Buddertons Tomfoolery

True story, yup I dry my seeds and replant them in the spring for the garden. Especially when I find something like my pumpkins, I’m on my second year of these, they’re bigger than basketballs.


Ok cool thanks for explaining and the back up guys. I’ve only made a handful of seeds intentionally and had no clue what to do with them. Luckily,not really, the heat stress made plants foxtail and I kept waiting for all the pisitls to all curl. 14 wks is a bit long for a indica dominate hybrid :rofl::rofl:. They actually ripened nicely in the bud and I just threw en in jar. Glad to know they need a “cure” as well planning on making seeds I want to keep/share.


Beauty grow @Greenfingers, and it sounds like theres a lot of practise behind your efforts.
Ole @FieldEffect struck gold on his first Pumpkin competition… thought I’d say Hello so you two could trade Secrets


Those are beautiful!

Mine is ugly but fat enough to be a winner :rofl:

Hope you are playing in the pumpkin contest hosted by @OG_Caveman Caveman's 2023 Pumpkin Carving Contest (US Only)

It’s a kid-size chair BTW. I’m skilled at taking pictures that make things look bigger than they are :rofl:


I didn’t know there were contests :+1:t2:


@budderton I may be late to ask, but if there are any more of those cobralips wolf pack beans, id love to go for a hunt.
I can pay postage

Either way sounds like a tasty cross to get more appy traits :v:


Numbers are getting low but I have enough to send a flip to J to the R. O. C. Is it true that you where only getting changed? :rofl:
Send me a PM and we can make arrangements.


Budderton, man…you’re a solid OG!


He was getting changed, knowmsayin?! :joy:


@Budderton that Sudanese flower is looking laden with seeds, so glad some of what I sent had worked out so far! Once things get on track and u have a moment to scratch myself I’ll hit you up and send over some more beans to fool with. Keep up the great work legend :clap: :raised_hands:


Hey @Cranio . Hope the Mrs is feeling better.
Yeah, the Sudanese where 2 wks ahead of everything else and bore the brunt of the Malawi Gold pollen. It’s a good thing, as I think they will be a good match and make some good hybrids.
I have to say, the MG are looking the best out of all equatorials I have flowering at the moment. Not the chunkiest colas but the most trichs and a smell that just says " if you dry and smoke me, you will get high"

And hopefully this Columbian Gold will stop stretching and start setting flower. It at x3 stretch since flip now.



Holy smokes…that Colombian gold is hardcore! What a stretch!!!


Great News @Budderton, Bhadra A is 16 days old, has 9 leaves on the 6th node and is working on 11 leaves for the 7th


Just think what the stretch would have been like in anything other than the solo cup. Great job controlling it.


@Budderton Damn great job!! Plenty of wisdom to be seen and appreciated!! :v:
Just passing by!! :sunglasses: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:


That one’s stretched the most. The shorter ones ended up male. I was warned they like to grow.

Holy cow! I wonder if you’ll get to 15s? Or more?

Thanks @Tejas . It’s actually a solo cup with the bottom cut out, sitting on top of a one gallon of medium, in a one gal container. I stack pots . I’ll end up transplanting to a 4 gal before all is said and done.

Nice to hear from you, my friend! Stop by anytime!


Doing some watering and just had to take a glam shot ( please note the elaborate backdrop) of this Mullumbimby Madness x Nevils Haze clone.



I know you run mostly landrace, but do you think stacking pots would work with autos as well? I tried once and failed curious if it was grower error(leaning towards this one) or cause the roots were restricted some how. I don’t think a solo would be that restrictive even if I just cut the bottom. Idk just ideas rattling around in my noggen.

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Stacked pots should work. It’s really about the timing on it. As soon as the tap root comes out the bottom you need to put here in her forever home.


Thanks. If I just cut the bottom out will I be ok or should I take more of the bottom of the cup off?

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