Check out my perpetual grow!

Well I’ve reached out to a few people on here, few people on discord, and a few buddies local. Guess I’ll wait for a reply and then take count of what I’ll have to ship tomorrow when I’m spraying IPM tonight. Hoping I don’t have to throw out a lot. I hate wasting good clones lol. If I can’t get you this week just know I’m back to shipping weekly again and I’ll get you I’m due time I don’t forget about anyone due to my screenshot method of just taking a screenshot anytime sometime states they want something and then I throw them all in a folder by date and go oldest to newest pics when shipping so so get back to everyone in a timely matter and in order


Alright so ive decided that I’m probably gonna shut down receiving clones for the year after this last shipment from a friend to plan to have extra room for the breeding project coming up in the next month or so with the face off seeds. I’ll be taking 1 clone of the mountain temple, 96 sour diesel, sour diesel ajs cut, and ODD to throw into the cloner with the plan of resetting those 4 mothers once the clones take root as almost all of those 4 are 4ft tall and just a bit much to open up the tent and see knowing they need sprayed, trimmed, or man handled from place to place due to their length. Anyways I got some glamour shots of the SSH and GP. Gary payton is packing on the weight hard! She’s looking great and swelling very nicely! The SSH is finally starting to get a slight ammonia smell and these beautiful orange hairs coming out the center of the nugs making for great pictures! Lastly we have the 4x8. The ODD now that the landscape staples have all been pulled is just taking off. Shes at least 4 inches taller than the rest although the pictures don’t show it well. The sour diesel ajs cut has some really nice looking variegation going on thats eye catching and nice to look at!


My fiance said to show this to you. This is the mother tent as of now. Odd in the back right looking like a decorative palm tree smh lmao


Show your fiancé. My mom veg space. The stool is about 2.5 feet tall


@Emeraldgreen dang you do bonsai mothers or do you keep a continuous rotation of growing out and snips?


Bonsai implies some kind of control! :rofl:


Lol well that’s some impressive coverage!


Geez man it just looks better and better everytime I see your tents :raised_hands:

I can’t wait to hear how these finish. And I’m excited to see your run of the face off beans !


Thanks for all the kind words everyone! Hope yall are off to a good start today!


Looks great in there!
Good morning all!


Well I went ahead and did some trimming of the mother tent while I’m pulling clones to ship. The mother tent looks so much better! I did leave 1 long branch on the MT and ODD for cloning that’s sticking out like a sore thumb but I didn’t want to take them now and accidentally ship them out lol. Now we starting packing these orders


Morning @HighTilliDie, so you work nights or days? You are all over the boards on what hours I see you on lol!

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Good morning @HighTilliDie good morning everyone

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Good morning OG peeps. Tents look grate @HighTilliDie ! Killing it.

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Good afternoon everyone! Hope yall are having a great day!


Heres a pic of the quarantine tent with the cloner back in it to reset these 4 mother’s. I ended up transplanting the OG NYC Sour diesel and gelato 33 today as well but didn’t care to take pictures lol


I could do with a cloner spot like that man looks cool!

it just never ends does it this hobby… there is always something we could do with lol!!

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That’s a small 2x2x3 ft tent. It’s hardly good for anything but clones and cloning lol but I might Gove it a whirl when it comes to breeding and see if I can make some sort of use for it while it’s down

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Alright update time. We have the 5x5 with all the small plants just waiting on that ILGM Gelato to get bigger. The 4x8 is now day 27 of flower. I supercropped all of the tallest tops on all the plants this morning and ODD bounced back the fastest it seems with MT right behind her. I might of supercropped that one branch on 96 sour too hard she’s still layed over lol. Everyone is looking great tho! Really surprised about how fast ODD grows and bounces back she’s a handful for sure! Still has not stopped stretching either while the rest have calmed down. Next we have the 2.5x2.5 GP and SSH tent. The GP is making super hard dense nugs that keep packing on the weight while the SSH is getting super hairy and those nugs are getting really big yet still fluffy. The GP is getting so heavy the branches can hard hold up anymore they are flopping around but I also noticed maybe she’s getting a bit much Nitrogen again so when I make more gary payton water again I’m gonna dial back to 80% on the part B. Lastly on a side note my fiance has decided to have my buddy build her a PC. We spent about $3400 and he ordered all the parts monitor, keyboard, and whole PC setup. Oh and the mother tent almost forgot lol


Those are some beautiful plants man!