Check out my perpetual grow!

Thank God the spring has returned :raised_hands:

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Ikr? Such nice weather here lately! Then they say rain the rest of the week ugh

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Small update I forgot to post yesterday. Looking at the 4x8 I took off all the landscape staples except like 1 per plant for the 1 branch per plant that got supercropped. Those ladies are starting to bud for me so I figured let’s see if they will stretch anymore like I’m hoping for now that I’ve trained them low this whole time. Next we have the 2.5x2.5 which is the GP and SSH. That tent there was a slight issue with me leaving the lights on for the night because I’m just out of plug ins down there so I unplugged the light for that tent and turned it on to use the vacuum then didn’t turn it back to timer smh. Always something lol. I left the lights off for that whole day after I noticed it. Really they were only on and extra 5 hours or so but ill know not to do that again. These ladies don’t seem to be phased by any means


For anyone interested I did get in the venty and post a review up on YouTube as I had a few people ask about it. Sorry I’m not the best cameraman at times lol. So far my impressions are i was expecting to be able to draw in big hits like a bong but this is nothing like that. The air flow adjustor seems rather pointless with the lack of smoke produced. When you set the air flow adjustors to max yes the airflow is impressive but I wish the hits were also impressive. It leaves a lot to be desired. I can easily hit it till it times out and that’s usually a baby hit for me. My fiance says where’s all the smoke. On the max setting is like your just inhaling air. You never feel any smoke. The aluminum bowls are a shitty design and suck to pack its not a fun time. Lastly I was impressed by the heat up time but it seems so far I get more terps or a better taste from packing green into the bowl rather than using the aluminum insert able bowl. Overall om sure it will take some getting use to. I am upset I can’t take massive hits off this but on the bright side I can say my throat was not bothered the least by smoking it. So far I’m still leaning towards smoking in a glass bowl for those thick smokey rips and I was hopeful to get that from this handheld vape but I guess this leans more towards people who don’t smoke as heavily as me. Fully charged it last night and I took maybe 10-12 rips this morning cashed out 1 bowl and started a new one but it did drop a power level after that usage


How’s the SSH smelling? I just got a 90s cat piss pheno and would love to hear about your experience with her so far!

@AmnioticBaptism Was it from me? Lol. There is a very slight ammonia smell but right now I’m just overwhelmed by the smell of GP in the tent. I’ve smelled the SSH nugs a few times and almost got a chocolate smell from them. So I didn’t think the smoke smelled from taking hits off that venty and was taking a few tokes while taking the scrap out back. Definitely got me baked! But on the downside where I didn’t smell the strong skunky or potent smells of the bud like usual I was told by one of my coworker buddies that I riek like skunk and he was like did you run over a dead sku k or get sprayed and im just smiling he’s like nah really and im like testing it out. I said I didn’t smell it like I usually would and assumed it’s good he’s like brother you riek of skunk if that was your buying point then your gonna be sad lmao. It wasn’t but good to know! I would of thought that this would smell less as some reviews stated that I guess not. Then again it was still in my pocket. It as a bulky unit your not gonna have much luck hiding that in your pockets haha


No I got it from someone else so there is a high chance we have different cuts lol, yeah I’m just now realizing how accustomed I am to the smell of it as I don’t even notice my clothes smell anymore. Did you take her to 10 weeks?

So I talked a bit more to my coworker he said after I put the unit up and came over 5 minutes later the smell wasn’t nearly as bad that he could hardly smell it. He said the smell doesn’t linger as bad with the venty as opposed to smoking a joint but if you have the unit on you it mine as well be just as bad. He said I smelt like a walking skunk until I put it away lmao! My SSH and GP tent is around day 30-35. Not sure off the top of my head but I’ll let you know when I pull her

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Bye bye to smokers hack :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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I will say I was exclusively using the venty for a whole day and then went to smoke a pipe and man it hurt the back of my throat not gonna lie its definitely easy to not see the benefits until you switch back momentarily. Even the bud had a different not as pleasant taste. The venty there is no cashed bowl taste you just get to a point where you thinking your getting a big rip and then nothing yep at that point your puck is definitely spent lol


Got my fiance to take some pics for me where do we start how about the 2.5x2.5 GP and SSH tent. That tent we are day 36 of flower now and it seems the GP is packing on some weight compared to the SSH. Next we have the 4x8 amd they are now day 21 of flower. I’ll probably take off the 1 landscape staple per plant when I get home on those supercropped branches. The plant not labeled is ODD. It seems the biggest plant in that tent is mountain temple but the diesels and ODD aren’t far behind. The MT just took so well to the training and really everything so far she’s so care free! Next we go to the mother tent and things are popping off in there. I really need to get a clone of the big 3 in the back and get them reset and get some light space opened up but regardless all those ladies are looking happy and healthy! Lastly we come to the 5x5 which I’ve just put these ladies in here. They are my next run which is gonna now be a month behind schedule smh. In that tent we have stardawg corey, 89 NL5, capjunky, and gelato from seed from ILGM one of my previous favorites! Waiting on this seedling to get some roots going. I’m allowing her 2 weeks to root in the solo before transplanting to a 5 gal and trying to rush into flower. We will see how things go tho


That looks EXACTLY like City Heights San Diego

Old school Vietnamese neighborhood…I love it!

Great pic……great grow…keep it up

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Thanks for your kind words @percyryan66! I love going to that foreign market I wanna buy and taste so many things lol!

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Looking excellent in there bro!

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Thank you @MoBilly! It seems my fiance is sweet talking those ladies or something they seem to really like when she’s down there as she’s not as present as me in the grow. Watching DGC recently they had a study with tomato plants and a female vs male reader who read to them daily and the plants being read to by females grew 1 inch taller than the ones being talked to by males. I wonder if that’s because the guys dirty talk their plants like me lol! I get mad at them for getting too tall and start threatening then threats turn to violence and supercropping happens haha


Maybe that’s why my plants have been dying on me… :thinking: I play my guitar and sing to them.


Haha too funny man! Ya never know we are always learning more about these plants everyday

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Good morning @HighTilliDie and all the rest!
:+1:t5: `


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great start to your day!


Good morning everyone. Looks great @HighTilliDie