Cheese question?

Dude I told you from the get go
don’t complicate it
and call it Cheese

Or at least consider it :laughing:

“UGORG#1” is a exodus cheese x blues bx2- mating, made by underground originals in UK.
(it was inspired by silas’ mating with he same formula, but a different male = different results.
they made two versions over time, both same as good.)

“Blues” is a clone only from UK = cheese x blueberry.
even tho, today people claim it to be a pure skunk, it’s not.
(and there’s also a seedline called that which is underground
originals bx2 of that bridged via blueberry.)

“exodus” is the collective the skunk #1-cut was shared from.
hence the name “exodus cheese”, the exodus is the one and
only original clone, but genetic drift made her pale out against
many of the bx’s and crosses that are around today.

“lost skunk” is a seedline made by silas in UK, which was the inspiration
for underground originals to re-make it and sell it … (which means: calling
a “ugorg#1” → “lost skunk” would be not correct!! :wink: )


those early pics look quite nice, but there’s no way in hell anyone could
seriously tell one or both or none are the original, lol … growing them out
and checking for the common markers would be the only way, imho.

the dark green i see and the thin leafs and mini-plant for her age = all great
markers already (but many of the bx’s and crosses also show the same, so
it’s a gamble at this point.)

i’ll send the suicide cheese soon to @j0ebob and @Zanzibar, maybe they
can hit you with her (and vice versa?) so all of you can compare what you got
and keep what you like best to work with.

please pool your wealth and cooperate, everyone !!
(b-cuz competition is just commercial bs/boring :wink: )


nope it would be bx2 as the “ugorg#1” is already a bx1 to the exo (cuz “blues/livers”-clone
is cheese/bb) … if i was JAWS i’d start with all those underground original packs and work
from there, because “skunk #1” would be all over the place and not necessarily “cheesy”.

anyways, haha … i am no expert, just an observer.


another “cheese” … how would that not be complicating? :grin:

JAWS should call her “jaws cheese” or so to differenciate
her from the already HUGE babeltower-mess it is, imho :slight_smile:


“ CHAWS “ for the win
: )
Where do I go to collect my prize ?




Replied wrong person how do u edit that?
Same quest as op when i have space end of year.

This thread is so cheesy :cheese: :grinning:
I remember walking towards st marks pl manhattan where all the weirdos convene (the irony is the joke) and i smelled my 1st cheese strain. I never had a cheesy strain :frowning: just chronic n sour d back in the early 2000s
Just remembered i owe my friend recyoself a grow. Lost touch and came back noticed this maybe i can find a cheese from 10 fems?


Ffs lol …… just messin
: )

Since I’m here
“ PONG “ that sounds cheesy


Thanks i did find one from google and from 4 polyhybrids he chose to keep he smoke this one the most. Susie Creamcheese F1 (Cheeselicious x Strawberry Starburst) 10 Regular Seeds - DCSE
Looks n sounds yummy to me


I think more that if the common interest isn’t ignored and fed with good food, there is no bullshit or commercial animations possible.

Marketing isn’t competition, it’s the strict reverse : it’s how to dodge it.

For the clones it’s two skunks. Now to recognize the exodus at this stage, the eyes are totally useless.
A (past or present) holder of the cut need to smell the clones to recognize the Cheese. Just like a SD, a SPG … most of true elite cuts have a strong olfactive signature even wounded.

If Jaws tempt to write an exhaustive description of what he smell and perceive, i can try to dial the scents description. But it’s totally crazy ^^ So it’s kewl lol