Buddertons Tomfoolery

They have a nice dank smell on them so far EG. I can say that much.:grin:

And speaking of dankness, the current batch of Sour based stuff are some of the stinkier seedlings I’ve had in a long time. Handling them for photos gives rise to a cloud of offensive dank!
A couple Sour Taxi

A Sowahh x mix of Sour Males

And then there’s this Lumbo Lips. It’s gonna be a tropical thing me thinks.

And this Labrador looks like a cannabis plant.

A male The Don f3 getting ready to make pollen to go to F4.



Always love your updates. Got a big smile from it. Super excited to see what you come up with


I’ve been smoking the TKM10. The mother I used smells of sweet cedar with a touch of Vic’s vapor rub. Taste is the same. Considering I chopped early and the buds were seeded, it’s still pretty good. Shoot me a DM and I’ll send you some of the F2 if you’re interested.


Those plants are gonna be fire for sure


@Budderton please help me with this problem going crazzy at the outdoor grow again damd no good luck 35 planted 27 males ! please tell me these 2 are not males to and the aphids i got how down i rid outdoor grow of them i only just seen them on 2 plants

thats plant one now 2


Sorry man those are both males… for aphids.
Look up the post MTA one and done from johnnypotseed if not there are a few store bought products im sure you can use.


Yep. Can confirm what @Slammedsonoma420 posted. Both males. That’s terrible luck @Thetravler !
You’ll have to hunt up some fem seed for next year.


Friendly reminder to anyone still sitting on Glitter Trike beans

That stuff is a FANTASTIC daily-driver smoke :ok_hand:


Right on, thanks for the endorsement @RookieBuds . That is great to hear, especially considering i have a bunch that are 5 wks into flower, along with some other inbred OG Kush types.
When you grew your GT out, did you see any of the atypical growth i posted about above?


@Budderton no, I honestly recall them being very straightforward, easy to grow plants. They looked quite similar until one shot past the other in flower stretch, and throughout flower they were consistently similar with very slight nuances, one seemed soapier than the other to me. No intersex traits, no nanners or nothin :+1: to my credit, I did my best to not stress these plants at all and I think I did a satisfactory job at that

Smoking some right now with morning coffee :ok_hand:


I geek out over canabis morphology. The more you observe, the more each plant looks a little different from one another. Figuring out how these early physical traits translates to finished plants and why gets my gears cranking. The most common thing is general leaf structure.

But i really nerd out over branch angle. It’s a good indicator of the genetics that went into a seed batch and how the buds will grow, i find.

And of course theres other observable early traits like rate of growth, root development and internode spacing but in general, the more you can differentiate physical traits and then correlate them to how that plant will flower, the nerdier you’ll be! :grin: I mean to say, the better you’ll be at making early selections.
Sorry for the rant. Was just geeky out over all the different structures in the veg room this morning and I’m high.:sweat_smile: Happy long weekend!!


Happy weekend @Budderton ! If you dont mind me showing a definate wierd leaf formation plant.


Awesome @Hashpants ! Look OGKB to me. Cookies type thing?


Yes , its Cap Junky. It does look similar to the Meatbreath. The borers really like those hard stalks. Im afraid they will probably get this one.


The way the outer leaflets turn under the center is a dead giveaway to OGKB ancestry. Here a cap junkie done inside. They make really dense, flavourful colas, i hope the stem suckers don’t like the taste!

Sometimes you get the little leafs growing from the base of a big fan that can turn into leafbud.

Those OGKB types are definitely weird ones!


Happy long weekend @Budderton!!

I’ve started paying more attention to plant structure, but not enough to take notes… That’s the next step, lol. I think you’re a few ahead of me :grin::metal:


I’m outta likes for another 2 hours :person_shrugging::person_facepalming:

I saw that extra leaf structure on a few leaves in a recent blueberry plant I grew, it’s pretty cool :ok_hand:


Boy , i hope mine looks Any thing like that one when its done.


Love this thread!


@Hashpants that’s a beautifully “ugly” plant, I love those overlapped finger expressions! It, to me, is an almost certainty of dank buds but also reduced yield, BUT, also easier final trim :+1: :+1:

VERY nice!

@Rhizome I totally agree, I can hardly resist from commenting in here everytime I see the Tomfoolery refreshed! :rofl: :metal: