Buddertons Tomfoolery

Happy weekend! Here’s a couple that are vegging out as part of an OG Kush hunt.

This one’s the dirtiest of taxis. Dirty Taxi F2 thanks to @Emeraldgreen .

The classic… Shoreline OG thanks to @MikeyDread . I hope yous are doing alright and getting back to normal after that weather shit show Dread.

This one is pure highschool in central Ontario during the 1980s! As someone who grew up through the dark times, it still blows my mind that I can have this delivered to my house now! Bless you, Canada!:canada::heart:


How is the hash Budderton? And if you don’t mind me asking, what did you pay for it?

And yes…bless our cannabis laws!


Looking great! Thank you for the update/ tag


Smooth and mellow, like the Afghan I remember from highschool. It was $200 or $210 delivered, with a bonus 7 grams of flower. My lady got it for me.


I haven’t smoked hash since I gave up tobacco many moons ago. Love the taste of Afghani…decided to try growing one in the yard this year.


Yeah I’m a hasher. I rarely smoke flower. The hash I make is much more potent but the Afghan is like a trip down memory lane. It was either that or brickweed when I was a teen so I smoked a lot of Afghan back then. Good luck with your Afghani this summer! My old pa has a bunch in his greenhouse this year.


So I’ve never grown it…how is it?


@CanuckistanPete ,not all Afghan is the same. There are variants between regions and sub-variants within those regions. If it’s from the highlands, generally you’d expect a shorter, stout plant with broad leafs and side branching that comes off the main stem at a steep angle, with tigh, chunky colas high in trichomes to ward off the higher UVs that come with elevation. Terps can be incense, body odor, pine, skunk, spices. Pretty wide open, same with the effect, but mostly a sedating type buzz.


I’ve kind of gone to where I care more about flavor than strength…Christ it all seems strong to me now.

I bought my Afghani seeds hoping it would have a hint of that old hash flavor in it. I started 6 but gave 4 plants away. Ones in my yard…trying to figure where the last one is going…my wife doesn’t want me bush wakking anymore, but I still have 6 plants in pots that I’m not just going to throw out. Those poor mosquitos need my blood anyhow.


Man that looks beautiful. Hash was few and far between where I grew up but I was always hyped to get it. Make some of that myself now but I’d love to see other examples to see where the homemade stuff falls in comparison. Can’t wait for October when our rec market kicks in here


Damn mate that looks like heaven, you should put up a how to method on this I’d love to learn how to do it.
And those plants looking amazing mate :ok_hand: how are they smelling?


Yeah central Ontario sucked for weed in the 80s but we got lots of Afghan hash through the port of Montreal, which is only a few hours away. I think alot of Canadians grew up smoking hash, I know my Dad and Mom did.:grin:


Well, there’s a bunch of different cultivars that are in veg that are not putting out much smell but the Stink Ape Autos are flowering and are stinking up the whole house with funk and gas. I have to get a carbon scrubber set up today.:grin::peace_symbol:


I agree on the good hash I remember blonde Lebanese with the gold seal . Harder than a rock had to shave it with a razor blade or heat it with a lighter to soften it up enough to crumble it .

There also was some black tar around the same time it was more pliable but still in brick form I believe it had a stamp burnt into it of a coin . Black on the outside brown on the inside is what I remember of it.


Count me as one of those from Ontario who grew up smoking hash. For the first few years I smoked in the early to mid 90s all you could get was hash.
Somehow In the first few years of smoking I even was able to get some Jamaican gum, got so baked my mom found out I smoked for first time when I got home😔
Then all of the sudden all the hash was gone and all we could get was weed, mostly shitty brick weed at that time, then once in awhile we got some average indoor, that by today’s standards would be bunk. It was sold for 180-250 Oz depending on who or where you got it from, pretty sure it was grown by bikers
In late 90s one of my brothers was able to get this bud every once in a while that was what we just called stinky bud. It was 50 per half quad all the way up. So 400 per Oz and we paid that anytime we could get it. It stank so bad like a skunk you would smell up the whole house just opening your bag. And a half quarter looked like a quarter it was so dry and bulky, wasn’t very dense but so much crystals. Me and my buddies still reminisce about the stinky bud wishing we could find out what it was or find a clone cause it was the nicest stuff I ever smoked. Was a real treat when we got it on the rare occasion.


Right on. For sure I remember the blonde. We where all bottle tokers ( it’s an Ontario thing😁) so the blonde was not as popular due to being a pain in the ass to cut bottle tokes.
And the gold Camel :camel: seal on the big bricks.:grin:
Ahhhh highschool…


I remember the red seal and gold seal hashish.
Haha totally remember keeping a bottle with a perfect hole for bottle tokes forever :rofl:
Shit had so much resin on the inside…:joy:
And yep remember blonde hash being such a pain in the ass to try and do bottle tokes, only got it once cause of that.
Now that I think about it, it was like kief stuck together in a hard chunk,


Yep, for sure. Or the Asian fellas down in Barrie at the old Molson plant.:roll_eyes:

I often wonder if the first good weed we tried was really as good as we remember.:thinking: Alot of us older growers kinda feel like that and pine for those old cuts but I wonder if you had it today, how it would stack up against all those cuts your growing now.


Only thing I think might still live up to todays hype is Thai sticks 6 inch stick with wispy hard crunchy buds where a pin joint would keep you high for hours .


Nice! We use to go to buddies house at lunch break and do a session on the back porch. And yep, had to have the perfect hole!:joy: