Check out my perpetual grow!

Sometimes what I do is very thought out. I can also be real spontaneous. No real logic to my thinking either way it seems.


Thanks for tip brother I appreciate it! I might slip in a bit extra cal mag next watering for her. Good morning everyone hope yall are having a great day so far!


Thanks for your kind words! How are those ladies doing I sent over @Emeraldgreen?


Morning! Today is gonna be a good day!


Outta likes! But I love that positivity man! :heart:


They all seem to be doing well. Pretty sure they are asking why you sent them to my cold basement!!!
Good morning :heart::heart::heart::heart:


Lmfao! They were uses to 74-78 F and 60-72 rh. Glad to hear they are doing well tho!


I’ll get a reading later today. Definitely not those numbers :rofl:


Good morning @HighTilliDie and everyone else!


Outta likes :heart: but here’s a heart lol. Good morning @MoBilly and everyone else.hopr yall are having a great day so far!


Thanks for the update. Looking awesome.

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Thanks for your kind words! Hoping to finish out the GP and SSH tent soon and get started on my breeding run its got me excited for the future!


I feel you. I’ve got pollen on the way from Mr. Dawson. I’m itching to try my first “pollen chuck”. :green_heart:

Scary and exciting at the same time! Not sure what to expect but just hoping I can avoid anything being spread to other tents. I’ve heard if your under negative pressure with your ventilation that helps a lot and obviously don’t wear clothes from your breeding tent into your other tents


Agreed. I’m excited and nervous at the same time. I can’t wait! I’ll be watching along, btw.

Morning brother been a minute !
Hope all is well

1 Like

Going good on my end just trying to finish out the weekend and get some days off. Good morning to you and everyone else as well! Hope yall are having a great day so far


Good afternoon everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far! I shipped out some more clones this week and then cleaned up the mother tent again. I was in the process of taking clones for a friend who is local for his outdoor grow he’s gonna start in mid April and got 2 cut and put in plugs in the aeroponic cloner and 2 left to go when I get back home. After that I’ll have to make another 13 gallons of flower water and water the 4x8 and the SSH and GP tent so ill be wrapped up for a bit right when I get back home but here’s a before and after of the mother tent


Well I went ahead and got a terp report on the plants in flower now.
Mountain temple smells like fresh cut mangoes today but when you get close it has a funky rotten fruit/ fart smell lol
ODD smells like sweet pine trees and a hint of diesel?
Sour diesel ajs cut smells like floral, pine, and diesel
96 sour diesel (albany cut?) Smells like sweet lemon diesel
Can’t get a good scent on Super silver haze. Kind of a sweet pine hint of diesel. Really just smells wet and green as im struggling to maintain humidity below 60 in that tent
Gary payton is a spicy floral fruity and very dense almost no squish at all


Now do you roll your humidity during different sections of the grow?