Buddertons Tomfoolery

Classic OG Kush type seedrun update:

So 10 days ago, I noticed atypical growth on the Tricycle. I’ve since spotted the same type of growth on all the progeny of the 4 different male Biker Kush. Even the BK x BK are displaying this trait so I must assume it’s from the male Biker Kush. I freaked out and tossed a few I thought where herming but the weird growth didn’t look like your average nut sack so I left them to observe. The growths started like this…

Doesn’t look good, right? But I’ve let them develop for 10 days and they look like this now…

Still strange looking but not a sac in sight yet. In my experience the male parts usally develop and show much faster on an average herming plant. Not sure what to make of it and it still may end up being a nut feast, so I’ve binned all the males I had bagged for seed making this round. No sense propagating this mess until I figure out for sure if these things are herming or just growing strangely. It’s ironic because when I made the initial crosses, I spoke on how it’s important to use a well worked reg line to reintroduce the Y back into S seed and here the males appear to be the source of the weirdness. Bulldog is not amused.

OG Kush is a strange one. Hard to deny the sativa influence, after you’ve grown out and observed a bunch of tropicals. Check out TK S1, from CSI Humboldt.



Just binned some sowah Males here, similar deal, couldn’t sit with a project when the males aren’t acting quite right
Bulldog looks like he has the right attitude about it all!


SHE has the right attitude @beebud ! Actually, she’s always a little bitch🤣…dog breeder humor!


Nice pup bro! I love blue and red pits!

I found this guy in a field 4 years ago. Hes definitely mixed with something besides pit.


@Budderton those back to basics look great how do you prep your solos?

@seeds2weeds I agree been leaning towards the blues something about that grey coat, but still healing abit.


Just recheck my posts and these are those are in fact a cross called Labrador. They are 3 different female (Mullumbimby Madness x Nevils Haze x Malawi Gold) x 1 Affie #11 F2.
Have since edited my posts above. Glad I caught that, sorry for any confusion.
I don’t do anything special with the solos. Put holes in the bottom, fill with G5 growing medium, wet and add seedling. I ran out of solid solos so I started using semi opaque purple ones. Peeps will say the light will burn the roots but I don’t see that at all. In fact I really like these because I’m able to observe root development without using the two cup method.

If you’re thinking about adopting a pitbulldog you may want to steer clear of the blues, or at least be very cautious. The blues have been mostly bred for a long time without regard for temperament, solely for color. As a result we see a lot of aggressive, unpredictable dogs from straight “blue” lines. Better off with a well bred old family Red nose, imo.


Good morning everyone. Hope you’re doing well.
Looking great! That side growth always weirds me out. I usually just pull it immediately so I don’t have to keep checking for nuts.

Good to know about the blue pits. My neighbor has a beautiful one, that’s aggressive :disappointed:


Good morning EG!

When I’m growing for flower I pluck them but for seed making I let them develop, to be sure of what I’m working with. These classic OG Kush types are a weird bunch! They are smelling really dank though, so I’ll let them develop and pull any sacks that show. Not making or collecting seed from them now, just want to let them continue as a test for all the folks holding these seeds.

I’ve heard Dalmatians can be quite aggressive as well. Yours look like perfect gentlemen/ladies though!:grin:


My Dalmatians were dumb as hell. One of them ate the rusted fender off of an old car :man_shrugging:t3: but I wouldn’t have called either of them aggressive. But I do love the looks of the American bully’s


Completely understand why you are letting them develop.

My older one is a bit aggressive. She is also very jealous of me.

A big part of it is covid.


SFV OGbx3 I’m down to 2 plants now. One has popped balls (left one) so it’s out. Growing well so far. Maybe this week they will show sex.


I’ve raised several pit bulls, some from puppy mills and some rescues. They were all good dogs. The problem with pitbulls isn’t aggression, it’s size. A dog that large is going to naturally tend alpha if conditions are right.

If the dog is properly trained, treated and socialized, it rarely becomes the type of pit bull that has been awarded its reputation for attacking humans.


Right on @greenmonster714 , I hope the other two turn out to be good females for you!


Well said my man. Even pitbulls used for fighting is a search. Most dogs don’t have that killer instinct to fight most won’t fight. I’ve known a few people involved in dog fighting(ya they are a POS imo) and they said maybe 1 in 100 have the right mentality to be fighting dogs and that still has to be reinforced and trained into them. Not saying there isn’t a bad one every now and then but most attacks are situation based. Hell even dog fighting trainers stand in the middle of the “ring” and can reach in and separate without being bit. They don’t want to bite us even when being aggressive. I just watched this documentary about this stuff and the stupid bully breed bans in some counties. Really good.

doesn’t he look like such a good boy?:hugs:
Lol no idea why this pic came out sideways.🤷


That reminds me when I was a stupid teenager with my first pit bull. It was the runt of the litter, so the breeder gave it to me. I named him Spike, and he never got big. But one day this “cool kid” showed up with a huge dog called Bear and started making fun of Spike.

Of course the two had to fight and my little Spike was starting to hurt Bear so I called him and he left the fight. He never got mad, and he escalated in response to the other dog.

Before that day, having a pit was more about meeting girls. But the breed has some pretty impressive dogs in it.


P.S. Looks like a good video.


Oh ya they can fight and mess up bigger dogs. I’ve had a few friends that had the best behaved pits would let little dogs jump on their heads bite their ears whatever they didn’t flinch. Now they see a 'big" dog they act all friendly and wagging tails then crunch the attack is on. Very weird but person aggression I believe is 99% a trama reaction from some sort of abuse. They are called the nanny dogs for a reason great with babies and little kids. Now little dogs are biting little asshole s especially with kids they just don’t do much damage so no one cares. I’ve read quite a few studies and golden retrievers are responsible for the highest amount of human bites but they don’t make the headlines because it’s not sensational. Also doesn’t fit the narrative that bully breeders are dangerous and deadly. It’s about headlines and controlling the narrative. My standing THERE IS NO BAD DOGS JUST BAD OWNERS! Although I despise the little ankle bites but I bet if real records were kept Chihuahua’s would take the cake just their bite isn’t bad and you can just punt them.:rofl:


That and poodles


I actually had by-law come by my place once… At the time I had 3 pitties and a wolf, lol. I had a good chat with the 2 officers, one had a rescued pitty herself and the other filled me in on the stats… Shitsu’s (however you spell it) bite the most, pitties were waaay down on the list, the officers didn’t really ever worry about them. The reason they came by, my neighbour - who sold drugs out of his house, not cool in that neighbourhood - had 3 baby pitties tied up in his yard, JUST out of reach of water… I have zero doubts the dogs would have been used as fighting dogs. So, instead of beating the crap out of him and taking his dogs, I did the right thing and called the authorities. The pups were taken from him and rehomed.

Redn nose vs blue nose, there’s no difference… It’s 100% training. I can say that with confidence for a few reasons… 10+ years of working with a rescue, being involved with pitties for 25 years and having my own for the last 15…plus, my last pup, Hetfield, was “champagne” in colour and everyone of his 12 brothers and sisters were either dark blue or black.

Right? And how scary is “Chihuahua attacks!!”, lol… No one is clicking that link.

No one thinks small dogs need the training, so they all end up as yappy lil jerks… I’ve met a few well trained small dogs and lemme tell ya, I could see myself surrounded with my pitty and cane corso, and a tea cup Yorkie on my lap, hahaha.

Its ALL about the training :heart:


That’s 99% true. I was going to say :100: but then I remembered a couple of dogs I had over the years. :grin: