Bubba Kush clone wanted

I’m really sorry if it came across like I was calling you a thief. It’s a saying that Europeans are “beggers and thiefs” because we beg for clones from Americans and we steal their cultivars and resell it. Coming from ICmag, this can’t be any news for you. Also if you asked for clones on ICmag, you got chopped to pieces and I hope you understand that this is NOT something you do in any cannabis community.

So I hope you can see where I come from and thsr I’m very sorry for the misunderstanding :pray:t2:

Now, I’m only writing this because you are spreading lies about me. I have never ever asked anyone for clones and I will never do that. So stop saying stuff like that about me.

Pz :v:t2:

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I see what you’re saying, but it doesn’t make that much sense to me in the regard that I find you are over-identifying yourself with a group of people like “the Europeans” and so you want to save the alleged reputation of that fictitious group of people in front of other groups of people, like the Americans for instance. I was active in ICmag for a decade and still am but I never had someone say that “Europeans” as a general group are stealing genetics and making profit of it. I DID hear the same about some professional Dutch breeders and some from Spain, even Austria but there was never a rivalry between us growers and hobby breeders and our overseas brothers.
Regarding asking for or offering clones in ICMag, it’s against the rules, neither in public nor in private. So here it’s allowed to do in public threads but not in pm. Maybe that was my fault, that I pm-ed some people. I didn’t read the rules, ok. If someone felt annoyed im sorry for that.
Now back to you. I didn’t say that you ASKED for clones. I wrote that you WANTED some. You know, I’ve seen you writing in the European clone thread trying to organise clone trades amongst users of this forum. That’s why I’m still a little irritated why you wrote this stuff against me.
I also saw that you once had the Amnesia Core cut and lost it later and now want it back. How did it get into your hands? I’m taking a quick guess: by talking to other people asking for it, probably? How did you lose it later on? (this is one of my non-rhetorical questions)
I want to end the whole drama now and send you this motherfucking Core cut so that you see you bashed the wrong person, my friend…just pm me and we’ll sort it out.

I’m pretty sure AllStar clones has this sourced from orgnkid if you check his clone list.

I’ve been writing them more than a week ago but got no answer…

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Did you go through Strainly or Instagram??

I’m gonna have a katsu pre 98 bubba clone in about 2 months maybe less. And even possibly an original bubba s1 depending on what comes in my platinum club box when Katsu’s bubba crosses go out.


Yes, I wrote in the first post that Pig Tail Garden have it but they cost around 500$ with shipping to Europe. That’s a bit steep. But I just looked again and I saw that it says free shipping included, so I just wrote them a message.

If you want to trade or whatever, hit me a message when it’s time.

I’ve been looking at the Katsu Membership. Do you know what’s the difference between his Original Bubba Kush line and the Pre 98 line? Are these two different plants?

According to katsu, the pre 98 and his katsu bubba are both s1’s of this “original bubba kush” clone. I have many packs of seeds with bubba crosses but I know you’re looking for the straight bubba clone, I can get that.

Anyway, that’s about as much as I know. I’m hoping he delivers solid and gives a pack of pre 98 s1’s as well as original bubba kush s1’s but I’ll be happy with one or the other to be fully honest.


Thank you for the info. When you say, you have many packs of Bubba Kush crosses, what is your experience with them, given you did grow them at all and not just hoarding?

sounds familiar, lol … good luck :wink:

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What do you mean by…“familiar”?

just an inside joke …
good luck with your quest.


Yeah rub it in…lol

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