Cartwright's 4x4 Winter Wipeout

Thanks brotha,
I’ll gladly send some your way when they finish drying. Reach out if you’re interested.


Thanks a lot, much appreciated! What a great feeling, when those beans are all shucked and clean. You gotta hold me down to not start popping every batch I make :wink:


Dc by auto is a giver👀


Nice to see Phish shows posted, and idk how I kept forgetting to follow your thread, but here I am lol :joy: @Cartwright

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Yup, ive now outed myself as a phishy as well, so 🤷

Thanks for checking in weednerd!

Collected hong kong bluey, lbl f2, rpf4, dc x auto pollens today. They are drying per my silica bead tech :open_mouth:

They are predicting anywhere from 1" to 3 feet of snow for us :wink:

Plan to do a real update at some point, have a great morning :wave:


You ever notice when you ask a weather man how old he is he just says yes …

Weather has changed 5 times since Thursday !
I got some gas for the snowblower just in case …
Next week 40• again :upside_down_face:

Have a good day brother !


I know, gonna be like Spring next week with the warm air and rains. El Nino aint fucken around this year. Combine his dirty ass with overall warmer water and air temps around the world, and this is what we got. gonna be a sloppy mess.

I am considering getting the blower ready, i just know if i do, it will be all rain. But some models are burying me, so i dunno

Glad I got rid of the plow 5 years ago, hasnt really snowed since :open_mouth:


Go figure right ! Same for me with the snowblower …but I just bought a new one 3 years back used it prolly 4-5 times lol

We haven’t had a winter down here in 6s at all this year today is the first we have had snow stay on the ground for more then a day and it’s blotchy patches at that I could probably go in the yard pick a random spot and just start digging with a shovel …Sloppy mess!!Youre not lying there !
Snow starting at 6pm to last till 7pm Sunday
Bring it


Good swath of bad roads, be safe out there folks. Like I said, it could go either way, as we are on the line. Regardless, we are here in the winter wipeout zone, and we’ve done some overgrowin’.

Just a couple of pics, got a full compliment of RPF4 in the tent right now. Pulled them out of the red planet to sort them, look for wierdness, and see them under some normal light. Looking ok, some christmas tips, and some light stress, but overall ok.


three individuals
P1060002 P1060004

Rotten ‘too tall’ pineapple
havent manipulated at all, two tallest are beautiful but poor pics from red planet



Hey @Carty I received a Beast Mode bean or two from @420noob and I searched for info about it- is that a Gabagoo pheno that you bred forward, or is own line? Just looking for information about what to expect… I’ve seen some pretty monstrous plants in your threads!


Just shucked a small jar from last winter.

BOG sweet and sour Cindy f3
One pack available
First to chime in with a ‘dibbles for nibbles’ takes it home🤞


dibbles for nibbles


Hola Piter, congrats, have a great day.


Many thanks!..

Have a nice day you too!

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@Cartwright I think that you have already my addy, if not, tell me.

I have a question, how do you care your seeds after taking it from the plant?
I mean: I read somewhere that they need to be dried and stored for sometime before being planted. But other people say that they can be planted just after being taken from the seeded buds…
What are your experience with this and if you make any test with germination rates of fresh vs stored (and how).


Good morning brotha :coffee: :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


I’ve done the seeds every way possible. Immediate from plant, sitting on a table unbagged, proper fridge storage, and like these sscf3, just take them out of the buds 10 months later. Germ rate on these might be lower, but it might not.

All modus seem to give good results. Consider they are fresh canna seeds, so they will be pretty resilient. Heat and light are the real enemies :skull_and_crossbones:

As for my sop when harvesting seeds.:alien:
Dry plant completely
Shuck beans to a plate
Sit on plate in dark ventilated room 1-2 weeks
Use now seeds go into loc and locs on my work bench, and long term go in fridge air tight with silica beads in the container.


Wuttup my man👋

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Many thanks! That was a complete answer.

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