Bow4Buck and The Learning Curve

Oh yeah! 6 zips/plant!!! :+1::+1::+1::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Had a couple people told me over on another site they had good results using it. One I know for a fact used this water only for an entire grow.
Last grow in the big room I used a condensate pump to collect it and pump it to the res. Possibly best grow for me to date.
I still make RO, so the water gets mixed. Checked ppm 0 and ph 7-7.5 its basically RO water. Only thing I can think that would be a problem would be, what kind of bacteria or micro organisms are in it. There are water treatments for that, that should be used in any holding tank anyways. JMHO :grin:


I tried tap and it didnt go well.
Our water has a ph of 8 and like 500 ppm.
I wanted to try a garden buddy and still might.
So tap might be good depending on where people are.
I know rainwater is a no no


I believe you’re correct Bow, the only issue with rainwater is the possible microbes you pick up along with the collection…if you’re running some kind of hypochlorous acid treatment they should be of no concern…the will DEFINITELY wreak havoc though if they’re not controlled!!


Yeah, I know rain water is a no go. First couple grows i tried using my well water. Much like @Hydro921 mentioned, high ppm and ph. Very hard water… always had deficiencies and the ph would drift from 6.0 to 7.9 over night.
That caused the switch to RO, glad I did. Then seen a grow where all the water used was from the dehu, impressive plants. I was just collecting it in buckets and getting rid of it.
Since I started using it, have no issues. Just the once where the slim clogged my pump, FloraKleen now has that issue solved :grin:


So the hypochlorous acid stops the ph instability?
Not that I can use. I forget what it looks like

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Yes, most all hydro growers include some hypochlorous acid in their reservoirs…almost all the hydro nutrient lines offer one…they are used in minute amounts and keep microbes at bay…if the microbes are not treated you usually see slime build up in the system and the microbes themselves will cause adverse pH issues. That FloraKleen that Bow is using is a very popular one!


I use hydroguard and want to try that southern whatever the name is.
Same thing you’re talking about I’m guessing.
I’ve run 4 grows in the same rez and no slime and pretty roots


Oddly enough I had no issues in the hydro. I got the slim in the coco grows res. Clear and clean looking now. :grin:


Popped 4 new autos.
Ethos Pluto Cut


Havnt done any updates in a while. Been stupid busy. Tractor i use on the farm took a crap, im now learning the ins and outs of diesel mechanics. Same time zero turn started acting up, soon going to need a hay baler :grin: visiting grand kids, cook outs, anyways…
Took down the crasher toyz testers in the flower room

Today started on the cross from @V4vendetta took the smallest of the 3, it was finished a lil sooner than the other 2 that will probably be another week or two.

some of these colar are close to 3’ and this was the small plant. Couldn’t pull off a pic by myself, three of these are as long as my arm, shoulder to the tips of my fingers :grin:

As I chop one, been rotating the cross I made in to replace them, just hunting at this point.

Tents are just holding clones and a few other of my cross that are waiting to get in the flower room.

Started the next round of autos to go in the hydro tent. Forum Stomper, Samsquatch, Ethos Pluto Cut and @repins12 Widow Red Berry Cheesecake.


Actually I honestly don’t have that answer. Pretty sure these are from @Sebring he would know. First time I’ve grown them.

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Lol, I misunderstood. 9 days, won’t leave them in there much past 14. Otherwise the roots get too hard to separate.


Sticky fingers!!
That’s going to be good weed…
:smile: :+1:



Outmotherfuckingstanding, my brother :v:t4:


Yeah, ran out of gloves couple days ago. Honestly, had a hard time getting it off with alcohol. Smells nice too, kinda sweet and skunky.


That was a nice turn.


Yeah, was hoping they would be ok after I turned the lights up and burnt leaves. Pretty stout plants.


Turning the lights up i’ve had problems I usually run about 80%.


These started to cook at 60%, finished them at 50% and all was well.