Buddertons Tomfoolery

So I wanted to show the process of how I wake up snips that have been stored in the fridge for an extended period because it’s pretty cool.
These snips have been in the fridge around 6 weeks. When I took them out they look quite dead. I recut the stems and got them soaking in a tap water/cloning solution mix, inside a humidity dome.

Fresh out the fridge, recut and sprayed with water, about to go in the dome. Looking very near dead.

Six hours later…

Twelve hours later…

Twenty four hours later…

Now they are all up and Adam, it’s time to put them into rooting medium (I use rock cubes) and carry on as pre usual.
I plan on doing some experimenting to see how long I can keep a snip in the fridge and still root it. I’ve done eight wks with 90% success but I’m hoping I can get twelve wks. :crossed_fingers::v::grin: