Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

Top of the morning to you all👋

Lots of leafage

Some uppotting

Three dc x auto

Lblf2 lonely lady in the corner veggin out


OG Kush x Life-saver :fire:, 3+ weeks into 12/12

I plan on searching males again from this cross to pollinate long-flowering varieties in the future. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Very nice job in there. You are tearing it up! That’s a great looking plant, hope she smokes as good as she looks. Enjoy the stretch run, I will be tuned in👀


Im certain she will be a bomb :bomb:
Her terps are getting complex and sharp. Unable to say exactly what it is, but closest to incense. And she’s sticky…:ok_hand:t3:


Looks like we need a small seedaway for that cross :open_mouth:

Few berry freak going among others


Been a week, wow that was quick. Happy belated Chanukah and Christmas to all, and to all faiths👣

Aggressive little veggers

BOG seeds, lsd and sourbubble



Back soon with some other goodies


Picking of the males for 2023-24 winter wipeout seedrun :eyes: :eye:

I’ve got two lblf2 hanging around, both very nice


Three Hong Kong Bluey’s all stout, and just rank on the rub. One in particular amazing tructure, and is far and away the smelliest one.


Hong Kong Bluey Lone Female, just stunning


DC x Auto kept him around, starting to impress me.
I have a few of these females, so I will pollenate with this pollen provided its viable, and i will also do the bx1 of the 100% auto pollen in storage. Fun stuff.

DC chicks - stunning :wink:

Rotten Pineapple F4 males.
I just culled 2 and 5.
#1 on the far left, is tall, but stinky, and has diff leaves than the two keepers #3, and #4. I want my cake, etc…
Keeping all 3 plants to work with. The tall dude gets to pollenate the tall girl or two, and the two keepers will pollenate the rest of the RPF4 chicks.

Two unsexed sweet looking Skiskaberry’s :slight_smile:

Good looking group of lblf2 ladies

soil temp hovering around 65 f, so explosive is not a word I would use in here, but not to shabby either.

Keep it cool good people :earth_americas:


Good morning from the veg zone. kinda like prom dates, as they are all over each other. Getting a bottom drink of plain well water.

These berry freaks and a bmr x lsd are too wet to water so I pulled em out

Bogs gonna need bigger pots gonna push it to see if I can sex them in these tiny pots to conserve serl.

…and a happy new year’s to all👋


Flower zone finds an all out pillow fight going on :crazy_face:

I’d love to pull them out from under the red light, but it ain’t gonna happen today. Maybe in a week or so.
Took clones on a lot of these.

Lbls flying towards the light

Cap junky’s just getting their feet under them

Field of rotten pineapple f4
Two tall will be pollinated by tall dude.
Others will be hit by two dudes of same phenol


Thanks for checking us out


Everything’s looking great brother! :slightly_smiling_face::v:t3:

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Thanks a lot! The tallest rpf4 is thirsty, gonna hit em all with some calcium, some pretty colorful tips :open_mouth:

Ah, the colors

Handful of plants have double serrated leaves :+1:


That’s all you’re gonna do ?
Kidding bro everything’s looking good especially
For the amount of work you have also trying to keep tabs phewww weee

Keep on rocking it brother !


I know right! Just pushing the envelope a bit. Biggest challenge is collecting the various pollens without cross contamination. I got it sorted, but it will take some diligence and attention to detail.

Good ph feed


Only new Years Day show, of any band, I ever attended. Weird vibe, everyone was tired from the night before, but the setlist was solid, and we had a good seat on the side. It was nice cuz we could sit down and still see the band, see/hear all the mistakes they were making :open_mouth: Not sure why they did the 1/1 show, but it was interesting to say the least. I guess it was for all the 1’s. 1/1/11

Happy New Year

PHISH, SATURDAY 01/01/2011


New York, NY

SET 1: My Soul, Tube > Runaway Jim > Foam, Guelah Papyrus > Divided Sky, Round Room > Walk Away > Gotta Jibboo > Reba[1], Walls of the Cave

SET 2: Crosseyed and Painless > Twist > Simple, Sneakin’ Sally Through the Alley > Makisupa Policeman[2] → David Bowie

ENCORE: Fee[3], Frankenstein[4]

[1] No whistling.
[2] “I went home late last night after doing the New Year’s stunt, laid back on my couch and rolled myself a blunt” lyrics. “Kick drum solo.”
[3] Trey sang verses through megaphone.
[4] Page on keytar.

Reba did not have the whistling ending. Round Room was played for the first time since July 13, 2003 (140 shows). Twist contained Manteca quotes from Trey. Makisupa included the lyrics “I went home late last night after doing the New Year’s stunt, laid back on my couch and rolled myself a blunt” and also featured a “kick drum solo.” Frankenstein featured Page on keytar.

Up for grabs:

Rotten Pineapple F4, one pack
to the first person to chime in with a ‘dibbles for Nibbles’

Hola, ciao, and aloha :wave:


Good morning and Happy new year brotha! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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What’s up ITW, hope you have a great start to the New Year!

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Dibbles for nibbles. Happy New year!!!

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It’s a glorious start 2024, Decided to chop 3 plants h/sk1 and get shucking.

Here is H/Sk1 #2 beans.

So far so good. Close to finishing and start on other.

I hope you have an awesome year! :vulcan_salute:


Nice, drop me an addy via dm :slight_smile:


Nice haul!

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