Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

What’s up?! Diggin your grow👀🤌

You down for a pack of these?


I’ll take a pack if your still offering

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Thanks brotha, I bit off more than I can chew in this round, I want harvest already but I know the extra on the shorter flowering ladies is worth it. Also the seeded plants could use the extra time.

I’d love to have some of your gear going in my tent. :sunglasses:

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Sounds interesting… dunno when I’d be able to actually grow some, but I wouldn’t mind keeping some around until then if you have plenty. :slight_smile: If they’re particularly limited though, I’ll pass, I’ve got embarassing amounts of seeds already.


knock on wood but Your RP x lifesaver has so far been one of the few not at all affected by rot despite really wet conditions!

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@6u3m , welcome aboard, drop me an addy :slight_smile:
@Cormoran , put’em in the stash - I will show some more pics of her soon
@InTheWoods , same as comoran, stick’em in the fridge
@killabud , that is awesome to hear. Can’t wait to see what she does. Let me know when you have time for rpf4, I will have some around.

Ok, that’s all for now. I think :wink:


Sorry to learn about this.
The future sure seems brighter.
Wishing you the best always bro!:slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:

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Thanks brotha Ill shoot ya a PM. :vulcan_salute:

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It’s all good, we’ll eek something out, and move on. Hope things are good for you.


Ill take some if there is any left :+1:t2:

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Hey there, tapped for now. But I may pull something else together later on. Thanks for checking in here, dont be a stranger


Absolutely bro

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All good brother.
Waiting for my ro installation and hope to start a couple more seeds. Thanks for asking. :green_heart::v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Got a pack in the vault or I’d be asking for some . Thanks

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Thank you so much @Cartwright that would be awesome. I will pop a few from all three packs when I receive them.

Do you still have my addy?

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Woot, I received seeds yesterday. Pretty nice on another dreary day watching the plants mold.

At a certain point it’s kinda interesting, the mold, growing.

Anyway, I took a photo but then my phone bricked itself. Really on a roll yesterday.


ETA: This season has truly stunk, but it is generating a little motivation in me to try to figure out a way to have a year-round indoor spot. I have an unheated outbuilding I could use, maybe build a super-insulated room inside one of the rooms in it?


Pretty sure I got it still, good luck with them !

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That’s quick, nice to see a fast landing!

Ya, the mold is effed up. Septoria too, but fought thru that shit. Usually dont see any mold in sept, but the rain has been constant and heavy.

I will have a green house next year or my name aint cartwright!


Check these out. And if you poke around their website a bit, they have full instructions and cut lists and stuff. The only thing you really “need” to buy from them is the bender, and even that could be improvised if your handy.

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Thanks for the link. I’ve been looking and waiting for some used materials to come up, but it has been a scarce hunt for a couple of years.

May have to modify my plans🤔

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