Buddertons Tomfoolery

Right on @Slick1 ! It’s my pleasure. Those Biker Slush F2s are turning out nice, I hope they can survive your self admitted neglect and give you some potent, flavourful flowers.:rofl::grin:


Well on this last one it was so bad it’s like a kid forgetting to feed his fish and learning a valuable lesson. I just don’t know yet if I’m the kid that vows to never let it happen again or if I’m the kid that means well moving forward but falls into old habits. Most likely the latter but at least I’m not the kid gleefully watching the fish starve!


Self awareness is the first step to enlightenment. :grin:
We’ll have to work on an indestructible strain and call it “Slickproof” T.M. Maybe an OG crossed to a San Padro cactus?


If my laziness inspires a never done before cross of species like that I’m doubling down on the neglect!


Thats the attitude right there buddy!:rofl:


I couldn’t help myself and put this little Sour Taxi #9 in a spot where it got the pollen from 4 Biker Kush males on it. Was hit early and is just getting to the 3rd week of flowering.



Sounds like another tasty cross! She going to accidentally get left by some sativa males in your current hunt ? Just putting it out there :grin:


Maybe but my main priority is gonna be crossing “pure” stuff for that run. Not sure how they would mesh to be honest.


I still see you sneaking her in a corner :joy:


Pac landed bro thanks it’ll probably be next season but I’ll tag you :slight_smile: the “Spirit Weed” I only have one more ingredient left but it’s growing now and will be done by Oct it’s a sacred plant that the native peoples use to talk to their ancestors! :slight_smile: Spirit Weed! :slight_smile: Thanks again @Budderton


Looking good as always @Budderton!


It’s my pleasure @drgreensleeves . I glad they made it safe and sound, hopefully you find something with that mystical property you’re looking for. Happy hunting!!


Thanks for your words @ItsintheGenetics , I appreciate them.

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Oooo, everyone needs a terp junkie. Find any exciting or unusual flavors in your journey? I’ve been curious about a Berry Do-Si-Dos, I’m sure someone has had the idea by now.


I’ve been playing in the OG/Chem gene pool for the last little bit, so it been all Gas, pine cleaner, body odor , rotting garbage, poop diaper . The Biker Slush has a nice and deep terp profile. It’s hard to describe but I know it as soon as I smell it.
This next sativa hunt is gonna be more based on effects and terps will be lower down on the priority list.
Berry Do-si-dos sounds like it would be a tasty cross, you should do it. Even if it’s been done before, yours will be different because it’ll be your selections.


People and their dead animal strains. :rofl:
(I kid, I’m sure they’re all ridiculously fire.)

I’ve been dipping my toes into terpene experimentation for my own medical use. Blown away at how useful Do-Si-Dos was at taming the angry bees, so complex terpene profiles are my new obsession. Used to max my THC, max terpines, floor it- But my last experience with Kush Mountains set me straight. I needed a daytime, and that wasn’t it. The jacked Myrcene levels messed with my head a bit, gave me a headache and was generally pretty miserable after the second bowl. Restraint isn’t my strong suit, so I elected to keep my THC levels around 20-22% and go for more complex terpene profiles. So far, so good.


Yeah THC levels alone are not a good indicator on type of effects you might have. There are African Sativas with thc in the mid teens that will leave you paralyzed in the fetal position. Not all are like that, some equatorials give you that get up and boogie, happy to be alive buzz. And some give you a mystical inside prospective to the universe. That’s what I’m hunting for at the moment. The magic is in the minor cannabinoids and how they combined with the majors so the more combinations of unrelated genotypes the better your chance of finding something new and different. Anyhow, best of luck on your journey!!


I have a bit of experience with that mystical inside perspective, I’m always on the hunt for that too. Something that makes the trip to the other side quick and efficient. I have a talent for dragging treasure from the void, so I can’t really ignore that aspect of this wonderful medicine. :rofl:


There is perhaps a place in the world for a cross of Jack Herer and a Spanish bayonet after all. Now which would be the female? Meh…peyote would make for a nicer ride in the end.


Never hopped on that train yet. Got denied the one time I ran into it. Did a lot of searching with Cannabis and Hash/Oil. DMT fixed some stuff upstairs though, absolutely incredible experience.