Bow4Buck and The Learning Curve

Aint been to many updates from me mostly because of a room make over.
I’ve said before, no way to grow at my best with the room conditions I had. Of course it did go together fast the first time just putting up bare minimum to get going.

Temps and top of the list humidity needed to be controled way better.

Had 2 rooms 5x12 started out as flower in one veg in the other. Didnt take long to be flowering in both so went back to one single 10x12 room. First thing was to strip it all down.

Floor is old concrete and probably no vapor barrier. Covered the floor with Dry Lock waterproof paint. Pretty much just poured on 2 gallons and spread it around for a nice thick seal… Put up some new insulation and covered everything with 6mil panda tarps.
Not sure whats worse so far, hanging that plastic and trying to be neat about it, or cleaning everything before putting it back in.

Just got the lights up today. Ac needs to go in yet. Water system needs to go back in too. Going to try something out…dehu and portable ac I usually sit on a 5 gal bucket to collect the water. Have on a couple occasions forgot it and had water on the floor. So, picked up a condensate pump. Plan is to collect the water from the dehu and ac in the pump and drain it straight to my res tank. Using Perfect PH this should be fine in my res tank but I will be mixing nutes a bit more often due to the extra water being added. A fair trade off to water on the floor I think.

Hope to get everything back in and ready to run tomorrow have some of these ladies to pot up and move in there.
The autos in the solo cups have needed potting up, hopefully that happens tomorrow also and then moved to another tent.

The 4 Granddaddy Purple to get pollinated will run another week or 2 before flip.

Tried to make this as brief as possible so any questions or comments fire away all are welcome.


Good job , you wanna come over & remodel & clean mine next …lol


Thats not quite the questions I was meaning :rofl:
This actually was way more work then I thought is was going to be but almost there!!!


Found your journal, hope you don’t mind me following along.


Not at all bud. Nice to see ya over here on the dank side, forum that is…:grin:


Nice to be here. Lots of friendly faces so to say lol.


Looking good brother.
Nice work


I’m just hoping I see improvement. Cant be worse i guess. :grin:


Outmotherfuckingstanding, my brother :+1:


@Hemp here it is. Sorry brother for some reason I thought you were here already :laughing:

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I get lost around here.

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Lots of threads and posts, easy to do.

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I can’t find all mine. I just give up. I got it in now.

That’s a nice room.

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You have another page?

Hell no, one is all I can keep up with or I’d be lost. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Just about ready to start putting plants back in the room. Took a break to build my first hydro system in another room. Stuff to do on the farm daily so its been slow. Should have everything including the hydro done in a day or 2. Probably be done if I didn’t keep running to town for things u forgot :grin:


I see you when you first got here.

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No how does that work?

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When you say hello. You posted your grow. I tagged you.