Buddertons Tomfoolery

White apricot sherbet f3
Organic soil in 10 gallon
Vegged indoor
Dob 10/15/22
Greenhouse flip
Dof 12/15/22
5 weeks into flower
Sweet and hint of apricot


Wow @AzSeaindooin420 ! It looks awesome! Happy and healthy. I like that type of structure and that’s some nice trich rails it’s got started! Looks like a good hasher. Thanks for doing such a good job growing it out. It gives me a glimpse of what the f3s will be like when I get back into them. Probably sooner then later, now that I’ve seen the potential.:grin: I hope they finish strong for you. :v::canada:


Thanks bud! Shes def a frosty good time! She was also really squatty the entire veg, I’m actually amazed she shot up as much as she did but def gonna wanna take note her stretch is about double, she shot passed taller plants she was next to in veg. I’ll def keep ya updated as she gets closer to harvest


Finally got some Carl’s shoes and sherb breath f2s popped. Been anticipating these for awhile.

Thanks again @Budderton ! :green_heart::seedling:


Right on @Rhino_buddy ! It’ll be cool to compare the structure of your Carl’s Shoes with the weird one that @Tlander is growing outside, over in Thailand.
The mom to those Sherb Breath F2s was a real favorite and was kept around for close to 3 years. Not a huge yeilder, but terpy and stoney. I hope they work good for you, best of luck with your grow! :grin::v::canada:


Here’s a couple Sour D x Dirty Taxi F2 from @Emeraldgreen in their 3rd week of flower.
Nice internode spacing. Lots of room for light to penetrate and swell the bud.

This one’s got a nice trich field started

And here’s a few New Hope from @schmarmpit .
There’s one like this.

And one that’s way more “tropical”.

But the majority are somewhere in the middle, like this one.

Nothing is jumping out in the smell department yet but there’s still plenty of time for terps to develop.
Everything is in one gallons for hunting purposes.
As always, please excuse the shitty phone pics.


Haa,haa, haa! It just keeps on gettin’ weirder too! I finally had to pull of some of those fan leaves off to see what’s under the hood…

I say, “Let the Weirdness continue!” Strange how the other one (#2) couldn’t be more different, kind of ‘the twin towers’ plant!



Whoops! My bad!

1 Like

And it begins.
Kush hunt for stock to make seed, phase 1.


Nice man! Good luck with the tks1s. Ive got two of csis tk677xtk goin and they are sloooow vegging picky viney ladies. Took me awhile to figure out they are sloow drinkers.


Right on @ramblinrose . Yeah, I’ve got some experience with the viney, slow growing, water hatin, Kush type. I’m doing a small seed increase of SFV OG BX3 at the moment and they fit that description!
I’m hoping that using Biker Kush males to reintroduce the Y back into the TK will also bring some vigor. Probably won’t improve the structure though because BK was a viney thing too, the last time I grew it out. Time will tell.:grin::v::canada:


Nice man hope the project works out well! Im crossing mine with blue tara, hopefully that will tame the structure and pickiness some haha. Might do another cross or two if I can keep the clones around - slow to root slow to grow always unhappy with me :rofl:


Well, I had to let the #11 run to the limit to see just where that limit is…hit it today. Had to clip the top cola and get it outta there. Bummer! Would have liked to give her another week or two. Not sure how much this was caused by the nearby Grape Dragons that got hit hard this week.

If you didn’t know, she looks delicious, if early!



Oh unkind, @Tlander ! Damn, I was hoping those would be the ones. Oh well, on to the next batch I guess. :grin::v::canada:


Well, between your generous helping of seeds and the clones I made earlier, we’re still gonna be seeing a lot of her around for a while. Hopefully, as the weather dries out a bit further some will pull through unscathed! :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

I quite enjoyed growing this first one, the other that went in at the same time was one I think I pinched early on and it doesn’t have as strong a structure as the first one. Between being the tail end of monsoon season, the shortest days of the year to be trying to grow in and having a ‘bit part’ in the three ring circus that this place is right now I’m pretty happy with the #11! Thanks for the chance to get to know her bro! Much more to follow!



That looks really good. Did you do any mold preventative spray on them? She looks pretty thick and dense! @Tlander


I bought a hypoclorious acid generator and have been using that to spot-treat any fungus. It works great but with our weather I need to be spraying it via a backpack sprayer as a preventative. The problem lies in the size of the generator itself…the only one I have been able to get here only makes 350 ml at a time! Doesn’t go very far on 100+ plants :crazy_face:

I’ve also been foliar spraying EM Fermented Fruit juice at a pH of about 5 when watered down. Did one ‘milk bath’ when I couldn’t be sure if it was foliar residue or PM I was seeing on one plant. The botrytis hits and moves really fast. I’ve found signs of it on plants I checked an hour before!

The #11 was right next to the 3 Grape Dragons that got hit first. I’ve been all over the #11 every day light hour or two for the last 2-3 days. I cut that cola the moment I saw it and sprayed w/ Hpcl Acid, but a good 2-3" of that cola are toast. The acid kills it on contact, but in such dense buds as the GD even spraying to runoff doesn’t reach everywhere. Just before sunset I went over all the remaining buds on the plant, and there are a fair number, and didn’t see anything. Fingers :crossed_fingers: it’s the same in the morning!



I got a generator also. Good stuff. Mine is running nonstop. A ton of houses uses also.
I started opening up the buds and spraying inside on the really big ones. My thinking is that it’ll kill mold inside that way. I also believe that as it evaporates it will continue to work

350ml! You need like 10 of them :joy:

Do you dilute it or full strength? I’ve been using full strength


@Emeraldgreen Pain in the ass that it was, I managed to order the recommended test strips from “BartOvation” (bartovation.com).

I’ve been using it at about 250 PPM strength. Did use a single day at about 300 PPM. It takes me about 15 minutes (one brew for 8 min to get it to about 175 PPM + a second 7 min to bring it up to 250.

I did find a supplier of premade liquid online, but as suspected, when it arrived it was way out of whack in the pH department having a pH of 6.42! Another internet product goes from mailbox to trash!

If you would, please shoot me a photo of your generator! Just went through all my photos and can’t find a shot of mine…I know I’ve posted it before! Yeah, I have ordered at least 3 different 2 to 4 liter machines but not one has been delivered! Just bought a spare 350 ml. one just to have backup!



this is what I got.