Brown tips from bottom up

Paid for by my government so it must be true.
Exposure through drinking water can contribute up to 16% of total dietary boron exposure .


My tap has starting EC of 0.45 and I dilute to 0.4 with Distilled.It Is stated in municipal analisis that 25ppm Is Mg,38 ppm Is calcium.Carbonates are 160ppm
And other minerals of course.
The EC of my last solution in reservoir was 0.95 and adding nitric acid the solution went to 1.0 EC
That Is the Nitrogen I am adding,no more.
Total reservoir Is 7 liters

He’s thinking he had N tox. Never used nitric, but do like sulfuric acid. It also helps remove salt(sodium) also.

I didn’t know it was that little of ppm.

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After I add nutrients to my super high pH water, it’s only like 1.25mL of a 50% phosphoric acid solution to 5 gallons of water.

Does sulfuric acid do favorable things with sodium vs others? I genuinely don’t know. Might be helpful for those with softeners.


The sulfuric acid will break up the calcium carbonates making the calcium plant available. After reading the calcium seems to make the sodium runoff better.

I got my info here. I had read before on a california ag site but it didn’t come up.

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I read Nitric Acid breaks carbonates too to make Calcium avaiable to plants.But I am having issues …?

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I’m back to your plants look great and your worrying over minor things. Try changing to what your doing in the solo your rocking.

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Thank you friend for your kind words❤️,I am trying my best


Plants look good, whatever issue you may be experiencing seems very minor.

Older lower leaves expire eventually, I don’t see much to be immediately concerned about.


Long story short:the plant has grown and Is still stretching rating the lower leaves.I am doing a mess to keep Ec runoff higher.What I put in comes lower.ALWAYS.
What I did so far:

I tried to put more volume of solution by hand watering and It does seem to help increasing EC slowly.

The P deficiency lower continues to expand in older fan leaves climbing up node to node.
My actual EC in reservoir Is 1.7 and the runoff Is 0.950-990

My other plants showed sympotm but only in ONE leaf.The lowest.Those are different seeds strain and very lightfeeder,also smaller.
I run my drippers for 1 minute every 2 Hours for 10 times during 20/4H light cycle.

In One minute I get 200ml circa erogation and delaying 2 Hours the feed I get about 10-15% runoff.

Using Canna Coco A+B and pH down.
Tap water.

@vernal @MidwestMover @Foreigner
Sorry for tagging but I am going Crazy Friends.

Some pics:


Relax. They look great.

Unless the lower leaves are completely running away from you I think you’re golden.


Everything looks great keep the feed high and maybe go higher. Your around week 2 or so of flower? Plant is just eating that leaf, or it’s shaded and done collecting light for energy. You did a great job filling in the space you have!


Agree, I would trim them, leaves under the canopy that doesn’t receive direct light don’t help produce but steal energy from the plant to maintain them, I like shaved legs … :grin:

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Thank you :heart:
Those are Autoflowering plants in week 6,day 38
They are stretching for the last few days I think.Preflowers are ready to start flowering.
Those leaves are at the very bottom,anyway this EC Is creeping down,I don’t know why.Last feed 30 minutes ago went to 0.930 EC,previous One was 958,previous 990.And the res Is 1.7 EC :skull:


I am trimming some larf Bud under canopy at very bottom sir.Those are very long and leggy,but I feel they are not going to produce anything.
Thank you for your time friend


Interesting how this Is following up
Lost another 2 leaves meanwhile.The leaves were very fragile and detached when I Just tryed to pluck Them.
Noticed this colours and the Brown Edge tip.Seems more of a combo of Magnesium and P or K,or a mix.
Used a strong 2 EC solution of Canna A+B and the EC Is now 1.65 and,last runoff was not decreasing but upping.I changed the dripper schedule and delayed fertigations by 5 h

What do you think Friends?
@George @Foreigner @MidwestMover @IMG20220505214908|375x500

Think I have to supplement some calmag.
My tap has It but It Is Maybe unavaiable to plant

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I think just the opposite of your actual strategy, autos are light feeders, those brown tips and EC runoff upping makes me think you’re near a nutrient burn. When it happened to me I saw those diffuse discolorations, not proper of any deficiency.

I would flush with just pHed water and check the runoff EC and ppm, maybe there are already salts accumulated or a nutrient lock.

A hungry plant is easier to recover than other with nutrient lock or burn, ease down the ferts and see how she reacts, a pic of the whole plant would also help … beer3|nullxnull



From what I’m hearing you’re just losing old shaded leaves which is normal and not cause for concern. They eat themselves. No big deal.

If it’s just a few shitty lower leaves I would just pull them off and not think twice about it.


Whole plant guys, it’s two plants inside but this on the front Is the trouble maker.
So @George ,how to flush my Coco?Plain tap water?I Don’t have calmag agent from canna,Just Biobizz "organic " calmag,and canna Coco a+b

To @Foreigner thank you for still answering my questions friend,would you give a flush with lower strenght?

She Is actually on 1.6 EC on runoff and peak of Stretch I think at day 41 but the inflow Is 2 Ec

Just some rust spot at the top leaves

I had to scrog her and full the tent in width cause She Is still going up and I end up the vertical space


They look great.

I don’t know if you should flush. Maybe, if you were excessive on the ferts trying to correct a problem.

I don’t do EC so I don’t know.