Capitan Sour D.(Sour Diesel BX3 F2) and the hunt for the one piece!

oh i`m sorry to hear that man! :frowning: till now no hermies , so hopefully it stays that way!! :innocent:

they already gave me enough headache :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Hello Overgrowers,

finally after alot of work, im more than happy to welcome you to flowering day 8 :slight_smile: from the SD#1

temp = 23-27°c
rh = 50-63%
Ec = 1.25
pH = 5.5
par = 480-620

the irrigation is set to run for one minute every hour while the lights are on. So at the moment each plant gets 12 times 55 ml or 660 ml a day .
depending on how the ladies behave, I may adjust this. Let’s be surprised and just wait for the first week.
i was a little unlucky with the 3 smallest plants… they standing next to each other. not perfect in size and vitality, but i hope i`ĺl be able to handle them somehow.

a test clone from the SD #1 was put to flowering, to see what she does. and the smell so far is to my liking. i would say it smells like a fruity / sour Bon Bon.
let’s see how it changes until the end of flowering.

just as an sidenote, the FLCxBMR seed project is going well so far and there will probably be some seeds. for my first attempt I am satisfied so far.
Update on this will come soon :slight_smile:

stay safe and enjoy!


Here a short pic update on the ladies :slight_smile: we are @ flowering day 18
everything is running smooth ! :slight_smile: #1 is a good clone and seems to like what i`m doing :smiley:

temp = 24-26°c
rh = 55-60%
Ec = 1.30
pH = 5.6
par = 550-800

stay safe and have a great weekend!

ps : even the smallest 3 plants did catch up in size what really amazed me! :slight_smile:


Holy hell…lol…looks like I’m showing up right before the party gets crazy! Looking really, really good!!! Will be following along!

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thank you ! glade you like it ! :slight_smile:

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Had the same experience with them

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Flowering day 21

i realy like how they come along!! :slight_smile:

temp = 24-26°c
rh = 55-65%
Ec = 1.35
pH = 5.8
par = 600-780

stay safe and enjoy


hello OG,

time is flying by fast this grow. we already reached flowering day 30 today. :slight_smile:
no problems atm! they are just doing there thing! iḿ very pleased with SD#1. Growing habbits seems to fit my growing enviroment. height of the plants is between 50 -65 cm but they are mainly in the 50`s !
60 cm is the point i wanted them to reach,so near eniugh i guess :slight_smile:

temp = 24-26°c
rh = 45-55%
Ec = 1.20
pH = 5.7
par = 740-920

stay safe and have a great day!


lookin great ! happy ladies there


Dialed in :mechanical_arm:

Even if you a couple weeks behind on the flip, You’re going to be set for a good 3 months :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Keep up the great work! Looking forward to seeing them at day 70. I heard SD is really nice when taken to 11 to 12 weeks.


happy about that :slight_smile:

It’s a good thing that my schedules are only important when my buds are empty. In larger systems, three weeks late can cause a lot of problems.

Yes 10-12 weeks i should be able to keep them alive :D.
But now that I finally have a microscope again we’ll let the trichomes decide :smiley:
They still look pretty good for 5 weeks of flowering. I’ve just increased MG by 20 ppm, but apart from that I haven’t really found anything that causes problems. :slight_smile:

ps: just that i ve 2 ph meters that needs daily calibration ! that sucks ! next time im`going to buy hanna again!


I need to get a lope or a scope to really get in there. I use a camera then zoom in to check lol.

With my preferred medium being soil it’s much easier to play fly by night with the plant’s vs rockwool which seems to need to be dialed in.

I’m really basic here, no meters and anything. Rarely it bites me in the ass but most of the time I can tell what’s going on. I try to stay in my lane and when I find something that works, I dig in deep haha.


this works fine for me and was cheap around 30 bucks. @InTheWoods just google digital microscope
also a classic goldsmith’s magnifying glass for 7 bucks would work fine. :slight_smile:

i tried soil . but some how it is not my medium. i learned on rockwool and stick to it. dutch/batos are also great. but i hate cleaning hydroton :rofl

for my own conscientious i need a ph meter . ec meter is not really needed hydrobuddy gives you a good overview about the nutrients.


Ah what kind of meters? I’d check out Apera’s meters instead. I’ve been through a bunch of Hanna meters($100+ ones) and I really don’t think they’re any better than the cheap Chinese pens, sadly.


i have a milwaukee ph 55 and one with out temp compensation not sure how the model is called.

ph55 needs a new eletrode for sure after 3 years . the spare one is only one year old and after that some how reacts strange and not keeping the measurement values kinda sucks

i` look into apera instruments ! thanks for the tip @HolyAngel :slight_smile:


Hello OG !

Flowering day 37 already halftime :smiley:

sorry for the bad pics, atm nobody around with a better cam.
everything seems still fine . just a light MG def. but the 20 ppm extra stopt it from getting worst.

temp = 23-27.2°c
rh = 50-58%
Ec = 1.20
pH = 5.9
par = 740-920

stay safe and enjoy!


Hello Overgrowers!
hope you are all well and already in the Christmas spirit.

I have waited a bit with the update because the optics have not changed that much. so at least for me it still looks the same ! laughs

It’s flowering day 52 today

The general health is very good no major problems and everything is still nice and green. so I think I can keep them healthy until the end! so far SD#1 is a frugal plant that doesn’t need any extra food. I still have 5 SD mothers that I want to test bit by bit. I am curious to see if they are similar or if there are differences.

here are a few pictures ! unfortunately the quality of the pictures still leaves a lot to be desired.
I hope you like it anyway!

temp = 22-25.6°c
rh = 50-54%
Ec = 1.20
pH = 5.9
par = 740-920

have a nice day everyone and take care!!!


Definitely ur garden is in the spirit of Christmas :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:
Nice frost buddy…:snowflake::cold_face:


thank you my friend! I’m glad you like it! appreciate your words :slight_smile:

I am very satisfied so far! Even if the colars could be a bit bigger :smiley: When I look at some of your cells I get jealous. Let’s see how much more they grow in the next three weeks. on day 63 I’ll start checking the trichomes with a microscope.


Hello Overgrow,

hope you are all doing well!?

i`m a little behind and alot stuff happend here. iĺl do an update soon.
but here are the first pic of the Sour Dee.

stay safe and enjoy