Buddertons Tomfoolery

Wild bud structure Budd :+1: and doesn’t look like it needs much trimming :ok_hand:
Apologies for clogging up your thread last night. :pray:
Looking fwd to the smoke report. She looks like she’d be great for some hash


Those are chunk-os! Thanks for taking the time to so delicately capture the goods. Had me nostalgic so I hope you don’t mind if I throw down the Malawi I was working with until the worst happened. This was my pre-defoliating days. Haven’t had the chance to have anything similar really since. This will be my first jump back in :purple_heart: here’s to you!


Some seriously nice buddage being displayed… very very nice.


I wish you old guy would write out the whole damb name for us, nubes ! Hahahah, sorry i meant older members of OG ! Gotta get it straight eh ! Lol good day ladies and gentlemen thought i would come by and have a visit and look at all the pretty pictures but i cant figure out half the names hahhah its like playing the 80’s show Bumper Stumpers and I’m going to win a brand new Fiaro ! If i figure them out !


That looks so juicy !


@Thetravler mullumbimby (madness) and nevils (haze)


Thank you very much im a pain but im learning ! I appreciate any help ! Cheers


Quick update of some young plants in veg.
They usally start at 3 and go back down to 2 but this Black Triangle went from 2 up to 3. Wholled blah blah blah. I call this a tri-leaf as a shout out to Ricky Seeds of Hamilton, home of the Tri-Leaf and the 34% weed! Legendary! (in a notoriously bad kind of way😁) If you remember Ricky Seeds tiny ads in the back pages of old high times, you as big a weed nerd as me!
Tri-leaf Black Triangle :joy: Not associated with Ricky Seeds in any fashion!

It bares a resemblance to this other TK x Afghani, TK M10 f2s from @WVMountainGhost . Here’s two different phenotypes.

And some of the Pedal Driven Kush (Biker kush open pollination seed increase) has a similar look, like this one.

but the majority are like this one.

Happy Saturday!


I thought i was a pot freak you going back to the times of the prince of seeds ! Mark emery days ! My mom would freak if she found my high times but never bothered me about penthouse . So it was ok to grow up a pervert but not a pot head pervert !I miss the 80 s things were simpler back then like the people ! Oh forgot im here to let you know im popping down you SFV Bx3 f3 i have 5 going into the incubator now .


So, a triploid??


Technically a whorled phyllotaxy but folks like to fight about what to call it so I differ to Ricky Seeds who’s claim to fame was a strain called Tri-leaf, If I remember correctly (50/50😂). It was said to produce whorled phyllotaxy plants (which he always referred to as tri-leafed) but it did not. He also had seed that produced 34% THC plants that again did not. And adds to buy seed for $1 per, didn’t care what they where. Hmm. A bit of a regional legend(for all the wrong reasons) from just before or right around 2000. Just put it out there to see if any old heads remember the name.

But yeah, a whorled phyllotaxy. I’ve had a few that start out from the cotyledons, lots that start at the first set of true leafs but they all eventually returned to normal. I can’t recall one that started normal and progressed to the tri-leaf.(shout out Ricky Seeds!!)


Yeah buddy, looking good. The second picture of the TKM10 looks like the male I used.


Right on @Thetravler ! Back in the late eighties I had a friend that worked at the new recycling plant and he scored me a pile of high time that’s was 5 ft tall. Had copies from the 70s to that present time. I learned how to grow and make seed from them. I kept them for a couple years, read them all 2 or three times each and then gave them all away out of paranoia. Back then it was just more evidence towards a mandatory minimum sentence. Wish I had them now though!
And best of luck with the SFV OG bx starts! Had some good ones come out of that batch. It’s based off the old 707 seedbank release.


Thanks @WVMountainGhost . Got to get them up potted and ready to flower. Should be able to see pre flowers soon. I’ve got to use a magnifying glass these days because my eyes are old as shit.


Spent the morning sexing out seedlings. I’m definitely only keeping 2 groups of males. 1 group to draw from for this round and another group to draw from for a round immediately following. The first group are left natural, the second group were trimmed back. What sucks is when you find a nice male but it doesn’t fit into your plans, like this TK M10 f2, made by @WVMountainGhost . The leaf shape and branch angle say Afghani but the internode spacing suggests there’s something else involved. Maybe this is one of them thar stretch Indicas?

But I’m definitely only keeping males from 2 genotypes…

Dammit , OK 3 genotypes…
I’m sure I’m find a good use for it. :joy:
And this cut of Tergasm has been around for a while now. Hashes out decently and the flower smokers like it. Thanks again for the pack @neogitus !



Like most of everyone, my head hurts from trying to keep up with all the drama on the BOO thread (not sure why it hasn’t been shutdown yet) so here’s some flower pics to remind us of why we’re all gathered here, together.

The aforementioned Tergasm cut, getting neardone.

I love the spicy look of this White Apricot Sherbet x Sherb Breath.

This OGKB mutant popped up in the Sherb Breath F2s.

An OGKB mutant from the Meat Breath S1s

Here’s a common example of the Meat Breath x Sherb Breath.

And this chunker is what I got when I put the Sherb Breath male back onto the MB xSB.

Took down the 2nd of 3 Maze(MM x NH x MG) testers at 18 wks or so.

And the last Maze standing (sort of :joy:) is still throwing fresh pistils but it’s old and hurting. Kinda like a lot of us!

We’re all in it together and no one gets out alive so we might as well be kind to one another.


Looking good brother!


Looks beautiful Budd :seedling: gotta love the frost the meat breath bring to the table :call_me_hand:
Edit… All outa likes. Used em all with today’s bs


That maze has the bud structure I love :heart: the most. I saw it, and right away I was salivating and wanting to smoke it.

That’s true bag appeal! :100:


Tepgasm. I think that’s what happened in my pants looking at these beautiful pics :flushed: