Cheese question?

I am seeking some original cheese.
Like original , original UK cheese.
Kaliman cheese I hear is closest I can get but I don’t know for certain,
Been doing a lot of research and would love some comments and input.


csi humboldt uk cheese cheese s1s. I ran a pack and got cheesy and fruity phenos and all very simular. Try them there only 100.00 for fem 7 seeds. Dr greenthumb canada also sells fems of uk cheese


Here is your cheese sir!

Pz :v:t2:


not that it is valid, but did you see the reddit post about his uk cheese?

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Oh the thread that referenced this?

The guys growing the crosses seem to be reporting cheesy looks and smells tho :thinking:


Very interesting :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I hope that story is not real I have a pack of uk cheese from csi.


Same here bro….


There is a guy selling kaliman seeds on Strainly for reasonably priced. Its Strainly so ya never know, but wouldnt hurt to message him. Ive grown hazemans blue cheese and got a real nice cheesy / berry pheno, but ended up letting it go. Farmerjoe has the legit exodus cut, but wont come off of it. Dont see the point of being a clone seller and posting pics of it on IG then tell everyone they cant have it, but oh well. Im currently running some more hazeman blue cheese and Delicious Seed’s Cheese candy which has been my favorite cheese to date. The taste and smell of that stuff blew my mind when i tried it. After that im popping some Cheese dipz and blockbuster from London city genetics. Alfie seems like a super cool dude and hooked me up so thats already a plus one in my book.


I think they were legit. Mine were all uniform and had the cheesy/ fruity smells


i forget the story but CSI’s cut is literally the first documented/online cut of Cheese coming to North America. He’s been holding it since like the early 2000’s.


that is the one…thanks for sourcing. claims are just claims sometimes.


Thread title makes me hungry.
What you got? some cheddar?


Consensus is CSI is verified UK cheese cut or no??

Looking for the cheese you need a ziplock
in a ziplock
In a brown bag
In another brown bag
in a gym bag with a rotting sandwich
And still can smell from a mile away.
Iykyk … yk?


Is it true, the Original Cheese, wont do- S1s???

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I don’t believe that you can’t make seeds every plant has the genetics to make seeds. I have an old pack flying Dutchman’s skunk classic fems. I might try and see if they will germ after some things but heard it has a nice cheesy thing.


verified by who is the better question lol

EU cheese fanatics say everything is fake lol

people used to think Triangle Kush wasn’t reversible either and he selfed that one too by using cobalt chloride.


Tbh, I’ve grow cheese over many years and from different breeders. All the seeds coming from UK Cheese lines have not been the real cheese, my best guess is that it’s hybrids that they pass as cheese. The real cheese is from Exodus only… Exodus is 100% deep cheese that instantly stinks out a whole apartment with cheese. No fruitiness, no funkyness, no sweetness. Pure cheddar cheese, best way to describe it is deep strong Cheetos. You almost taste it, just by smelling it.

I really really like CSI, but I’ve never seen a European who knows cheese give his UK Cheese S1s a shout out and when I did my huge order from him, I deliberately left the cheese out, just because he called it UK Cheese. Nothing real/amazing is ever called UK Cheese.

So Americans, search for EXODUS ONLY! Never be satisfied with “UK Cheese”, that’s a term coined by non UK people who want to get in on the action.

Think of it this way, this is like if people in Spain would talk about Sour… :thinking:

Pz :v:t2:



Please see icmag forum, Exodus Cheese stink a lot but is a watered down version compared with Brighside cheese.

The legend of the Exodus free party team is true.

But the Brighside cheese is real too.

And FYI Big Buddha (RIP) worked with the UK cheese, and it’s other different cut

Now seeds :

  • greenhouse seeds have a exodus cut S1 with good reputation. She was difficult to reverse but they succeed (god bless you Franco, RIP)
  • barney’s farm have triple cheese :cheese: that seems to be interesting backcross
  • freedom of cheese backcrossed cheese
  • I’m trying OSG cheese because I heard good things about her
  • kaliman isn’t closed since long time ? Isn’t he English ? So who is this guy in strainly ? (Rockstar cheese had better reputation than cheese bx4)
  • Humboldt CSI maybe