Bubba Kush cuts …

Twenty20 Mendocino bubba almost dry


Very nice!


Is anyone here currently growing VerdantGreen’s Pre-98 Bubba?


I have a clone from Verdants Bubba that I keep for few years, just flowering it for seeds.


Pls someone… give to me a bubba clone… 🫡

Here she is all dried… Really love the terps. Sweet coffee with a dash of pepper and old school funk


Sour Bubble has coffee and sprite phenos.

I’ve never ran pure Bubba kush… but the more I learn the more I believe.

Bubba Kush is supposed to be original Bubba x original OG.

Flo Rida, Florida OG? I think


Isnt Obama Kush. Mendo purps x Bubba?


About twenty years ago the first person I knew who had bubba kush was running several other phenos , I’m not sure where he got the beans but they were fem beans , there was a sprite / 7up pheno that stacked better and a violet purple one , wish I had kept them both ,I generally don’t like fem seed but it might be worth selfing the original in a attempt to find those variations


Holy cow that looks gorgeous. Way better than the pheno I got… lol was that grown under LED?

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OG Kush x (Purple?) Afghan but i could be wrong.

Northern lights #1 (Bubba) × Josh D’s OG kush

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Hey Elanius, thanks for the reply! I’m curious if it really represents the pre-98. Does the keeper you kept have wide leaves, golf ball-style buds, and chocolate or coffee aromas?

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This looks more like the Socal Master flower…Bubba usually more round… could be special!

Old pic found in forums of Bubba next to Master… very very similar…


I have a word document filled with those pics of master kush and bubba from those old forum posts… some of my favorite looking bud plants I’ve been searching for years, to no avail haha


Pretty sure they were from orgnkid. I bought his ogers and blackberry bubba in 2004 I think. He made s1s of all the now famous kushes. They were sold at seedboutique. Kon those look the same to me. Check out his interview with Fletch from archive, the y go over all this stuff in detail. People found choc mint bubba, blackberry, etc from these s1 seeds.

I can’t find any pictures from my blackberry bubbagrows, but I did document it on icmag. If I find it I’ll share over here.


very nice have.

sweet …


I no longer have them, this was just the packaging they came in. Wish I did though. I’m sure some of you remember the circus of these releases. Think Josh d’s crew got mad he made seeds, but he bought those clones for alot of money. Never saw anything on that chocolate mint bubba, I’m assuming it was found in the regular bubba kush s1s. I was talking to somebody on here that still actually has both.

I found a picture of them, blackberry bubba in the very back right, ogers up front. Not the best pictures but was a 2.0 magapixel camera.


I’m aware of the history with orgnkid and the beans my buddy had were not from him , they were selfed bubba kush seeds most likely from one of his personal grows or somebody he gave a cutting to, he was not the type to send or receive anything in the mail. The oger beans you are referencing are selfed og kush not bubba kush. He did make bubba kush s1s but they were labeled as such.
Several members here including myself have a regular version of those oger beans and the story of how it went from fem to reg is questionable.
I have the original ghost og and bubba kush cutting thanks to orgkid, as do several others.
You know fletcher held the ghost og for years and never let it out , I wouldn’t have it if he had not kept it secured and gave it back to orgnkid when the time came. Solid dude right there and I hear his beans produce some fire :grin: