Bubba Kush cuts …

Most welcome

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Had to wait a day or two to put in the tent but i gave the illudium a soap nut spray and pulled a couple leaves but Shes taking the feed good so far squeaky clean now this this is so much a bubba leaner its not even funny perfect candidate for my pre 98 bubba cross.Awesome plant guys this things as tough as nails she eats feed like it dont matter cant burn this baby out.


Here’s my brothers pre 98 starting to ripen. At 44 days I think, so it’s really fast for a seed plant. Smell is hashy with chocolate notes.


Would love to see how these look throughout flower. Keep us updated please :sunglasses:

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I’ve got two katsu pre98 S1 I’d like to share. Day 29 of flower here.


@Frankken_Ford hey brother mendels selections is his seed company , he’s a pretty solid guy think you can get ahold of him on Insta. He very open and willing to answer questions. He has a tropic of censor that was pretty good.


Anybody in California have that pre 98 that would want to trade ?


I’d be all over it… any good news on that SoCal Master?

I emailed the site buyseedshere or whatever it’s called, and asked for proof that they had Master in stock… asked for a pic of the cuts, or a picture of the final product…


most if not all of their pictures are yoinked from the community. they used a picture of a strain i bred to sell Bodhi’s cut of A.S.S.


Lol you should have called them out, would love to here that answer! I guess look at as a compliment that they used yours even though it’s kinda stealing.

Let us know if you get a lead on socal master. Haven’t seen that cultivar in a long long time. Kon whatever that is it looks good.

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Oh, that’s definitely Master, and never seen that Pic before… if you can prove that, @Cannavore, would be helpful…


Cool… I meant the master… you have no idea how far and wide I have searched for anyone growing the Master, and pretty sure I have sifted through every pic… I know the main Pic is stolen, but like I said, I’ve never seen that Pic, and it’s def recent… He just said “don’t worry, it’s not going anywhere, it will be here when you’re ready” because it’s too hot right now… I start late sept/October, but might get it a little earlier and keep it outside with supplemental light to take mega clones and grow them out… He also said since it’s been cleaned with tissue culture, that it’s much more vigorous than it ever was… I remember it being super slow and took double the time as most to clone and veg… especially if you wanted to top it multiple times and grow a bush…

Of course I still have my doubts, but if I get that, I’m happy… wanted to ask more questions, but takes a while to respond, and don’t want to fuck things up… was wondering if it being blood purple and purple stem was still there, or if it was due to stress from it being “dirty”… I’m sure if it’s legit, we can still make those colors come out… Def changes the flavor, and Master bag appeal :yum:

Sorry, no more master talk… Bubba is almost as iconic… still A+

Yummy botrytis

the fact that an extremely uncommon/rare cut is being sold for $99 should be the first warning sign


Yep. I wouldnt touch a clone from them with a ten foot pole.


That sites shows over 400 strains available as clones , I would be very cautious and doubtful of them in general.
I know somebody with the master same place I got my legit ghost and bubba but they are waiting for it to re veg and produce clones atm


Speaking of rare clones… is farmerjoes TK legit? I havent ever been able to find that.


Yeah, who has the legit TK? Now I hear people mentioning multiple different cuts from vendors. How does this nonsense happen?

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@HolyAngel is TKman ask him