Bow4Buck and The Learning Curve

I need to grow in water. I’m going to start soon. I like the picture. So trippy. Makes my eyes happy. Lol then my brain!!! The one you gave me

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Was out getting a few things done around the farm this morning. Figured I get a few pics. Gotta say, worse outside grow I could think if. Had more rain this spring and summer then the last 2 years combined. Started out with black spot fungus which I managed yo keep under control. Now its been a couple weeks no rain at all and the bugs are trying to get their feed on before fall I guess. Leaf hoppers with a vengeance.

Nothing labeled just a photo dump today.



I like the sunny-screen. That’s what I have blocking most my plants. Huge sunflowers. My plants have also had it rough outside this year. We’ll see how it ends up.

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@Rhino_buddy Yeah even my screen didnt do to well. Staggered them in rows, 6foots, 12 footers and 16 footers. Some of the 6’ made it and some of the 12’s. don’t think a single 16 footer grew. There is some frosty bud out there, just don’t think there will be weight like I was thinking. Appreciate ya looking…:grin::v::call_me_hand:

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That raises an interesting question from the camouflage perspective…

Do the sunflowers mask the weed from a distance (can’t see the weed for the flowers)
or do they attract your eye and then “oh, there’s weed too.”
maybe both depending if you are familiar?



Man what a spread. Very nice

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The intent was to completely hide the bud. Because so few sun flowers came up that did t happen. Judging with my eye, if you know there is weed down there you can see it from the house if ya look. Otherwise it is camouflaged pretty good :+1:


You grow in weeds is the best. Especially with flowers around. Even though you got bugs everywhere. They have predators that are their also.


I try to keep it pretty cleaned out around my plants but being in an illegal state, it still has to be kinda gorilla style. Also keep in mind I have customers here daily. Have had a few comments on smell nut so far managed to play it off as one of the dogs or cats got a Skunk. :grin:

Edit :I do use predators on the farm every year. Ladybugs, assassin bugs and mantis. Between all 3, somewhwre around 50k of them.


The ammonia gives off after a while especially spoiled

5.5 oz a plant is pretty dam good I’d say.


Lol, hey hey :wave: see you been reading back a lil. Appreciated i guarantee


What’s your business friend? I’m also in a prohibition state and have a small business where folks occasionally come to my property. My plants are a bit further off tho. I still catch a whiff often. :wink:

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I wouldn’t worry to much. If it’s in tall grass. I would lay mine down. I know your talking to my friend. @Rhino_buddy . Sometimes I think we smell more than others. Always trust yourself.

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I grow and sell organic produce, just an ole dirt farmer. :grin:


Nice garden! Yes

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I have somewhere around 1 1/2 - 2 acres I cultivate for veggies


A man of the earth. I love buying produce from my friends. It’s just nice to have your food grown with love right down the road. :seedling::green_heart:


I have alot of customers that feel the same way. Ain’t getting rich but its pretty enjoyable work.


Darn straight!
My wife and I have been doing ecological restoration work and are growing and selling native plants for it, so we sometimes have a customer that comes to select plants. Not quite the same but it’s a product that not many folks provide. We source much of our seed from the remnant prairie in our back yard. We don’t sell any cultivars or nativars. It’s pretty fun.

We’re just about to erect our first hoop house. Natives are easy though and will do fine outside all year.

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