Bubba Kush cuts …

“Matt Berger” Bubba Kush via friend on here - originally from FJ420. Seems like an easy going plant and tolerates being in a 1 GAL pot quite well.


ime bubba kush is not a stinker whilst being grown, not even in the jar - in fact you only get the full coffee/mocha goodness when you break up the buds to smoke them.
looks nice !


Pm sent my dude! :sunglasses:

Beautiful :heart_eyes:

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@TopShelfTrees1 what does REAL Pink Kush look like? I have 6 Bubba Kush S1 seeds from CSI that I’m wanting to find homes for as I’ve never grown a Bubba Kush plant from anyone and have been reading lately of the positive effect it has on chronic pain and insomnia both of which haunt a good friend of mine. What can you tell me?

Pink Kush is tasty but not very strong in my experience. Bubba Kush is more medicinal IMO.


So I’m better off growing the S1s from CSI?

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Well the real Pink Kush is hard to come by especially in the US. So many seed knockoffs. But yeah this is just my opinion but Pink Kush is like a daytime kush/all day type of smoke, it’s super damn tasty you just want to keep lighting up. Bubba Kush’s effects are heavier (& also tasty), for me at least.


Well if given the choice of a medicine that tastes good or one that really works to help with the chronic pain and insomnia the Bubba Kush would seem the better choice.

A buddy sent me a few feminized Bubba Kush seeds from Sensi Seeds last year and told me they were old and probably wouldn’t grow and he was right. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

It’s not like Bubba Kush is a harsh smoke by any means. It’s quite smooth and tasty as well but I think the Pink is one of the tastier plants I’ve ever smoked… It’s similar to Sour Dubble for me, not that they smell the same, but similar in the way i consume them… which is nonstop throughout the day chasing that superb taste lol. Bubba Kush is more of an evening thing for sure.


there are more than one Pink Kush clones in Canada, depending on who you talk to.
the pics above were from my 2023 greenhouse harvest and I am really enjoying the smoke.
I did not get the pronounced Pink Kush flavor until a couple months of curing in the jars but man it is nice weed. Strong but like others say it’s not a super heavy hitter.
I agree also that the P9 bubba is more medicinal at least for me. Not stronger per say, just has the entourage effect that Pink might not,
There is another commercial cut of Pink Kush that I have ever only gotten from one other grower in Canada. It is held very tight but I may manage to get my hands on it yet. I am convinced , sort of , that it is the clone I have but I need to run both side by side to know for sure.


Definitely depends on which cut you get @LoveDaAutos theres a few, that 11 week pink is heavy af!! And probably my favourite smoke for anxiety too,good body medicine. Top 5 all time for me, Tom ford pink Kush is great too, problem is there’s guys passing pink off as all sorts of crap, the 11 week gets minor pinks/purples but stays more lime green, greasy as can be, vanilla/skunk/earth/hash , the Van island cut is another good one too. I’m a Kush head so they have all been staples but pink is top 3 in my all time favourite smokes no question if we’re talking every box checked. Most are finicky bitches too


For this the exact opposite imo, and I was a ten year insomniac. Pink is night night meds for me


So would you guys agree that the CSI Bubba S1s are of good quality and a good place to get my start with growing Kush strains?


Definitely! There’s absolute fire in those beans imo ! Its another amazing strain and CSI imo you can always count on for the real deal, I’d pop them 100%

Out of likes , sorry


Excellent, that’s a confidence booster. I currently have a CSI Indiana bubble gum growing that I’m loving quite a bit. It’s the plant on the back right in the photo.

The plant in the front left is my Cap Junky original clone mom.


Nice, those all look nice actually, the one by itself has crazy leaf structure.


Yeah I messed up. Single plant is the Bubblegum. Plant front left is the Cap Junky mom. The plant back left is a new cross my by a buddy of mine. Alani Island (Chem X x Alani Skunk) x Cap Junky and so far it’s a really nice plant.


I was thinking so, but didn’t wanna second guess ya, now it makes total sense, nice.