning.
2 days ago, removed some of the largest fans that were blocking light but kept it to a minimum.

These are Arachnid Pie and Cuomo’s Arachnid Diesel. Very much look like identical plants.

Border Jumper is the most open growing plant but with massive branching, very nice looking plant and the largest of the 4.

Then my favorite so far, Cobwebs Resting Place. Big thick tight growing plant. Almost a perfect globe shape to it, and tops are going to be everywhere on this one. Very nice plant so far :ok_hand:


Outmoutherfuckindstanding my friend :+1:


How’s it going bud? Nice seeing ya around. Trust me, no stranger to bending branches here at all :grin:


It is good to see @Crazy1

1 Like

These ladies are getting big. @V4vendetta what ya think about these. The pics aren’t that good, I see more bud sites forming. From what I see, another 2 weeks we should see so.e buttons on these. Then again, they are 5 weeks from flip.
Looks like some nice colas might be had here once they get going. Digging on all the purple stems, seeing a purple hue in the leaves too. :grin:

Autos starting to stretch, tied them all over to start a but of LST.
The first one is Arachnid Pie, almost killed this plant when it was a seedling.

The others are coming along…

Enjoy the weekend folks…:grin::v::call_me_hand:


Looking good few more weeks and they should explode .


They do seem to be taking their time. Very nice plants though.


Fat but slender leafs. I’m smoking one their ansestors RN. It seems like they have gained the tight but long stretch from the g13hp which ended up yeilding nicely and surprised me with large colas but I never usually top the plants unless it’s just ridiculous not to. I really liked the stone and taste from the father side of things, hope they all come together for you as was the intention. The long ass flower time is bothering me. They better do something soon, my god. I think youve done a good job taming them feel free to slap a name on those girls when the times right. But really are they gonna flower?? The anticipation is killing me.


:sweat_smile::rofl::joy: yeah, the anticipation is killing me too. They are beautiful plants and not really any issues, so a pleasure to grow.
I am starting to get some aromatherapy in there now but many stains, some stem rubbing on those girls gives off a faint hint of mint. Very intriguing…


Interesting plant I’ve been keeping an eye on. This is one of the GDPxPPP crosses. No top, just well…


That is really odd. Where is the new growth coming from?


Looks like is all at what would be the second node. O thought it to be odd too. Even how it just changed color and texture, kinda cool :sunglasses:


More then anything with the skunk 91 involved I might of expected some intersex tendencys. But not plants that simply won’t flower. Thank you for trying. But after seeing this i would highly advise no one else grow the seeds unless they are prepared for the worst case scenario’s.

I apologise about the mounting bills and cost plus time spent with nothing to show.

Hey brother, slow down… 1. If these weren’t in there something else would be, so lights on anyways :grin:
2. Good things come to those who wait!
3. Well, I dont really have a 3 but, no need for apologies. Let’s not forget, my intention was, hitting you up for a few more seeds when these are done.
Question to you.and anyone else for that matter. When these were in the tent and about 3 weeks old, needed the tent so flipped them to 12/12 to show sex. That was approximately 10 days on 12/12, they showed sex, removed males, potted them up and back to 18/6. I haven’t herd of or seen it with any other grow but, could the reveg be the problem? Pretty sure I let them go about a month before flip again, thought that would be enough. At least that’s my guess.
But, I’m happy to grow them, you should never think different, its just puzzled me is all. Other plants in there are 3 weeks behind so maybe ill get lucky and they all finish at the same time :grin:
In the meantime, got about 15 or so autos going to keep me busy…


It could have slowed them down. Reveg takes forever


I flower all the girls with a OMRI 5/50/10 feed and have for a while now. I dont know if that info helps or not. If you need any other input from me or have questions about the gentics I would be more then happy to help.