Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

The eagle has landed. Thank you for the very generous gift my friend! This is officially the first BOG beans in my supply. I’m so excited to get to them. Something is likely getting bumped on the next run! :wink::+1:


Love a mystery there all looking good.

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This plant just keeps getting prettier and prettier bro… Not seen a nice serrated leaf like that in sometime. Has to have a good amount of Sative in her eh? maybe 60/40.? Going to be awesome to see it bud up…

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@Cartwright wanted to let you know the beans landed my friend! Thank you as always!!!


Thanks a lot, much appreciated, have a great day​:seedling::mushroom:

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Seeded dream catcher based hermie hybrid, not for circulation, just home project for fun

Getting comments on the stench👍


Did some digging while trimming up. Gonna let them go a bit longer. I see no signs of influence from the ball droppers two weeks ago.


Your puppy like chewing your thermos?

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ummm, yes :frowning: that’s a widemouth mason jar top. I can’t can goods with them, but I like them for almost every other application.

Bad dog, woof woof.

How grow’s your garden over yonder?

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The more you like something, the more likely pets are to chew them up haha.

The garden is going pretty well, especially considering the weather we’ve had so far. Peas are just about wrapped, greens are loving it, my garlic is a couple weeks behind compared to most years. Also the garlic was above ground and actively growing all winter, which has never happened to me before. Hope it translates into a bumper crop. I’m only starting to harden my chilis off this weekend, hopefully summer brings real summer weather haha. I will say that my petunias are popping off, which is surprising with how cool it has been. I put them in stonington blend, and I really though that the combo of the heavy rich soil with cool temps and hail/rain was gonna kill them, but they’re loving it. My garden center tomatoes are still trucking, but you can tell they don’t like the cold.

How goes the veg garden over your way? Obviously your herb garden is kickin, as usual :+1:


You can say that again.

Nice to hear you got it going on, peas, now I remember what I forgot to plant. Things are good here, need more rain, I will post up some garden pics at some point. Our cranberry beans just came up, gonna plant more.


Peas are one of my favorite garden plants. I plant them just as the ground is starting to thaw. Great excuse to get out in the garden when it’s way too cold still haha. The fact that my wife loves peas is a big benefit too. I grew some random Burpee peas this year, don’t even remember what variety. They took longer than I’m used to, but they set super heavy, all at once. The best perfuming, and best tasting peas I have ever grown are Beauregard from Row7 seeds. The taste is really rich, and the lightest floral, maybe even rosy finish. Groundhogs love them too haha.
No fruit pics, cause they get eaten haha

We’ve gotten ok rain this year, but more hail than I’m used to hah.


Thanks again man!


Had a lot of extra plants this spring. So instead of killing them, I took em inside under sf2000’s.

I just hit everything with willamette valley pineapple pollen that was in freezer. Looks like it took.

Sweet and sour Cindy f2

Golden nugget f1

Sour bubble danger herm threat clones, infected by ufs#18 x hyper glue. Strong smoke to say the least. Praying they don’t drop balls. Got them right up front so I can see them every morning :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Stay toasty


That Sour Bubble is a serious stacker and brancher huh? And guess who has some, this guy… lol Your plants look amazing, room and setup, your doing some great things bro…


Your making it hard not to pop a few I got some too.


Right, what a pretty plant man… been a while since I’ve seen nodes that close together… I think we’re going to be more influenced as she ripens huh? hehe.

You 2 brothers are on my short list of seeds coming in soon from Goat & Monkey… another share from our brother Matt… RIP


Thanks for popping in you two. First indoor summer run, so I am hoping for the best.


Hey, I’m here too, lol.
Just a lurker! :crazy_face:


Looking great in here bro :facepunch:t2: