CaliBest420 aka Mark on Strainly

from my experience marks auto-ness of his autos is iffy, so if you are counting on it being an auto you may want to look elsewhere, however the plants are great. I grew a green headband auto of Mark’s and it didn’t do it’s auto thing, I had to put it in to 12/12 cycle for it to start showing it’s sex and flowering, and when it did the final result was some great smoke, in fact I wish I had some buds of it right now.


He has it both ways I think. I have a photo period version growing now of the Green Headband


maybe I got the regular version and assumed it was an auto? either way the green headband is awesome


I agree. Had 100% germ rate on them. They grow fast and are pretty easy. Nice structure and color. I did get more males out of them then some of his other stuff I dropped.


Has anyone finished Mark’s Afghani, Afghan Kush, or Purple Kush yet?


I have 2 of the 3 going right now. The Afghani and the Purple Kush. The Purple Kush seems more consistent then the Afghani and easier to grow.

Here is a picture of his Blue Dream I am growing. It is about 10 days into the flip


Looking great! Im hitting up the bubba kush.

Anyone growing it?


I have a few of those growing too. Great germ rate and fast growing. They are pretty easy like the Purple Bubba. Did have more males from the Bubba then the Purple.


I’ve got 2 bubba’s going right now. Although my germ rate was decent I had issues in seedling stage and out of 12 only 2 made it to actually growing. They all kind of froze in seedling stage and a lot of them had taproots that curved up and killed themselves and the others dammped off.


Interesting, I wonder what caused it exactly. Think it just had something to do with the seed themselves?


I’m not saying that it is. I’m just putting out there my story about my experience with his beans so far. It could be any number of things that I messed up somehow or whatever. All I know is I germed them the same as any other I’ve ran and I had some issues. I’m just hoping for one female out of the 2 so I can just run some clones and then move on to the next project. Although I do have more of his strains to run later. I bought 3 strains and got double what I ordered and 2 pack of extras so im good and will post more when I run more of what I have.


I looked at his Lemon Lime if it looks like the plant in the photo

for a buck a bean

as my uncle always would say “such a deal”

if not bag seeds for a buck not so much a deal

to run lights it cost x amount of dollars a square foot

all the best



not to say I would not deal with him


for his price I will give him a roll

buy 100 put them away in packs of 25 for a rain day

or when New York goes legal

peace and be safe



That’s EXACTLY what I did in anticipation of Maine going FULLY Legal, even though there’s ALWAYS been a strong growing culture. No better way to expand one’s inventory, doesn’t hurt the pocket when we make mistakes. ALL, enjoy a pleasant week, take care, stay EXTRA safe and, indeed, be well…mister :honeybee:


I have had great success rate with his seeds. I have dropped his Blue Dream, Lemon Skunk, OG Cake, Bubba Kush, Purple Bubba Kush, Green Headband.

He did send me some Green Goddess. Zero germ rate. Let him know. They were a breeder pack he had laying around. I had so many extras he sent, I told him not to send a replacement.

I am not a fan of the autos. His Superfruit 90 was OK. I will grow some more this spring / summer and see of there is a difference. Autos are not very forgiving, and with my schedule, that does not work well for me.


not sure if I am either as one of their building block is cannabis ruderalis

which is not strong but does flower under any light cycle

may I ask how and why they are not? I ask My Friend because

someone is sending some of their work and it is autos and I was just going

to run them the whole time 14/10 light cycle in my veg space

as I know not a lot about autos any input would be super

all the best



Because of their cycle, they really do not have the time to recover if something goes wrong. You really need to be on point with them. How it was for me at least.

I have tried autos from a few sources, never had great success with them.

I have had some that were dominated by the photo gene and only flowered when I put them in a 12 / 12 cycle.

I know there are many on here that like autos and work great for them. They are just not for me right now.

Maybe when I have a little more available time it might be different, but I will stay with my photo period stuff for now.


His purple kush berries and pine
Wasn’t a keeper for me but sure could find some


Thank you for the reply :slight_smile:

I know some folks love autos and some folks do not

I have never really looked at them much as the auto flowering

is not something I need

but I do want to try them



I think those are the first pics I’ve seen of Marks genetics grown to completion, looks really nice! Despite not being a keeper would you say it was what it was supposed to be?