Bow4Buck and The Learning Curve

Pulled some of the large fans from the GDP x PPP


Are those seeds from Johnny? I gave a few away. One was his GDP. My friend said it was truly amazing. But you know how friends are sometimes. Take and not share. Knew this guy once always had papers and a lighter no weed. He talked about what he smoked the night before. I never seen anything. Lol


Nah, these are some Ken Estes I been holding for awhile. Purchased from Netherlands, didnt trade anyone.


Guess I should throw an update in here before I hit this bong and forget :upside_down_face:

Room shot

Crasher Toyz
Two of these having leaf issues tonight but its been corrected


This was the first plant to show issues last week. At the time no other plants were having issues so left it. Seen 2 more having issues last night. Started looking around, PH in the res drifted up to 6.9

Extra autos

GDP X PPP not flowering yet. Took a couple clones off this one so far.

Some of the other GDP X PPP waiting to show sex. The second tent has a fem and what looks like will be 2 males, the clones from the in in flower.

The hydro autos, such a shame i didn’t get after these with the defol sooner. Live and learn.

Thanks for looking, everyone have a FANTASTIC WEEKEND!!!


You to my friend.


Outmotherfuckingstanding, my brother. Didn’t I tell you that you were going to be amazed with the hydro system :thinking::wink::grinning::grin::joy:


ss91 Dam Bow!

You may have to call in the Bushwackers to harvest those beast!!! Looking might fine. I neeed to look into this , how do yo say it… Hyyy drroooow!!!


Its a trial run my friend. Wasn’t sure what to expect. I certainly should have been on top of the defol on these and wasn’t. :wink:
The pictures just do t show the size of these plants.


Oh, believe me, I know :wink:
That’s why I kept pushing :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


Looks like you got your hands full friend , it will pay off in the end


Well, the hydro autos were bugging me. Spent so.e time this morning removing some leaves so I can at least tell where the colas are. Not sure I made a dent but, feel better about them at this point.

Thought the Arachnid Pie were beasts of plants, and they are. This Cuomo’s Arachnid Diesel is starting to crowd the Arachnid Pie out.

Arachnid Pie

Cobwebs Resting Place

Border Jumper

Still need more work i do believe :grin:


Looks good with all those bud sites should be a bountiful harvest.


Yeah, I’m thinking the same thing. My pics suck but, there is the potential for some monster colas on all these plants, if I can get light in there. :grin:


It makes me very happy to see these crosses doing so well, my friend but, Then again… I’ll keep my mouth shut :wink: :smile: :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:


LOL, no you won’t…you’re sounding just like a proud daddy…
Bustin at the seams and just can’t keep it all in !!!

Good for you!!!

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Going to have to sit on this side of the fence with @BudBusterPro on this one @repins12 :grin::laughing::sweat_smile::rofl::joy:


Thought I’d throw this out there from discussion before.

So, in the basement grow, I’m running a 30gal res tank that I mix in and feed from. My well water is north of 450ppm so using RO. I use perfect ph connected to a 480gph pump in the res, this keeps my PH in check.

Have a couple plants starting to show issues. Found that my ph in the res rose from 5.9-6.1 to 6.9-7.0 well thats a problem but why suddenly.

Last run was the first and this is the second using Ventana nutes.
Noticed in the res when I run the mixing pump, had some pinkish white slime being churned up in there. It would appear this slim is blocking the intake on the 480gph pump that is controlling my ph.
Now, not exactly sure why I got this slim, didnt have it the first time.
Only thing changed from this run and the last, started using lemon juice for ph down. Thinking at this point, the lemon juice and something in the nute ain’t playing well together.

Any thoughts?

I’ll be ordering ph down again today :grin:


Don’t think it had anything to do with the lemon juice…

Here’s your pH problem!
If you’re running hydro systems, sooner or later, the slime’s gonna get you!
Easy cure with a little hypochlorous acid in your reservoir!!
Many to choose from…may suggest General Hydroponics FloraKleen or Athena Cleanse


Makes a hell of a hell of a difference in your root ball!!!


Holy rootballz batman!:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yup the sh** works…truly IMHO, anyone working with a hydro reservoir can buy some cheap insurance.
It doesn’t take much.

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