Brown tips from bottom up

Leaf fell alone with ventilation fan
. Interesting.

Like if the plant let It fall

Next afflicted leaf

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Salts from tap water can lock out nutrients like potassium/ phosphorus. Have you flushed your soil yet?


I think Foreigner had a great response. Lower leaves will fall of and die. Kinda like how we lose hair. Your runoff is less than inflow so plant is consuming the nutes. I’d keep up the good work, plants look great.


Nope and my tap has 17 ppm Sodiun average

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Canna support told me to dilute my tap with Ro/Distilled to 0.2 EC and add calmag until 0.4.But It Means buying and buying not only calmag agent but also pH down that I finished Just today and also Canna Coco A+B and It Is not going to be cheap.
Can I use this as calmag?

I used It in reservoir some time ago and It created orangeish particles like rust that settled at bottom.

@MidwestMover @Upstate

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I don’t know for sure I run powder nutes. Masterblend

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Reservoir Is 1.9 EC and I previously flushed some water to bring It up,It was settling at 0.6 EC and going down.I might flush but don’t know how to do It.Or I could Just give some liters of lower EC solution

Also,to someone Who wants ti express a diagnosi here something new.

Those are very new

Out of my area of expertise but leaves that fall off when they’re otherwise pretty healthy is usually sign of over-fertilization or over-watering. Of course in this case it can’t be the second option so my guess is the first one. I have lots of calcium in my water and it always causes me issues if I use it for too long without Flushing. Salts from the calcium buildup in the root Zone and cause a lockout. Been a long time since I’ve grown soiless. @ReikoX has a recipe for homemade Cal Mag using eggshells and vinegar I think. Also for PH down you can use citric acid which can be purchased at a health food store much cheaper than any other way to do it


Let’s wait for @ReikoX then.I have citric acid but liquid form and Canna itself has not recommended to use It with their line.Also @MidwestMover told me that too.


Shouldn’t matter what your using to ph your water.


Somewhere near the beginning of my thread I documented the eggshell thing. Works fine but I could never be sure of dose. Maybe someone with a chemistry background could do better than me.


Actually the egg shells and vinegar makes a calcium acetate. Roasting the eggshells first adds a bit of phosphorus to it.

Most CalMag is just Calcium Nitrate and Magnesium Sulfate. I’ve used General Hydroponics CALiMAGic in the passed with good results. I wouldn’t suggest an organic type calmag product in a resivoir. I get bacteria blooms when I did.