Buddertons Tomfoolery



What do you do with the left over plant matter after making hash? Do you extract more with alcohol or by boiling or is that an alcohol extract already that’s why it’s in pan drying?

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Yep. It’s rso made from the leftovers of the screening process.


That’s my kinda party for one there. :100: Nice work.


I see we have similar RSO processes. You put that Pyrex inside of another Pyrex and ontop of water set to temp? Been my go to since we came out of the woods and stopped using Coleman stoves and moms old pans :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I bought a few cheap rice cookers on Black Friday last year (5 to be exact) I’m gonna try the rice cooker method this time with some. I’m a big fan of RSO and if you know what you are doing you can make her super thick, then freeze it, it stays solidified basically and super easy to work with,I’ll grab a chunk , roll out a little line like hash and lay it on my joints, otherwise I just spread it like the old green oil days :nauseated_face: it’s been a while since I’ve made anything but buds and the occasional rso for a special little girl that’s very dear to me, so I’m ecstatic to get back into making bubble, sift, rso etc. Miss having my stash of extracts as deep as my bud selection


Nope, I’m straight savage and just cook er hard and fast out in the driveway until near done, then oven purge. It goes in the oven at this stage approximately.


What’s your oven purge method?


That’s my method also :joy: just don’t light a match


Have a close look at a magic butter machine takes all the guess work out of making it .
Just reminded me I buddy dropped off some high test 100 proof so I can do a run . Been out for a while and the popcorn buds been building up.


I even heat up the alcohol when soaking for a faster extraction


Definitely not, I do it in the garage with doors/window open and fans blowing the fumes directly out. I’m surprised in the Coleman stove days we never had a single accident other than burns from hot pans etc. God we were young/dumb. We used to have huge jugs of methyl hydrate mere feet from the stoves too, open flames, joints constantly getting fired up, cigarettes too! :man_facepalming:t2: probably used my 9 lives back then tbch


Really eh? I always thought they were for making edibles or something…. Definitely will as I’d love an easier/safer way @ShiskaberrySavior gracias :pray:t2:

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Oven on as low as it’ll go, door half open. Let it work in there until there’s no more bubbles. By the time you bring it in to the oven, there is minimal alcohol left in the mix so you don’t have to worry about fume accumulation.


I do mine ice-cold 190. I decarb the flower on a baking sheet. Put it in QT jar and freeze it overnight. Then pyrex on a seedling mat. 87 degrees. Takes about 20 hours. Put in oven with dish towel under one end. 210 degrees. Add my carrier avocado oil and terps.


Very cool, thanks I’ll try that next time

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I only soak for an hr or less, with a few good stirs to avoid too much lipids and chlorophyll in the mix.


Before they came out with bubble bags we use to make iso oil with the seasons trimmings and larf bud and cook it down in a little one bedroom apartment above a store on the main street. Big wok on the stove, one window with a fan blowing out it. It was so bad you could hardly stand to be in there but at least we had the sense to go out on the roof to smoke joints. Makes me wonder how many brain cells I killed huffing iso fumes.


I have had one since they came out. Still works fine. Can make about ANYTHING in it. Like the Cannatrol it is set n forget


Right on @ColeLennon . That’s true medicine your making. :+1::grin:

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After last fall harvest. First time making oil. Very magical growing your own. Harvesting and processing your own meds. Awesome feeling. I know you know. :slightly_smiling_face: