Buddertons Tomfoolery

I switched on Dec 21. I’m not very good at smells, but it’s definitely got a citrus/gas thing going


Mailbox was on :fire::fire::fire: today. Thank you buddy I appreciate you.


Nice @EG! I’m glad to see they made it over. Tag me if you get some going so I can watch along. :grin::v::canada:


Absolutely I’ll tag you. I’ll be posting some updates on the A11 soon also. Hasn’t been much to show yet.


Yeah, baby plant pics are kinda boring. Are they vegging slower than other seed you’ve started alongside it? I would expect so. Have you seen the A11 Tlander has going, with the pinkish/purplish pistils? Everything I send him seems to express so weirdly in his environment. It’s awesome! Anyhow, I’m looking forward to seeing how the A11 do for you! :grin::v:


Little slow but mostly because it’s early yet. I’ve also given them 2 BBP treatments :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I was gonna grow out all the female Wolf Pack I found and select the best to make a cross to it’s half sibling, Cobra Lips. I only ended up with one that made it to flower so I went ahead and put a mix of pollen from 5 Cobra Lips males on some lowers. The idea is to have an batch of seed with that Appy male as the grandfather of bolth parents. Might be handy to pull males from. :grin::v:


I see your cranking out your projects. That is sweet. Low germination rate on wolf pack right?


Lowish germ rate coupled with high rate of males, like 6 or 7. I have cuts in the fridge, if the WP ends up killer and I wanna f2 it.:grin::v:


I’m starting to get a little worried about some of the older packs. Need to pop them soon.
I hope it’s killer! If not the cobra lips wolf pack should be!


Yeah, I didn’t really plan on doing it now, but since there is only one female, there’s no selection. So I figured I might as well get it done incase of clone failures and I had the relatively fresh pollen. If the WP ends up killer, I’ll use all the male snips I have in the fridge and f2 it. I still have a sealed bag of CL pollen in the fridge for you, when you have the need for it.:grin::v:


If it’s something you want to explore more I have another pack. It’s yours if you are interested. Just let me know



You’re in for a treat bro! These shots are the first and farthest along gal. She’s got a sister that’s not got so much apical dominance and has a lighter budload going. I’m stoked I took clones off these fairly early on…and have been popping more beans as well.



You try sterilizing them? Working great in the test I got going over here


Story of my life! :rofl: Truth is you hit it on the head with “his” environment! It’s not THE environment where I am, it’s MY environment! My shit’s ALWAYS WeirD! :poop: :clown_face: Haa, haa, haa!

Stoked to have found 7 more clones of the #11, 3 already starting to flower. Sometimes Chaos can be your friend! :joy:


No. I did these just before I got the new protocol.
Hopefully I didn’t get to many spores in with them.:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::grin:

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Right on @Tlander ! Now hopefully that’s the one that doesn’t give a shit about bud rot!:crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


@Tlander they look awesome! I’ve been watching your grow for sure. Thank you for gathering your pictures together.
How are the clones similar and different from the seed plants?


Yo @Emeraldgreen ! I was excited to hear who else was growing these and just figured I’d throw in my 2 cents on how ‘special’ that pollen is gonna be! Definitely going to be something worth the effort to collect!

I’m also wanting to see how BBP will work for me over here. Just the logistics to sort out! Anybody heading this way and willing to carry a 5 liter jug of liquid - we need to talk! :joy:

Having only “re-discovered” the clones today, I can’t really tell you much yet! Give me a few days of lookin’ and I’ll try to let you know. Kind of a 3-Ring Circus around here (as usual!).

Oh, @Budderton , had another meter and a half cobra in the natural rock waterfall bed today! Slithered off into the bushes at the vibe of a ‘human’. Said something over his (?) shoulder about looking for a chick with hot lips! :snake: :lips: :snake: :lips: :snake: :lips:


I’ll be posting as it gets more interesting. Definitely watching yours also