CaliBest420 aka Mark on Strainly

I had issues with his autos - I grew a master kush auto as well as a green headband auto, and they didnt flower until I changed the light cycle on them, after 3 months in veg. The smoke was still good when I harvested it, it just didn’t do it’s auto thing for me as I had expected.


Ok, good to know. I was planning to run these 24/0 under led with some other autos. Will switching the light schedule to 12/12 foul up the true autos or will
I be ok?


20/4 or 24/0, you’ll be ok. I, too, ran the GHB AND Master Kush. I ran 20/4 and BOTH turned out fine. SS/BW.


Do let him know of what you encountered. I’m sure he will do you right, indeed. SS/BW.


So it can be hit or miss?

Edit: Mark is a pretty stand-up guy. It good to have this information going into the grow, then trying to figure out why they aren’t flowering. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


it must just be a percentage thing then, I only ran one of each, so it’s not a fair assessment of it other then the fact it isn’t 100% auto. he always does me right, and I did already let him know.


More so conditions, in my opinion. Years ago, I had some Auto/Fems from Seedsman. One reacted like an Auto and, one from the SAME pack went full Reg on me. Not a Strikeout, but, as you say, hit or miss. SS/BW.


The auto gene is recessive, so even if both parents are auto hybrids, there’s a chance that some of the offspring won’t have the double dose of the gene that makes it auto flower.


I had 0 out of 9 75 day autos not flower


:grimacing: maybe got the wrong batch of seeds? F1 between auto and regular photo parent Don’t show any auto trait, F2 about 25% will be autos. Then if you breed those autos together, the F3 offspring should Be mostly to all auto. Outcross it again and you start from the beginning again. That’s the extent of my knowledge of autos lol. I never grew any, back in the day they weren’t worth the time until someone put the time into it lol.


yeah same here, auto was a dirty word lol

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I didn’t breed anything

I kept one short stockey female for breeding though, but still none flowered. No biggy though. Just thought I’d mention

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No, I’m wondering if you got the wrong batch, as it would be a labeling mistake or lapse in attention and you got the F1 or F2 by mistake.

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Man idk. I just texted mark about it. Waiting on his response then I’ll post what he says


But the female I kept has great traits


Well that’s good to hear hehe. Long as your happy with it. honestly I don’t like the idea of not having control of when the plant flowers and not being able to clone it. I can see where they have their time and place, especially for more than one harvest per season outdoors. But for indoors, I want to be able to keep Mothers and make clones of ones I really like, and be able to control the duration/size during veg before flipping.


Exactly! I think I got lucky with the female I chose. So if I pollinate here and get a few seeds that germ it could be 2 years before I get something stable because there are many other strains I want to cross or make f2s out of.


Still doesn’t change the fact non of them auto flowered. It’s just something that needs to be made known of. Tomorrow I will come back here to say wether or not mark got back to me about this. So please let the convo go on


Haven’t heard anything yet. No worries though. I’ll talk to him next time I place another order from him. He sent me some seeds about 2 weeks ago and I got the tracking number. Every time I track the order it say’s something like no information and come back in an hour. It never updates and not sure what to do

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