Bow4Buck and The Learning Curve

HLG 100r lights I love. But they are strong. Always good talking Bow.


I like the cloner box does that say idoo is that the brand?


Yes it is the brand. Once I started doing hydro, I needed a soiless way to start seeds. Its pretty much a copy of an aero garden but I’m cheap and went with this one. Actually love this thing, been using it to start all my seeds.
Only down side i see, the replacement sponges and the little plastic baskets are kinda costly for the same brand. @repins12 has a cheaper way to do it though. I think rapid rooters if I remember correctly, work just fine im told.


Hey @Bow4Buck glad they preformed for you… I must of missed the flowering pictures, but the harvest looks way good man!

Thanks for supporting Overgrow Bow4buck!


I got kinda busy and didnt get to post alot of the growth in flower. There are some earlier pics up there somewhere.
Love this place, can’t see why anyone wouldn’t want to help keep it going strong :grin:
Man gotta say, can’t wait to put a flame to this stuff. Great smell and and way denser flowers then I was expecting. Sticky to now end brother.


Excellent! Those are fabulous looking flowers!!! You rocked that grow! Excited to hear a smoke report!!!


Your good brother i ended up getting a kubota myself this summer and already gotta fix the two PTO belts.
Yeah i saw the ealier ones that you posted after you burnt them up a bit. They were foxtailing pretty good. So it’s a wonderful thing to see them produce those baseball bats and it was a pleasure to watch you grow it as well brother.


Oh the Kubota, interesting :thinking:
I’m not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but usually only buy new. Hate buying other people’s problems… Let the wife convince me when I got mine to go used. I’ve kept up on the annual maintenance on it. Started to overheat on me. Found oil in the coolant res. That can only be two things. One far less costly, neither a very fun job.


Was in this morning doing a lil defol on one of the plants I made. Had every intention to not move forward with this one but, not so sure now.
First, it is early but she just plain stinks, no other way to say it.
Has the stickiest leaves I’ve ever seen on any plant.

Usually get these one and three leaf plants in autos, dont see to many on photos.
leaves just covered in trichomes.
Then way down low on the plant go this one leaf.

See a few leaves look like something sucking on them, feared spider mites. Checked back of the leaves with the scope.
When was the last time ya seen trichs on the back of the leaves?

thank goodness not a single bug seen. Lights out, they will all get a dose of Insecticidal soap.
Been getting alot of odd plants this season.
Then, same strain, have phenos looking like these.

Just having fun at the moment. Got two clones of the odd one. Thinking to bx those two, then cross it up with another to try and lock in that trich production on a more handsome plant. :thinking:


Good morning Mr.Buck :smiley:, yes ended up with a diesel. Then I hear the blue def wont be made until like 2024 or some crazy stuff. Cant believe everything you hear.
That plant looks like it was trying to revegg at some point. What’s the genetics consist of, if you dont mind me asking?


That is GDP (Ken Estes) x Paonia Purple Paralizer. Veged them in a tent on 18/6, took 4 clones of each, still in the tents. Once I seen the clones took. I moved them to the downstairs flower room as space was available to 12/12. Dont really see how that could have revegged it. Did exactly that same thing with 5 others in the flower room now, you can see the pics of a couple, no issues or deformity at all.
I’ve had a few odd balls while popping these seeds.
This first pic is now 3’ tall in veg. Center just died off and self topped. The second was a doubleYolker, turned out to be male and is long gone.


That looks sweet.


Hope all are having a great start to your weekend.
Finally got my water supply taken care of for the hydro, back up and running today.

Pretty happy with a way a few of my new cross are looking so far. Officially will be known as “Crippled Ole Man” think ill have a couple phenos to work with. First pic ain’t one of them. Only about another 500 beans to hunt though :grin:

Couple starting to show some pre flower action and stretching nicely :ok_hand:


Lil update for the day. Finally started the new job and been kinda busy lately. Not a ton going on.

The autos in the hydro have put on some growth this week. Was kinda looking like a borron deficiency on two of them when they were in the seed starter (kept them in there to long) looks worse now but still on the same leaves. New growth looks good :+1: I try not to have a knee jerk reaction when moving plants . Seems waiting was maybe the right move, they are getting what they need now.

Clones in the tents chugging along and looking pretty good.
don’t see a pic of the 4x8 with clones and moms, must have missed it, was 5am when I was in there :grin:

The new stain in the flower room are looking pretty nice. Loving some of node spacing on a few of these. They have a really nice form to a few of these plants.

That’s all I got for now. Habe a good one folks. :grin::v::call_me_hand:


Looks great.


Thanks brother… I’d really like to find a nice purple in these seeds, but not against a good pheno along the way. One of these plants I’m really impressed with so far.


Man, who ever started the saying, “if it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all”, should be shot. :grin:
Got up at 5 bells thought I could knock out another of the V-1 cross from @V4vendetta, maybe cut 1/3rd of the lowers off (all that fit in a 5gal bucket) to go upstairs. In the middle of trimming when I realized the ac wasn’t acing. Just got done messing with it, thank got easy fix. 90° today and 90% humidity. At that point its no longer ac, its life support.
Anyways, hope all are having a nice start to the weekend. .
The gallon jar is for size reference, still a shame FTD don’t deliver these :grin:

Still have baseball bats to remove off this plant and the rest of the lowers.

see if I can’t get the rest of it down in the am, got other things to do today.

Mailman was very kind today though, so there is a bright side.


Hell yea!!! Never heard of the company but I’m in love. Brother I have some that’s not A+. I do have some that is on time. It’ll leave you in the middle of the road. Lol


Sea Of Green Seeds brother. Not the largest selection in the world but, they are putting out some nice gear over there. Jason is more than happy to talk about any of the strains they have, shipping arrives usually 5-7 days or so from order, always some extra beans and better than average prices. Very pleased with them.


I’m glad to see that Jason is treating you well. They are also a veteran owned company.
I thought that you would be happy with them :wink:.
I hope that all is well, my brother.
Your day is still going better than, my birthday weekend. I got upgraded to ICU, since they didn’t have enough rooms/staff in the other part of the hospital.:man_shrugging:t3:
I hope that you have a great day, my brother from another mother :v: