Buddertons Tomfoolery

I never had the pleasure to try any real Thai stick that I can remember. Small town, central Ontario.:slightly_frowning_face: We need more like that now a days. Next winter I plan on looking through a bunch of worked equatorials to hopefully find some trippy, up weed, or what my wife likes to call “housework weed”.


Are bottle tones hot knives with the top half of a soda bottle type deal? We used to get into that, that and the hash on a pin under a mason jar. I actually made a hybrid version of both that I use from time to time with the top half of a glass bottle I cut off and a 2x4 that I routed a lip into and drove a finishing nail through


@LegsMahoney It’s a bottle with a hole in the bottom. Usually use a glass bottle scratch side bottom on asphalt then put in a dime and smash out a hole where you scratch on the side, hopefully just a little bigger than a smoke.
Then bust out your hash into bt’s(botte tokes) put 1 bt on your heater and stick it in bottle with lid on and when hash stops brewing take out flip bottle over and you can see that ball of hash smoke come to bottom, inhale, repeat until at desired highness or you run out of hash


Whoa, that’s pretty tricky I don’t think I’ve ever seen that done before, sounds cool!


Falling into a heavy bottle toke google hole now, there’s even guys manufacturing purpose made glass bottles: https://pufferson.ca/ you Canadians are fuckin cool


That’s how we all smoked the abundance of hashish in the 90s in Ontario from my experience.
Probably haven’t hit a bottle toke since 2000…lol
Was actually pretty cool now that I think about it.
But the bottles get pretty nasty if you keep it for awhile. Start almost dripping resin with lots of use


Fuck me I might have to get one, just for nostalgia


So just to be clear you’re picking up the hash with a cigarette right? And then sticking it in the bottle to fill up


We had one of these for the big lunged braggers that said they could handle 2 bottle tokes and not fall down . image


Yep just pick up a piece on your cigarette heater usually a little smaller than your heater and hold between your fingers opposite way as you would to smoke and put in the bottle till it stops brewing

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I wonder if you could rig it with a pin like the under glass method, just to avoid the whole Tobacco part of the deal. Fuck it’s been a while since I quit smoking cigs. Either way I might have to figure a way to give this method a shot!


I like the flattened spoons better than knives along with a frozen whiskey bottle with the bottom broke out .


Yep @LegsMahoney you can do that. That’s the way my Dad did it when he quit stogies.


Never heard of that method. Sounds cool

Hey budderton sorry we kind of high jacked your thread.
Should we take it to another thread?

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All good man. Spread the BT knowledge! I just did a session!:grin:

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So you can just heat up a pin instead of using a smoke?
That would be much better than the tobacco smoke

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For the hash under glass you just stick the ball of hash on the pin unlit, then light it, let it cherry then blow it out and cover it with the glass


Yep. My Dad did them like that all the time. Just start with a little bit bigger bt than usual as you have to get it burning a bit then blow it out, before it’ll smoke good.


Here’s a shot of the purpose built hash under glass rig I made:

Back in the day it was just a pin shoved through a bottle cap and a mason jar. Set the pin and cap on a table get the ball of hash going then cover it with the mason jar and let it fill up and then slide the whole thing to the edge of the table and inhale, cool guy point if you use a 7 eleven big gulp straw so you didn’t have to crawl around on the floor and contort your body to get a hit. Your guys BT method is much more convenient :joy::joy:


We did the same thing chunk of hash with a pin stuck through a piece of cardboard or a playing card light it let it burn for 30 seconds blow it out cover with a glass or jar let it fill with smoke tip it and suck up the smoke.