Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

Awesome advice as always brother!


Dr. Shevchenko dropping the knowledge! Cannabis genius


another update!

CQSM x D95 girls transplanted and cut using the Maine Linning technique
I don’t usually do this, as this technique makes the growing season a little longer, and it’s not convenient to work with clones.
however, it’s in my hands right now as the bloom tents are busy and will be for quite a while.

the boys were planned to destroy all, but now left two of the six.
they are the late ones (although you know my attitude to this selection criterion) and the smelliest.
however, the main indicator was the structure, the short distances between the floors, and the fan leaves are rounded, as in D95 #1 (boy) #7.

Next about D95#7 x D95 big (f2)
as I already wrote, plants develop more slowly, some lag behind.
I noticed that the root system in them is quite weak, I associate it with the soil… even more precisely with dolomite (bone) flour.
I added it to the soil (now it is not possible to buy permanent soil of proper quality) and could give extra… the result is an increased level of Ph, Ca and Mg, which in turn leads to blocks of other elements (see the table of antagonists - synergists).
transplanting to another soil should correct the situation in a few weeks.

in round pots, in a circle… without trimming, so that changes and reactions can be seen.

clone tent

the sick plant on the left is D95#3, I associate the problem with the same mistakes in the soil that I wrote about above…
I don’t plan to take daily actions, I’m sure that the plant will reach its logical conclusion… if not, I’ll take it out and make cookies from it!
the tent is overcrowded, I will stretch the branches of other plants in its place.

another awning (where the little ones stood)
two plants older plants D95# 3/7
two young plants - SRDD, Field Trip
they were very stretched and barely fit in the tent, later I will cut off all the excess and shape the plants into their final shape.

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Some photos with outdoor


It was an experiment with the rapid flowering of the C99 variety …
This year, in my area, an abnormally dry and warm autumn.
Even with such weather, the C99 will not have time to ripe by 100%, the temperature has already occurred, fog began … At the end of the week the night temperature will drop to almost 0 degrees Celsius.
So the plants will stand for about 10 days and then dry.

Golosa EV

Despite the “Early Version” console, this variety blooms like a photoperiod (early September at my latitude) and does not have time to finish maturation. I would not advise it as early for the northern latitudes.

Caramelo EV x WW xxl auto

already ready, the other day for drying

clones of three female plants were planted outdoors
it is impossible to draw a conclusion about the flowering period, but I want to look at their resistance to mold, frost, and rain. will stand until they die from the weather.

Palm Gold Outdoor
with this cross, dozens of cycles have been carried out, so I am not interested in the flowering period, I already know it, but there is some variation in the potency of the plants, the photo shows clones from two plants (#1 and a mutant), I want to look at them outdoors and make conclusions
will stand like Friesland to the last

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Very nice plants my friend :upside_down_face:


My friend, I hope you do not mind if I answer your question from your personal message, in this topic.
Maybe my answer to your question will be useful to someone else.

C99 is the last variety that I would advise to grow outdoor.
This variety has zero resistance to mold, sometimes it seems that it is attracting mold on the contrary.
One of the 9 clones of different varieties in the tent can thread mold and this is C99 … This conclusion concerns the variety as a whole, not a particular plant.
In the spring, I had 4 girls and a boy, the mother plants went through several cycles, and the problem applies to everyone without exception. So I decided to get rid of two girls and planted them Outdoor. It is their photo in the previous post.
I have two girls and a boy, for crosses, but I do not interest I C99.

If you are interested in C99 for growing in Outdoor - I have some crosses from C99, which in my humble opinion will be much more interesting for the street.

  • Polm Gold Outdoor X C99
  • Pgo/C99 X Friesland
  • C99 X Friesland

I also have other crosses with C99, but they are not adapted to the street and bloom very late, they will not fit the northern latitudes either
There is

  • C99 X Cherry Queen
  • C99 X D95
    Maybe some more, but I will not remember, you need to watch the records.

If you are interested in - write me in PM

In this post, the latest photos of C99 from seeds, and some without the tops (cut off from mold).


Female seeds have a Grapefruit for Outdoor that is pretty good

It’s a C99 grapefruit pheno reworked

Fastbuds made a cinderella auto that is pretty good too

Hope it can help you, C99 is very good strain but not for outdoor as you said


Awesome brother! Always love watching you work , learn something EVERYTIME. This has quickly become on of my favourite threads by far


i remember Grapefruit Outdoor by femali!
i even checked the vault, i still have my own crosses with him, i had Passion#1 as a father

I have grown many seeds from Female seeds.
around 2015 “Female” was one of the few seed companies available in my area.
in the absence of choice, I tried most crosses for outdoor
Easy Sativa, Grapefruit, Maroc, Lemon Kush, Purple Maroc

if I’m not mistaken, Outdoor Grapefruit is c99 x easy sativa
it has a slightly lighter effect than pure c99


Yes you are right, outdoor grapefruit is grapefruit x easy sativa

Please, you prefer C99 from Brother Grimm or Female Seeds ?


It is difficult for me to be objective - I do not like sativits at all.
However, if I had to choose I would prefer Brother Grimm in Indor
And for Outdoor I would not plant C99 (concerns my latitude and climate).




Today has harvested Caramelo EV X ww xxl auto

Special Friesland by number 2
The fastest rooted, grows most actively, in Outdoor also formed a good circle on a thick trunk …


Awesome! I can smell those d95 from here! And that Friesland is Damn gorgeous! Well done as always :ukraine: brother.


you sure wouldn’t like what your nose felt…
they are starting to stink again…


Yesssss! Exactly what I wanted to hear !


Face off bx2 x Sour OG (Cali Connection)
Always olive, it seemed to me that it was hungry.
Then he realized that this was a feature.

Space Monkey
It has been over for a long time …
I already missed her calm and strong High, soon the stocks will be replenished …


Two sisters but what are different …
#3 (right) which i conditionally call “og feno” smells of classic d
Unpleasant odor from about 8 weeks so strong that my friend believed that this cat in the tent went to the toilet …
#7 (on the left) has an additional odor of some notes or citrus or some fruits, so it looks like the smell of a freshener in a football locker room.

Today finished work with the latest seeds Friesland
I am puzzled because the seeds that were dusty earlier for a week - lighter, and what was less time is darker …

Princess fat :rofl:
In other words C99 Macro


beautiful work my brother !! :fire:


Cat in the tent,:smile_cat::smile_cat:
Nice stuff as always bro.


Beautiful trichomes


Awesome work! That is very strange about the seeds…. :thinking: