Buddertons Tomfoolery

You fucking up a mildew colony or just boosting terpene productivity?


This time of year is always a bitch for pm up here. Wet and cold at night. I saw a couple spots that may have been residue from a recent spinosad spray but I’m not taking any chance especially when it’s an easy application while they are this small.
I did the sulfur by weight instead of volume this time and ended up pretty heavy. Just caked everything but the younge plants grow past it quickly if everything is good. Do you rinse excess sulfur off after a while @JoeCrowe ? I don’t because basically I’m a lazy stoner. Sulfured the walls and floor while i was at it and just let it dry. I try and deep clean once a year. Bleach water, then ozone, then sulfur the whole rooms.


Yah the sulfur can’t hurt the plants no matter how much you toss on there. The dried on sulfur is love :wink:
The thing about mildew is it’s brought in on infected plant material. So unless you just had an infestation or just brought in infested material, there won’t be any mildew. Germ theory of disease.


^^ I know this guy is saying this but it is very wrong and he keeps saying it everywhere. PM can spread many miles via wind.


I still think his observations provide a helpful way to approach it, at least for those of us for whom PM can’t live in our area without having come from elsewhere.


I’m glad he is doing research and is interested in strains of powdery mildew. He may have great insights into the subject. It doesn’t make what he just said correct though and it is important because @budderton has a lot of plants.



I don’t get the vendetta. As of a week ago Joe was doing tests determining how far it can spread? As he’d say…a Google result doesn’t mean you’re right either? Do you have evidence of what you’re claiming? I know I can go to Joe’s thread and see what he’s doing. Dude does a lot of work with this mildew to be discredited by a belief I doubt you’ve proven


There is no vendetta, I just am noticing a pattern of giving misinformation by him. I asked him and his attitude was to ignore all outside evidence. My evidence is literally every website and published article on the subject. I linked to the agro dept of canada cuz he is in canada.


That’s fair. I get lots of similar articles from pretty reputable places so I’m inclined to believe you’re right here but I know I don’t know enough to say either way and good data is good data. I’ve never dealt with pm inside but I know I’d call that cat if I did. Weird though since it’s everywhere outside… anyway. Excited to see what’s coming budderton!


Looks like i was a bit presumptuous when I figured the Affie 11 had cut down the growth rate of the Maze when i crossed the two. It was slower to spread out its root ball but now that they are established the Labradors are taking off and quickly catching up to the Lumbo Lips. LL on the left.

2 different Lumbo Lips. Columbian Gold x Cobra Lips

And this Labrador really wants to get wide and hold its flowers far from the main stalk. Apparently the Affie 11 did not swing the Maze that much toward the Afghan structure with just one cross.:grin:



@budderton your plants are outstanding! I don’t remember seeing your hoop house those plants are really growing! Are the outdoors for stash and indoors for fun and experiments and seed making?
Mildew can also be spread by incidental contact by you, your clothes, your pets… In a very controlled environment this could be very true but real life isn’t controlled so shit happens.


Yep I am with @CocoaCoir
PM spore are evrywhere
However that don’t mean that
you have all the condition for
it to explose.

But yes it is everywhere



Hey @420noob . The hoop house isn’t mine, its my Dads. I just snapped a pic while visiting. I don’t mess around outside anymore.

For sure. I’ve found a lot of stuff will track in on your shoes. One of my protocols is no shoes that have been outside enter the grow room.


Oh ya duh you said paps hoop house lol very nice. You have good sterile technique from what you have explained, especially when pollinating plants.


Oh yah, the advice I give is based on observation of the parasite. If you DO get it, and positively identify the mildew using magnification, make sure to summon me and I’ll offer you a plan to completely eradicate it. Indoors is the easiest! These guys will tell you I’m spinning tales, but the proof is in the pudding.


Its been a while since I’ve grown out any of these Biker Slush F2 and that’s far to long.

I think it’s at around 45 days into flower.


Getting my ass kicked by the old school OG Kush types again. These are TK S1s from CSI,

And these are Glitter Trikes (Pure OG Kush x Triangle x Biker Kush)



Looking great Budd.


These look bloody great!! My favorite type of flower, The 1 thats sticks to the wall.


Dont look bad at all, liooks like ffire to me… what gives yo problems with these strains?